Showing posts with label Mistakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mistakes. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Practicing Beethoven – Fur Elise on Acoustic Guitar

I was busy practicing a song  today ( Fur Elise ) when Leila Tried to sneak up on me and record me whilst me being unaware. Unfortunately for her she did not go unnoticed. But I did do a rare thing and let her record me while I practice ( Video Attached below) which brought up a point.

I started to learn this song yesterday and when it comes to learning new songs I tend to not want people to hear it unless I can play it fluently. So in the practice stage I definitely don’t want someone to record me and the reason for that is simple – it sounds bad lol. I just started learning this so it’s not going to be perfect and there will be many mistakes and when I play for others and there are mistakes it’s a self-judgment point, but that is part of this whole process in music. When you first learn something new you are not going to be good at it at first – there will be mistakes and it takes practice to get it right.

It is this part of music that people do not see often – when you go look at some professional musician playing a song you don’t really realize what it took for the person to be able to play that well. It’s loooooong hours of mistakes, repetition, consistency and endurance. What we see when we watch these pro’s is the end result. They don’t show the road that got them there. For me it would be cool to see that process, but in the music world of professionalism and perfection you tend to only see the end result.

So sure it’s not very good right now, but with practice, eventually, I will be able to play it well. And so, for your listening and viewing pleasure I present to you the process of making mistakes:

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Why do we Get Overwhelmed?

We have those moments when things seem to feel like it’s too much. Like we cannot possibly handle it anymore. Why does this happen and where does it come from, how do we create it and is there a
way we can Strop it?

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Day 258: Life lessons through Music – Specificity



pains Lately I have started practicing piano and currently I am working on a classical song that is very difficult for me. The thing about playing piano or any instrument is that to be good at it you need to be very specific in terms on finger placement, finger speed and velocity. If you are not specific in it you are going to make mistakes and play the music wrong.

What I do is learn the song one section at a time – once I am able to play it without mistakes I move on to the next section. Now, there are many sections in this song and what I found was that as I progressed I tended to rush through the sections. There are a few sections where I always make mistakes at the exact same place every time I play the song through.

This got very frustrating, but I finally realized why. When I first learnt and played those sections and when I first made the mistakes – I did not stop to correct them effectively. I kind of just skipped it because it’s such a small point I rather want to get on with the next section so that I can learn the whole song. Now what has happened is that I formed a habit and that mistake is actually now part of how I play the song. All because I did not stop and correct it the moment I made the mistake – I was not specific enough the first time I played it. Now I have to unlearn the mistake by repeatedly playing it correctly over and over until it sinks in.

And this basically related to life as well. We go through life and we make mistakes along the way. We learn how to deal with events in our lives and how to deal with things. For example as a kid somebody said something nasty to me and I took it personally and became angry – From that moment whenever a similar events plays out I do the exact same thing, because when it first happened I did not stop for a moment to realize that taking things personally is not necessary – I am the one who creates the reaction within me.

sdghsdghgesThere are so many examples of how we all made mistakes in life and never really learned from them, but instead created a habit to repeat those mistakes and that has become part of who we are. And to change that behavior requires us to consistently and repeatedly correct it whenever it comes up. For example with me and taking this personally – whenever I took something personally I to stopped and breathed and let go of the anger and reaction. Eventually over time this behavior faded away – I had to unlearn it.

Sure it would have been easier to stop the behavior as soon as it happened, but we are not taught or shown how to respond practically and effectively to situations in life.

A new Website opened where you can find video recordings all about supporting you in your life’s journey.  The video you’ll find there deal with everyday problems that you may be facing at the moment, that you have experienced in the past or that you may run into in the future. They offer insights based on common sense and solutions that you can apply in your life instantly. go here to find out more: Self and Living

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Day 179 - Everybody makes mistakes


Everybody makes mistakes

1235684684 The first time I saw these words was on a shirt. On the shirt it was written “ EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES”. I looked at this shirt and I felt relieved. I thought that it was awesome that everybody makes mistakes. It is not just me. It is ok to make mistakes, because everybody else also makes mistakes. It showed me that nobody is perfect and no matter that I do I will make mistakes just like everybody else.

