Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Practicing Beethoven – Fur Elise on Acoustic Guitar

I was busy practicing a song  today ( Fur Elise ) when Leila Tried to sneak up on me and record me whilst me being unaware. Unfortunately for her she did not go unnoticed. But I did do a rare thing and let her record me while I practice ( Video Attached below) which brought up a point.

I started to learn this song yesterday and when it comes to learning new songs I tend to not want people to hear it unless I can play it fluently. So in the practice stage I definitely don’t want someone to record me and the reason for that is simple – it sounds bad lol. I just started learning this so it’s not going to be perfect and there will be many mistakes and when I play for others and there are mistakes it’s a self-judgment point, but that is part of this whole process in music. When you first learn something new you are not going to be good at it at first – there will be mistakes and it takes practice to get it right.

It is this part of music that people do not see often – when you go look at some professional musician playing a song you don’t really realize what it took for the person to be able to play that well. It’s loooooong hours of mistakes, repetition, consistency and endurance. What we see when we watch these pro’s is the end result. They don’t show the road that got them there. For me it would be cool to see that process, but in the music world of professionalism and perfection you tend to only see the end result.

So sure it’s not very good right now, but with practice, eventually, I will be able to play it well. And so, for your listening and viewing pleasure I present to you the process of making mistakes:

Friday, 30 October 2015

Day 324: Complaining can be good for you

The thing about complaining is that it’s sooooo easy. Anybody can do it. We have all done it, looked at problems in our lives and complained about it, knowing full well that complaining about something is utterly useless.

So how  then can complaining be good for you?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Why do we Get Overwhelmed?

We have those moments when things seem to feel like it’s too much. Like we cannot possibly handle it anymore. Why does this happen and where does it come from, how do we create it and is there a
way we can Strop it?

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Day 316 - How to survive a disaster:

 What do you do when all hell breaks loose? If you ever find yourself in the middle of a natural disaster you will most likely be in a state of panic and be driven by fear and self-preservation even if that means at the cost of other people’s lives. The Question is if there is anything you can do to prevent yourself from being taken over by your fears? 

Learn how to keep a level head and be self-directive so that you remain stable no matter what you face at

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Day 308 -What Sets you Off?

Ever had that single event that set you off? And then afterwards you asked yourself where all that anger and rage came from? Or even that one moment that where you became overwhelmed by stress? How does all that happen?

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Back to Basics With Living Income Guaranteed

Its not so difficult to understand that Humans need water and food in order to live - but why are those not Human Rights?

Friday, 20 February 2015

How The Living Income Guaranteed can drastically decrease Mental Illness


images A recent study revealed that poverty and unemployment are linked to metal illness and depression. It turns out that people who don’t have enough money to live are more likely to be depressed and suicidal.

Its shows that nearly 1 in 5 of Adult Americans experienced mental illness in 2013. The main purpose of this study was to show just how many people are not currently being treated for mental illness – however it does not give actual solutions to the cause of the mental illness in the first place.

What we are dealing with here is a typical Band-Aid solution. By giving people who are depressed drugs is not a permanent solution. What we need to do here is stop the problem at the source – and from the study one of the main causes of why so many people struggle with mental illness is because of the lack of money.

And it makes perfect sense – We need money to survive in this world. When you are unemployed and living in poverty not being able to provide for yourself or your family can result in you becoming depressed. Its horrid to live in such conditions – and to give these people drugs to take away the depression will not solve the problem at hand. So what will?

By taking these people out of poverty will drastically improve their current living condition. If you do not have to worry about going hungry or not finding a place to sleep you can actually start living and stop just surviving. With the Implementation of the Living Income Guaranteed we can remove poverty and homelessness and with it drastically decrease mental illness. That would be stopping the problem at its source – by providing a permanent solution.

Below are some points explaining parts of the study :

In November of 2014, the U.S. government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) issued a press release titled “Nearly One in Five Adult Americans Experienced Mental Illness in 2013.” This brief press release provides a snapshot of the number of Americans who are suicidal, depressed, and mentally ill, and it bemoans how many Americans are not in treatment. However, excluded from SAMHSA’s press release—yet included in the lengthy results of SAMHSA’s national survey—are economic, age, gender, and other demographic correlates of serious mental illness, depression, and suicidality (serious suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts). It is these demographic correlates that have political implications.

Also, the survey results provide extensive evidence that unemployment and poverty are highly associated with suicidality, depression, and serious mental illness.

