Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Friday, 6 February 2015

What would Heaven be like exactly? Hell? Can I take my smart phone with me?


ac4ce74b0d3b7e47b2cd621f7f29f6f4 Not much is known about heaven. In the bible there are few references of how heaven would be like. Would I be able to play Clash of clans in heaven? Watch the big bang theory? Watch the new season of the Walking dead? Have sex with my partner? Play the latest Games? Watch Sports? What we do know from the bible is the well-known pearly gates and the streets of gold:

And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.” (Revelation 21)

Basically allot of precious expensive stones and gold decorating the place, but in a world where wealth is of no issue much of these precious stones are pretty useless other than being pretty eye candy to look at for an eternity. Also it said that people will keep their current bodies, there will be no hunger or need to sleep and no pain and suffering. What exactly do you do all day?

For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them (Revelation 7:15)

It is difficult to grasp just how long an eternity is. It’s forever and ever. It doesn’t end. Look at our lives now, we have computers and games, we have phones and apps, we take photos and share them with others – Heavens seems void of all modern technologies and is filled with stuff that seemed very desirable in the old age where gold and stones were wealth sought after. Could you image living eternity without your phone, electricity and spending all that time praising God?

Sleep is a very nice thing and an enjoyable experience especially when you are tired. Sex is also an amazing thing, but there will be none of that in Heaven. There will be eating and great feasts, not sure where the food will come from in terms of slaughter and grow houses, but I think it will just manifest ( God is Almighty After all)at least we will have that.

Personally for me this would be Hell – walking through golden streets and praising God for most of my time. I think the only reason why heaven is the place people want to be is because burning in Hell for an eternity is the only alternate. So yes Humans were given free will, but if someone holds a gun to your head and tells you that you have 2 choices: 1. Give me everything OR 2. I shoot you – Then you don’t really have a choice…

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Day 258: Life lessons through Music – Specificity



pains Lately I have started practicing piano and currently I am working on a classical song that is very difficult for me. The thing about playing piano or any instrument is that to be good at it you need to be very specific in terms on finger placement, finger speed and velocity. If you are not specific in it you are going to make mistakes and play the music wrong.

What I do is learn the song one section at a time – once I am able to play it without mistakes I move on to the next section. Now, there are many sections in this song and what I found was that as I progressed I tended to rush through the sections. There are a few sections where I always make mistakes at the exact same place every time I play the song through.

This got very frustrating, but I finally realized why. When I first learnt and played those sections and when I first made the mistakes – I did not stop to correct them effectively. I kind of just skipped it because it’s such a small point I rather want to get on with the next section so that I can learn the whole song. Now what has happened is that I formed a habit and that mistake is actually now part of how I play the song. All because I did not stop and correct it the moment I made the mistake – I was not specific enough the first time I played it. Now I have to unlearn the mistake by repeatedly playing it correctly over and over until it sinks in.

And this basically related to life as well. We go through life and we make mistakes along the way. We learn how to deal with events in our lives and how to deal with things. For example as a kid somebody said something nasty to me and I took it personally and became angry – From that moment whenever a similar events plays out I do the exact same thing, because when it first happened I did not stop for a moment to realize that taking things personally is not necessary – I am the one who creates the reaction within me.

sdghsdghgesThere are so many examples of how we all made mistakes in life and never really learned from them, but instead created a habit to repeat those mistakes and that has become part of who we are. And to change that behavior requires us to consistently and repeatedly correct it whenever it comes up. For example with me and taking this personally – whenever I took something personally I to stopped and breathed and let go of the anger and reaction. Eventually over time this behavior faded away – I had to unlearn it.

Sure it would have been easier to stop the behavior as soon as it happened, but we are not taught or shown how to respond practically and effectively to situations in life.

A new Website opened where you can find video recordings all about supporting you in your life’s journey.  The video you’ll find there deal with everyday problems that you may be facing at the moment, that you have experienced in the past or that you may run into in the future. They offer insights based on common sense and solutions that you can apply in your life instantly. go here to find out more: Self and Living

Monday, 26 May 2014

90% Of People Cannot Comprehend this – Can You?



warning A very subtle yet frightening thing has been happening over the last few years and very few people can see this happening. It can be compared to the old scenario of the frog being boiled alive – as long as the temperature increases slowly the frog won’t jump out of the water. The thing is that very few people can actually comprehend what they read. There is a major problem with people’s ability to effectively comprehend what they read. Now some reading this might not see this as a big issue, but the inability to comprehend information has a big impact on your life. It is simple; if you cannot comprehend what you read then information is basically useless. Words become useless. Education becomes useless.