It also shows the general belief of humanity – that the human is imperfect and will always f**k up. That no matter how hard you try you will always make mistakes. It promotes limitation. It is a very nice statement that justifies limitation and actually makes you feel good for being limited.

no_bullshitI completely disagree with this statement of limitation. Yes - everybody makes mistakes, but that should not make you feel good for being imperfect and part of a world full of mistakes. It should motivate you to become perfect. That is the point of mistakes – to learn from them and never make the same mistake twice. Then you stop making the same mistake.

Everybody makes mistakes – that should make us all feel ashamed for being human. It is like the statement “ nobody is perfect”. Why the f**k not? Why can the human not be perfect? Why should I accept this limitation? I did not ask these questions. I saw it as a very nice statement and it made me feel good not to be perfect. It is a very nice justification and excuse to not find a way to be perfect.

So – it is cool to make mistakes, because it is the best way to learn. You learn from mistakes and move on with new found wisdom that can be used to not make the same mistake again. Perfection comes from learning from your mistakes and pushing through to not make them again. The 7 year journey to life is a journey to perfection. Let us stop this limitation and justification of rewarding imperfections and instead become perfect human beings:


Friday, 30 November 2012

Day 127 - Divine Awareness


There is nothing divine about being aware. Its an commitment - a life long commitment to be aware of yourself and the environment. The real physical world - the only world that exist an matters - not some delusional happy light and love place in the clouds that you spend your whole trying to get to and then ignore the real world. Anyway - back to my bloge6cc9fc9-9d3e-408f-8572-467aaa04e334

Today I am righting about a point I wrote about in my last blog over here: CLICK  ME. It was basically about an event that took place as a consequence of me not being aware. So here goes the method to make sure this doesn't’ happen again:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be aware of myself and environment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to be aware and give somebody else the responsibility for a while

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to ''take a break'' for a while and abdicate my responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have been responsible for long enough and that means I don't have to be all the time anymore

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others when the truck got stuck and to believe that it was not my responsibility when it was

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when the truck got stuck to go into anxiety, because i fear that the truck might be damaged or damaged the spillway.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when it happened to wish that I could go back in time and stop this from happening, instead if looking back and see how i can stop this from happening in the future.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to push through the resistance and stop the thought ''I don't have to be responsible anymore'' and realize that if i stopped that single thought the whole truck in mud event would not have happened.

I commit myself to to push myself to be aware of myself and the environment at all times no matter what

I commit myself to stop the believe that i can take a break from being aware of myself and the environment - instead I realize that if i do take a break things might slip by me

I commit myself to be responsible and self responsible for as as i breath in air of this world we as humanity are busy destroying and realize that if i do not take self responsibility - the world does not have a chance

I commit myself to stop wanting to blame others - instead I take self responsibly

I Commit myself to stop wishing I could go back and change things - instead I find ways to make sure i do not make the same mistake again

I commit

I commit myself to stop these thoughts so that it does not direct me , but so that i can be the directive principle in my life.

I commit myself to not allow a feeling or a thought to affect my effectiveness, instead i commit myself to be consistently effective.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Day 117 - Uncertainty with Estimates


Today I was cutting grass for the horses to eat and sleep on, bedding and food. Today was one of the rare hot days without rain that we have had in a while and tomorrow afternoon it might rain again. I wanted to cut so that we just enough to rake everything before the rain comes tomorrow so we will see if my estimates were enough.

When I was done cutting I looked at how much I cut and it looked like enough, but I wanted to be sure so I decided to cut more. After the last session of cutting I looked and told myself that it is indeed enough, but I was not sure. It could be too much or too little, but I really couldn't’ tell. So when I was done I got back to farm and for the rest of the day either I told myself it was more than enough or it was not enough - I am uncertain so this caused anxiety and doubting myself and worrying all the time. Self.Doubt-350-x-262

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to when I finished cutting grass to worry that it wont be be enough or that it will be too much

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to when I drove back with the tractor to fear that it will be too much for us to rake it all and then it will get rained on and be a total waste.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear judgement from others if it turns out it wont be enough

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly think about this point and worry about it today

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that what is done is done so there is noting I can do about it now so there is no point in worrying about it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stress about this point throughout the day and feel that I might have made a mistake

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making mistakes and to see myself as not good enough when I make mistakes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to doubt myself in my uncertainty and thus become anxious - instead if realizing that there is nothing wrong with being uncertain,

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as being bad with estimates, because I am wrong most of the time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rather say I am not sure when it come to estimates that are important, because i fear taking responsibility and then being wrong then I will be to blamed

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to really push through the resistance and fear and uncertainty when I am estimating something to see if I am in fact bad at estimates or not

I commit myself to stop worrying about if there will be enough hay tomorrow or not  - instead I see that there is nothing I can do about it now thus no point in worrying.