These lengthy results, for example, include extensive evidence that involvement in the criminal justice system (such as being on parole or probation) is highly correlated with suicidality, depression, and serious mental illness. Yet Americans are not told that preventing unnecessary involvement with the criminal justice system—for example, marijuana legalization and drug use decriminalization—could well prove to be a more powerful antidote to suicidality, depression, and serious mental illness than medical treatment. -

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Day 268 - Are Fireworks Really worth All of this:


Statistics from the RSPCA* show that, in addition to the huge number of pets given sedatives to control their fear of firework bangs and flashes across England and Wales, every year up to 5,000 pets are treated for firework-related injuries. - See more at:,-remember,-your-pets-this-november/PR100011/#sthash.rONNSgo7.dpuf

  • In 2011, fireworks caused an estimated 17,800 reported fires, including 1,200 total structure fires, 400 vehicle fires, and 16,300 outside and other fires. These fires resulted in an estimated eight reported civilian deaths, 40 civilian injuries and $32 million in direct property damage.
  • In 2012, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 8,700 people for fireworks related injuries; 55% of 2012 emergency room fireworks-related injuries were to the extremities and 31% were to the head.
  • The risk of fireworks injury was highest for young people ages 15-24, followed by children under 10.
  • On Independence Day in a typical year, far more U.S. fires are reported than on any other day, and fireworks account for two out of five of those fires, more than any other cause of fires.

indexWhen I was a kid I absolutely loved fireworks. Load bangs and rockets and different colors – what kid wouldn’t like to set off some fireworks? I was never allowed to light them without supervision and on the rare occasions that we did light them we had to do it in an open field far away from animals. Looking back at it now, even though we did it far away from houses, it would still have been load for animals.

This did not go on for too long, eventually the danger of fireworks became clear and my parents chose to not do it anymore. This was the right thing to do and still is.

Currently I live in an environment where there are lots of different animals ranging from dogs and cats to various other wildlife, and fireworks would be absolutely devastating to these animals. So even though It would be cool and fun to set some off I simply cannot, because we have to consider those we share this living space with.

In the Cities this is a big problem for animal lovers. When the fireworks go off the pets are terrified. I have seen and heard horrific stories of pets running away never to return. Some pets actually run through glass doors or get stuck trying to push through fences. Some even rip their nails off trying to get away by digging through concrete.

Horror stories aside, we should all consider whether it’s worth it to light fireworks for the sake of personal enjoyment when it has such unfortunate consequences. Maybe it would be better to have a designated area where there are no animals around where people can go light fireworks – that would be far more beneficial than having these poor animals in terror in the festive seasons.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Day 266: How to stick to this New Year’s Resolutions



index It's that time of years again and many are in the tradition to every New Year write down things they would like to change about themselves and many don't manage to actually stick to them. Some would like to kick habits like smoking or biting nails, other might want to quit drinking or simply become a better person, maybe not be so angry or sad or stubborn.

Unfortunately it is not so easy to change oneself. It is very easy to say you are going to do it, but when it comes right to it – more often than not – we fall back into our same old patterns. That is what it actually is – patterns and behaviors that we created over time and seem to be stuck in it.

When changing something like for example biting nails – there is usually a reason why you started biting nails in the first place. You could be an anxious person and whenever the anxiety comes up you bite nails. So it’s important to first find the reason for the anxiety or frustration in order to stop the nail biting. We need to find the source of these habits and patterns we would like to change.

Once the source is found the next step is self –discipline and commitment. This is where most fall, because to stop a habit or pattern is not an easy thing, but if you are committed and have self-discipline to do what you said you will then you will be able to stick to the New Year’s resolutions you created.

Thing that come up while stopping habits is all kind of excuses and justifications – you will subconsciously try every sneaky thing to go back to the habit and not stick to stopping it. A cool way to look at this is when you make the decision to stop a habit – everything that comes up after you made the choice that will make you “fall of the wagon is simply an excuse or a justification. It could be a thought or a feeling and would make so much sense, but all it is is a trap.

To recap as to what you will require to actually sticking to your New year’s resolutions:

1. Make a list and make sure its practical.

2. Make the Decision and stand by it.

3. Find the source of the problem.

4. Don’t give into the thoughts and feelings that will make you go back to the habit.

5. Don’t give into the excuses and justifications.

6. Be self-disciplined and committed.

The best thing to do is not wait for every new year before making changes, but to realize that change can be made in every moment. For more info on changing self go here.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Day 258: Life lessons through Music – Specificity



pains Lately I have started practicing piano and currently I am working on a classical song that is very difficult for me. The thing about playing piano or any instrument is that to be good at it you need to be very specific in terms on finger placement, finger speed and velocity. If you are not specific in it you are going to make mistakes and play the music wrong.

What I do is learn the song one section at a time – once I am able to play it without mistakes I move on to the next section. Now, there are many sections in this song and what I found was that as I progressed I tended to rush through the sections. There are a few sections where I always make mistakes at the exact same place every time I play the song through.

This got very frustrating, but I finally realized why. When I first learnt and played those sections and when I first made the mistakes – I did not stop to correct them effectively. I kind of just skipped it because it’s such a small point I rather want to get on with the next section so that I can learn the whole song. Now what has happened is that I formed a habit and that mistake is actually now part of how I play the song. All because I did not stop and correct it the moment I made the mistake – I was not specific enough the first time I played it. Now I have to unlearn the mistake by repeatedly playing it correctly over and over until it sinks in.

