Showing posts with label Ollie North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ollie North. Show all posts

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The look.

Now this is getting downright ridiculous.

My assistant has been with me for about eight years now. She was assigned to me by the city of Philadelphia and I couldn't be happier.

She is a white woman, and I think she is in her early fifties or so. She also happens to be a republican. I know this, because unfortunately, party affiliations and connections are two of the most important factors that are considered when folks get city jobs.

Now we rarely talk politics, but this morning my assistant asked me who I was voting for in the upcoming elections. Of course I knew right away where the conversation was heading. She then proceeded to ask me if I liked Obama. I told her I did but I still wasn't sure if I was going to vote for him just yet. "Why not?" She asked. "Well are you going to vote for him?" I asked her. "Yes I would consider it, I mean field, the man is so handsome."

Now I must admit, I never saw this coming. Not from her. I never even considered that she would consider voting for the "O" man. But after our little discusion it dawned on me that there must be quite a few A-merry-cans who will vote for the "O" man because they like how he looks, and how he carries himself.

I mean let's be honest; here in A-merry-ca we like our presidents to look, well, presidential. There are a couple of criterias that must be met. They must be tall, and they must have a full head of hair. It's why I knew Rudy was doomed from the get go. And it's why I know that Mike Huckabee, with his rice bowl bald spot in the middle of his head, has no shot. It's why Mike Dukakis- all four feet of him- had no shot when he ran against the first Bush. Think about it, pretty much all of our modern Presidents have been tall (I know the frat boy looks short, but he is really over six feet tall) with a full head of hair. The "O" man certainly fits that bill. And if my assistant is to be believed, he is handsome to boot.

So if I were John McCain I would be a little worried right now. I mean honestly John, I don't think A-merry-cans are feeling the comb over look. You might want to go the Joe Biden route and consider some hair plugs. And how tall are you? Could you get on one of the rides at Six Flags?... let me stop. The man does have one saving grace though, he is a war hero. Soldiers always seem taller than they really are don't they? I heard, for instance, that Ollie North was only like five feet six inches or some shit. Yet I see the guy on T.V. and he always looks like he is so much taller. (But I digress)

So back to the"O" man. Yes "O" man, if you are going to be the second coming of Camelot you better have the looks to go along with all the great speeches of inspiration. Fortunately for you it seems that you have that covered. And if my assistant is to be believed, it might carry you a long way; yes even with middle aged republican white women.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

No love for the Gipper.

I have never liked Ronald Reagan. I always thought-until the frat boy came along of course, that he was probably the worst President in the history of the Republic. I never bought into his phony ass cowboy persona, or his so called quick wit and great communications skills. To me, he was created by America's media, and his greatness was a figment of our imaginations, caused in part by a need to feel good about ourselves after the gloomy seventies.

"Mr Gorbachov tear down that wall" my ass, that wall was coming down with or without the "great communicator". And the hostages were coming home as well.Timing is everything in politics, and no one was luckier when it came to timing than the Gipper. But all that's not why I despise the Gipper and everything he stood for. No, driving through South West Philly today-an area that is about as safe as a Baghdad market these days-I realized why I really despise the faux cowboy from California.

Now I am not one who believes in conspiracies. I really think that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, the World Trade Center was blown up by a bunch of crazed terrorist who call themselves Al Qaeda, and man really did land on the moon. But I do believe that the Reagan administration was indirectly responsible for the flow of crack cocaine that hit our urban areas in the eighties. See I believe that story by Gary Webb from the San Jose Mercury News, about the Reagan administration funding the Contra's and allowing them to flood the West Coast urban markets with crack cocaine. I do believe that they did it in order to fund the Contras as they-the Contras- attempted to over throw the Sandinista Government in Nicaragua. Why you say? Well it seems that the Sandinistas were Socialist in their thinking, and we just couldn't have another left leaning government in our back yard now could we. I mean who knows, before you know it we could have had another Cuba on our hands.

So what did we do, we (Reagan and the CIA) allowed our cities to be flooded with a potent cheap form of high known as crack cocaine. This insidious drug, would eventually destroy the fabric of many of our urban areas, and our families for years to come. As a result of crack, we have lost an entire generation of African Americans. (Maybe two) If you don't believe me, take a trip to any inner city in America, and see how many grand parents are raising their grand children. Or, see how many homes have been abandoned and foreclosed on after grandma and grandpa died. Check out the rising prison populations and then check out the race, poverty level, and the background of most of the inmates there.

Every time I see that ex convict, Ollie North, on the FAKE NEWS NETWORK, I want to puke. I mean the nerve of him to even show his face in America after all the shit he did to destroy this country. Now the guy has his own show, does speaking tours, and is the darling of the conservative right. And they wonder why black folks will never come into their so called "big tent". It's because we are scared you will fold the tent up with us in it, and burn the mother fu***r, that's why we won't come in it. We don't trust you, and why should we? Because of your cowboy hero, our families and our communities are in crisis, and who knows when we will recover.

I am driving past boarded up home after home. I still see the crack addicts doing their dawn of the dead walk, and the dealers with their nice whips, and their entourage. There isn't much open space or green, and when you do see them, they are filled with trash, bottles, and who knows what else. Yep, this neighborhood like so many others in Philly is fu***d up. It's like it's not even a part of America. Trust me, I have been through the ghettos in West Kingston, and this isn't much better.