I commit myself to stop fearing the judgement from others if there is too much or too little - I see that it is not their judgement, but my own

I commit myself to stop stress and realize stressing wont change the past or future - instead I breathe and live in the moment

I commit myself to stop fearing makquestionsing mistakes with estimate and realize that I learn though those mistakes

I commit myself to stop the belief that I am bad with estimates and stop saying I'm not sure without giving it my best first

I commit myself to stop the fear of taking responsibility for getting estimates wrong and not allow it to influence me

I commit myself to to stop becoming anxious and have self doubt when I face uncertainties

I commit myself to stop seeing uncertainty as something bad or wrong - instead I realize that some things are uncertain, but it does not change who i am.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Day 89 - Self Doubt Character


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the self doubt character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use this character when i am faced with a new task that I have not done beforeimages

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as not good enough to do this task even before I attempt to do it - and to hen in this believe and judgement to then not do the task

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to give myself that chance to proof to myself if I am able to do a new task or not and to rather choose to give up than pushing though

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making a mistake when doing a project that I have not done yet - and to first go into self doubt and worry, believing that I will screw it up.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to develop self trust within what I do

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that not knowing how to do a project is ok and that with proper research  I can teach myself the how to so there is no need for the automatic self doubt and fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that i am not a confident person and that is how I am/my personality - not realizing that it is a limitation and an excuse for me not to become effective 

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that each new point/task that I face is an opportunity for me to expand myself and to learn more about myself and to become more  effective 

I commit myself to stop the self doubt character and to realize that with proper research  I can teach myself the how to

I commit myself to stop using character when facing a new task

I commit myself to stop judging myself as not being good enough and to realize that it is a believe that i have created and is not real, because i determine how good/effective i am and can only do so once I actually do the project to the best of my ability and more.

I commit myself to give myself the change to proof to myself whether  or not I am able to do the task

I commit myself to stop fearing making mistakes and to realize that its through mistakes and learning from them where i become more effective

I commit myself to trust myself and not to give in to self doubt and give up

I commit myself to stop the belief that i am not a confident person and that is just who I am - and to realize that its an excuse and limitation and with self trust I can become confidence

I Commit myself to embrace new task and to see them as an opportunity for me to expand myself and to learn more about myself and to become more  effective 

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Day 83 - Fearing making mistakes


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making mistakes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by this fear that it determines my life and the choices I make where I have no self direction mistakes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when facing a new project to first go into fear of making a mistake and then go into resistance and not wanting to do the project

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when people ask me for assistance to go into fear, because I fear making a mistake and not being able to assist them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in this fear of making mistake to avoid assist people so that I can all together avoid making a mistake

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not being dependable when not being able to assist someone if I make a mistake

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that i will make mistakes and there is no avoiding it and thus no point to fear it

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to when i make a mistake to judge myself as not being good enough and go into a state of being angry at myself and to see myself as useless

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that it is through learning about mu mistakes that I become more effective  and i keep on avoiding them them i will not progress

I commit myself to stop fearing making mistakes

I commit myself stop allowing to be directed by this fear of making mistakes that I will avoid situations where I will make mistakes

I commit myself to when facing a new project to not allow the fear of making mistakes, but to instead do it anyway

I commit myself to when someone asks me for assistance to not allow the fear of making mistakes to keep me from doing by best to assist them - and if i do make a mistake to not see myself as being undependable

I commit myself to when I make mistakes to not judge myself as being useless and not get angry at myself - instead i realize that mistake and leant from it so that i do not make the same mistake twice

I commit myself to realize that if I avoid mistakes I will not learn anything and stay stuck and never become more effective - so mistakes are cool - as long as i learn from them