And this basically related to life as well. We go through life and we make mistakes along the way. We learn how to deal with events in our lives and how to deal with things. For example as a kid somebody said something nasty to me and I took it personally and became angry – From that moment whenever a similar events plays out I do the exact same thing, because when it first happened I did not stop for a moment to realize that taking things personally is not necessary – I am the one who creates the reaction within me.

sdghsdghgesThere are so many examples of how we all made mistakes in life and never really learned from them, but instead created a habit to repeat those mistakes and that has become part of who we are. And to change that behavior requires us to consistently and repeatedly correct it whenever it comes up. For example with me and taking this personally – whenever I took something personally I to stopped and breathed and let go of the anger and reaction. Eventually over time this behavior faded away – I had to unlearn it.

Sure it would have been easier to stop the behavior as soon as it happened, but we are not taught or shown how to respond practically and effectively to situations in life.

A new Website opened where you can find video recordings all about supporting you in your life’s journey.  The video you’ll find there deal with everyday problems that you may be facing at the moment, that you have experienced in the past or that you may run into in the future. They offer insights based on common sense and solutions that you can apply in your life instantly. go here to find out more: Self and Living

Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Sims 4: Best way to make lots of money Fast





                                               Cow plant is fun - and dangerous...

One of the first things you will notice while playing  Sims 4  is that making money is more difficult than it was in the Sims 3. But I have found a method where my Sims don't have to work, don't have to paint, don't have to license songs or books . They both just live on interest earned.

Below I will show you how to make over 60 000 simoleons per week by doing nothing (no cheats).

Currently My Sims - the mother and father - are making over 70 000 a week. They do not have jobs - I quit them. This is done by taking advantage of the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration where your Sims gets money every week based on your household funds.


STEP 1 - Making a fortune with Gardening:


        Here is what a spliced Tomato and UFO plant looks like - the real money maker


Before you start selling your harvest make sure you select the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration, because this will help you complete it.

The first thing we need to do is accumulate money - the more money you have the more you will make every week. The best and fastest method is by doing gardening(yup). Get a few grape trees growing and tend to them once a day - get them to prefect grape trees , because that increases the value for the fruit. You will want to get your Sim to max out the gardening skill - this will make things easier, but you need the grafting ability which unlocks at level 7.

Perfect Grapes sell for 33 each. Each tree gives maximum 10 grapes. Its takes about 2 to 3 days for the grapes to be ready for harvesting so you are looking at making over 30 000 a week if you have 40 grape trees. It takes time to tend to so many so I recommend your Sim quit his/her job. Another advantage to having so many is that it will improve the skill faster.

The real money maker  is the U.F.O plant. It sells for 120 each. The only problem is that it takes a long time before you can harvest it. A way around this is to splice a UFO cutting onto a tomato tree - the tomato tree can be harvested daily. By splicing the two you will be able to harvest the trees almost daily. When you have about 20 of these perfect tomato/UFO trees you are looking at making over 20 000 PER DAY selling the harvest. You will want to keep doing this until you have about 500 000 household funds. The more money you have the more you will make every week.

STEP 2 - Sit back and do whatever

Interest earned Sims 4

               Above you can see ( print is small, sorry) my guy earned 38 000 this week.

Once your Sim has completed the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration get your second Sim ( husband or wife or whoever living with you) to Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration as well . What you can do is let this Sim harvest and sell the fruit to be able to complete the aspiration. Once you are satisfied with the amount you are making every week from investments go to build mode and place all the trees in your inventory - this will store the trees if you want to use them again in the future. When you have about 800 000 total your Sims combined will be making 76 000  per week - by doing nothing - leaving you time to do other things.


For more info on how to improve your life if you are struggling with real life moodlets take a look around here

Friday, 21 November 2014

Day 254 -What behavior do you dislike about yourself? How can you change that?



imaegges I found myself in a particular pattern I did not take note of before. What kind of behavior do you go into when you have a task to complete but very limited time? The particular task you are working on you have no idea how to do so first you have to research it and test it out before you can finish it. With me what comes up is stress and frustration and then generally very unpleasant to be around with.

The thing is that it does not have to be this way. Reacting towards events in your life like I did is not supportive and it’s unnecessary. Sure when you run out of time and see you cannot finish the task in time you generally have stress, but when you look at the whole situation the stress does not contribute to anything. It does not make the time go slower and it does not magically make everything work out so that you can do the tasks. All it does is leave you feeling like shit.

The fact is that regardless of how I feel about it – the end result is the same. There was simply not enough time to finish the task and looking back I did the best I could and that is all there is to it. I cannot change the time flow, I cannot make time go slower – so what is really the point of going into stress and frustration? If anything what it does is cloud your judgment making you ineffective, because you are reacting to a situation instead of directing it.

What I have found is that it’s a pattern I have a created, almost like a habit. Whenever this happens then that happens. If I am in a situation of needing a task completed with not enough time means I must go into stress and frustration. So what I have done now is worked in stopping that pattern: When I find myself in a situation where there is limited time to do a certain task – I stop the reaction. I stop the frustration and stress and breath and be here in the moment.

This tool can be applied in many situations in life. If you have a pattern/habit that you would like to stop you need to write a new script for yourself that you can replace the current behavior. If you do not change the pattern then it will simply continue for the rest of your life – I Do no not want to live with this particular pattern anymore so I choose to stop it.

Have a look in your life and see where you live out patterns/habits/behaviors and know that you do have the power to stop and change yourself.