How did this happen?

People simply do not read anymore. Now reading is not just looking at the words, but to comprehend what is written. We are all used to things like twitter – we want our news in less than 140 characters. We do not want to read allot to gather information. Seriously have

images We rely on images to make things more interesting to read. With visual technology progressing we have HD TV, HD movies, Blue Ray and all that in 3D even. We have all that on our cellphones. And then there is Photoshop. With all this at our disposal reading plain text seems trivial and boring. No wonder kids are having “learning difficulties” in school.

The world of entertainment is overtaking the world of proper education. Our technologies are getting smarter while we ourselves are getting dumbed down. I don’t even want to think how children will be in school in a few years from now. Education is bad now, imagine what it would be like in a few years.

We will have a world filled with incomprehensive people. Funny enough – people lacking comprehension are more easily manipulated and deceived. And when the only preferred source of information is watching TV – then TV becomes GOD.

We need to all take a step back and see what is happening here. We need to understand that words are the most important thing in this life – and the ability to read the words and understand the words and comprehend the words is also extremely important. Real power is reading and comprehension so it is up to us to make sure that those skills are perfected.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

What is Strength Really?


Strength and Weakness - Here I am going to look at the definitions of the words strength and weakness, how I defined the words in the past and how I redefined them for myself now

Here I will start with how I looked at strength/weakness in school:

In school, strength and weakness played a role. In sports you want to be strong to be a good player - make the team to show your friends and the girls how strong you are. If you don't make the team, you are weak. I was never a sports fan and neither were my friends. I was a surfer and skateboarder and we used to make fun of the ''jocks'' taking sports so seriously, but most of these jocks were friends as well.power

Strength was ego. Strength was muscles. Strength was not crying.  Bullies showed their strength by picking on the weak. Strength was competition to always be better than others. Strength was being a rebel and breaking the rules. Weakness was being beaten by bullies. Weakness was being the silent type. Weakness was being the weirdo, the geek, the loser, the ugly and the guy who never managed to get a girl. Weakness was not ''going with the flow'' and not doing what everybody else was doing. Weakness was being smart. Strength was good - Weakness was bad.

I was neither strong or weak in school, but could see how important it was in terms of being accepted or rejected. To sum it up - Strength and weakness had a lot to do with outer appearances and how you ''acted'' /behaved and interacted within your social environment. So, strength and weakness did not only go to physical appearance/muscle, but also extending to personality/characteristics/behavior and one’s position/place within the social networks/environments.

Now, here are some relationships between strength and weakness when having a look at human nature:

Now let’s look at it from a global scale. Strength Is Military - countries flexing their military muscles, physically and through machinery/systems/weapons to show they are better - competition. Just like in school where strength is muscles and the machinery/artillery/weapons are what characteristics/personality traits/behaviors can be used to ‘show off’ ‘strength’ on a ‘mental level’. Thus participating in this idea we accept and allow war to exist even within ourselves, in our ‘small worlds’, from childhood. For example: Weakness is seen to be 3rd World Countries along with the poor. We accept and allow poverty to exist, because we would rather flex military muscle / money and not risk our economy - than aiding the poor to eradicate poverty - otherwise we risk being equal, where strength and weakness does not exist: As in, “I can’t be strong unless others are weak, so therefore – I will keep the weak in their place, so that I can remain in my definition of strong”. Like in school where you would rather beat and pick on the "weaklings" instead of assisting and supporting them, and by doing this in the ‘small worlds’ - you accept and allow it to exist in the ‘big world’ where the strong prey on the weak, where the rich prey on the poor, and so we in the small and the big accept and allow the consequence of the polarity of strength and weakness, of poverty and the rich. Because, for the ‘strong to exist’, the ‘weak must exist’ – and so therefore, we will not change because of that definition of who we are in/as the illusion, idea, perception and belief of what it means to be ‘strong’. So, as children – we ‘prey’ on the weak, as grown-ups – we ‘prey’ on the weak; it’s an inherent accepted and allowed nature within us humans, where you’re stuck in either the strong/weak polarity and/or on the ‘outside’, mentally, physically or because of your life/living conditions. Why are we individually and collectively accepting and allowing such a polarity to exist within us? Why have we not considered equality, assistance, support?

Fast forward a few years with me starting with the Desteni process and me being on the farm. Everything I have learnt about strength and weakness throughout my life was not real - it is all just an act - a means to fit in and a means of survival to always be the best. ''The Strong will prosper and the weak will perish'' - so we beat on the weak so that we look stronger and better.