But this is what happens when a government that is supposed to be looking out for its citizens abandon them. This is what happens when we get too cute and intellectual for our own good. (See Iraq) We worry about the spread of socialism in our back yard and the effects it will have on our country, while destroying a part of the very country that we are supposed to be looking out for in the first place.

So now as America crumbles from within, we are stuck with yet another President that Americans tried to make great. Only this time we can't. We cant ignore the terrible job that he has done, and what a terrible cost we are paying for his phony ass war. Reagan was smart, he waged his little dirty war in a clandestine manner, and he made sure that the only people that would be hurt were poor African Americans in America's inner cities.

Not so with this President; his f**k up is front and center for all to see, and most Americans ain't liking the picture. If this had been the Gipper, he would have sold it better. At least he can communicate, and he is a good actor. Just look at all the people that still love him and think he is great.

Jessie said he would rather have "Roosevelt in a wheel chair that Reagan on a horse". I don't know Jessie, I would have preferred if we never had Reagan at all.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Father forgive them for they are republicans

"I have sinned against you and I beg your forgivenesss" ~Jimmy Swaggart~

Let's get this out of the way right now; everyone has skeletons in their closet. Hey, it's the American way. After all, how can you seriously "pursue happiness" if there ain't a few skeletons here and there? So unless you are Amish, up for saint hood, or you were born in a manger in a town called Bethlehem, I am guessing you have done some sh** in your life that you are not very proud of.

Which brings me to my friends in the rethuglican party. I think I could tolerate these guys a little more if they weren't such hypocrites. All that preaching about moral virtues and finger pointing at the unholy secular progressives as well as the rest of us heathens, tends to get really old with me, especially if you have some skeletons dancing in your closet your damn self. Take Newt Gingrich for example, the man who led the rethuglican charge to impeach the first black President while all the time getting his freak on with his own little mistress on the side. Now now Newt, that's not nice, pointing your finger at Bill's little indiscretion, and doing who knows what while tucked safely away in your closet. Oh if those closet walls could talk huh Newt. "Ahhh Newt give it to me big daddy, give it to me Mr. Speaker, put that gavel right there, aah this it big daddy, show me how that Republican revolution works, and put your contract on America all over me" What a creep, but worse, what a hypocrite. And let's not forget that other rethuglican hypocrite, who surfaced right around the same time, thanks to Hustler Magazine exposing his phony ass. Seems Bob Livingston (R) Louisiana, was getting his freak on as well all the while pointing his fingers at Arkansas Bill. But he at least he had some shame, resigned in the midst of the bru ha ha, and walked away from his political life and the halls of congress. Is it any surprise then that the latest major republican candidates for President have had at least nine wives (that we know about) between them. Not a bad number if we are talking about nine candidates or even eight, but we are talking about four f*****g guys here. The irony is that the Mormon among them has had only one wife. ("Field that statement was a little bigoted against Mormons". Yeah please forgive me on that one)

I wish more of these rethuglican and conservative hypocrites would be like Bob Livingston and just walk away. But they won't. There is Newt every night on the Fake News Network, telling us his vision of America and flirting with a run for President. There is Dick Morris-that toe sucking megalomaniac- every night on; where else, The Fake News Network, telling us how the elections will turn out and what the political trends are. There is Ollie North-a convicted lier and felon-on; where else, the Fake News Network, with his own show, and staring us down with his disgusting mug every night as if he is proud to be Ollie. I mean I know we believe in forgiveness and redemption in America, but at some point we have to say enough. (I swear I can't wait to see who that D.C. madam has the goods on.)

I am sure the irony wasn't lost on anybody when it turns out that conservative Marine hero, Cpl. Matt Sanchez, turned out to be a gay porn star, and hooker.(Seems he was a hero to the right because he took on a bunch of "moonbats" at Columbia University) I bet everyone of those homophobic morons that attended the CPAC convention are trying to remember if they shook his hands or not. "Honey you know that Marine fellow we met in Washington? Did you know he was a fag? Oh my God, I can't remember if he touched me or not! " There he was with the "camel neck" one, mAnn Coulter, (yeah the same mAnn Coulter that called John Edwards a "faggot") smiling for the pics and looking like just another clean cut military man who is proud of his country and his commander in chief. Semper Fi soldier! Geez. But you get the point, if we weren't talking about Republicans this would not be an issue, the fact that this Marine is a former gay porn star. But because we are talking about rethuglicans, it is an issue, because we all know how they feel about the likes of gays,secular progressives, and liberals. I am so glad Matt Sanchez worked his hustle on those conservative Republicans ( I can't believe that he buys into their bull sh**) and used their dumb asses for maximum exposure at the CPAC convention and on shows like Hannity and Colmes; on where else, you guessed it, The Fake News Network.

But this is what happens when you have skeletons in your closet but act like you don't. In the field's world, rethuglicans are like slick preachers, it's always do as I say but not as I do. Unless of course someone opens up that closet door...."I have sinned against you and I beg your forgiveness" . Hey f**k you, I don't forgive you, and I can't stand you mother fu****s . But that's just me. I understand that it's not my forgiveness you want, it's your Gods. At least that's what you say. But I am guessing that getting the forgiveness of your conservative base and the Kool Aide drinkers who follow you is more important than Gods. After all, God doesn't vote does he?