Strength - what is it really? Here is how I see strength now:

Strength is me - I am strength. It is not something outside myself like muscles or acting - It is who I am as a presence, as a ‘way of being/living’. In this, this self-strength is not defined by/through being attached to a polarity of weak/weakness, meaning there isn’t something/someone in my outside world that I use/abuse to make me feel strong/superior. Strength is/should be a living expression, a stand of character, a stability of presence. Meaning, it is a form of stability and self-trust that no matter what you face in life there is a knowing and certainty that you are able to walk through it. Strength is being consistent. Strength is walking through resistance you experience inside yourself and push through and always be self-directed. Strength is to not accept and allow your actions and who you are to harm another being. Strength is to become the change you want to see in this world.

Weakness Is a gift - whenever I fall on a point it is not a point of judgement saying I'm too weak for this'', but rather it shows where I am not yet effective. My own personal Life Trainer/Buddy that reveals where I require some direction.

I will continue in the next post expanding more on strength to give some practical examples of how I have come to redefine strength for me

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Day 47 - Suffering exist if postponement exist


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create the postponement character to suit my own needs

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to out of my resistance create this character as an excuse not to do something

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by this character that it controls me in delaying what im doing

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to allow the resistance within myself to direct me and who i am by postponing that which is important

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that postponing tasks will only affect me and nobody else

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that what i am doing is taking  self responsibility so that suffering and abuse can end and that cant end if i postpone

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that if i postpone standing for life then all the suffering and abuse that exist today will exist for longer

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see that the decision i make to postpone I accept the suffering and and abuse in the world

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to take self responsibility and stop postponement and in that stop the suffering and abuse in this world

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to delete this character that allows the suffering to continue just because i face resistance and not allowing myself to push through the resistance

I commit myself to delete the character of postponement

I commit myself to stop using the ''ill do it some other time excuse''

I commit myself to do what i set out to do no matter what

I commit myself to take self responsibility by stopping delaying standing for life - because the longer i wait the longer the suffering and abuse exist

I commit myself to rather choose not to accept the abuse of this world by choosing not to postpone myself to become effective in changing it

I commit myself to stop being directed by thoughts feelings and emotions but to self directive in doing what needs to be done

I commit myself to realize that if i do nothing then nothing will happen so its up to me to go through the process of actual change - because if i change then the world changes

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Journey to Life Day 27 - Fear of those close to me Dying


I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear those close to me dying

I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in this fear not wanfearofdeath ting to get close to others - because I don't want to face the pain of them leaving.

I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let past experiences of death affect me and to hold on to it throughout my life

I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to close myself up and limit myself to make sure I don't get close to anybody, but to keep them at a distance and push away and also suppress myself to make sure that when they die I wont feel pain

I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become overwhelmed with sadness when I think of what will happen if somebody dies that's close to me - in that further suppress myself and push those away so that I don't  have to face the pain.

I Forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to to stop the thoughts of those close to me dying - not realizing that I am reliving my past experiences of death and pain over and over and not letting go

I Forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that to live life in fear of death I am in fact fearing to live life - not wanting to take changes and playing it safe. This is not living life free but living in constant fear. I Forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that i am being selfish only thinking of myself - because in my fear of others dying and not wanting to get close i deny them any support from me. In this fear of death I limit myself and will never be effective in supporting others

I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to  define myself by this fear of death and to believe that is who I am and that it will forever scar me for life and be a part of me.

I Forgive myself that I have not yet accepted and allowed myself to let go of the past and move on and allow the past to affect my present and future.

I commit myself to stop thinking about others dying and reliving the pain

I commit myself to stop allowing  past experiences to dictate my life

I commit myself to let go of the past and to not let fear keep me from getting to know others

I commit myself to realize that life is really fucked up - and that death is a part of life and that I can do nothing to stop it - but not to fear it and allow it to change who I am and what I do

I commit myself to live life in spite of the pain that comes with it - and to live life is to live it in such a way that others may also live it and to not stop living life to the best of my ability.

I commit myself to stop hiding and suppressing myself and to stop pushing people away - because that is me being selfish and only thinking of myself

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Why are we surviving? Seriously?

Its in our blood, the need to survive. No matter how many wars or diseases came our way, we humans managed to survive. From the early caveman days we needed food and other sustenance to survive. Now we need money to survive.
That was a collective decision. Agreed to greed and desires, blamed it on our nature as natural.

Now we are in quite a mess with half the world living in shit, dying with no shit, because people want more shit and only caring about their own shit.

It doesn't have to be like this. We don't need to survive anymore - we need to live.
With an equal money system we can live.