Showing posts with label Mike Huckabee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Huckabee. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The face of voter fraud?

Image result for terri lyn rote image              I have always thought that all this talk of voter fraud was just a smoke screen set up by republicans to use as an excuse to suppress the vote of minorities. I thought this because I thought that they had to know that by all objective measures  there are something like approximately 31 incidents of real voter fraud out of every billion ballots cast.

This voter fraud meme has been one of the linchpins of the trump campaign, and he has been particularly vocal about "the blacks" voting in places like Philadelphia. (And this guy is not a racist? Please!) Anyway, now that he is only down by one point in the polls (Thank you Mr FBI man) maybe he will stop with all the cheating and rigged election talk.

It just so happens that I was thinking about all this voter fraud talk when I read the following story:

"A woman in Iowa was arrested this week on suspicion of voting twice in the general election, court and police records show.

Terri Lynn Rote, a 55-year-old Des Moines resident, was booked Thursday on a first-degree charge of election misconduct, according to Polk County Jail records. The charge is considered a Class D felony under Iowa state law.

Rote was released Friday after posting $5,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 7.
The Des Moines Register reported that Rote is a registered Republican who cast two ballots in the general election: an early-voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office and another at a county satellite voting location, according to police records.

Rote hadn’t planned on voting twice but said it was “a spur-of-the-moment thing” when she walked by the satellite voting location, she told The Washington Post in a phone interview Saturday.
“I don’t know what came over me,” Rote said.

She added she has been a supporter of Donald Trump since early in his campaign, after Republican candidate Mike Huckabee dropped out of the primary race.

Rote told Iowa Public Radio that she cast her first ballot for Trump but feared it would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.

'The polls are rigged,' Rote told the radio station.

Leigh Munsil, an editor for the Blaze, noted on Twitter that Rote was the same woman who had caucused for Trump earlier this year."[Source]

Oh my! You mean a white woman in Iowa--- who happens to be a trump supporter--- was actually caught committing voter fraud? Well color me shocked. *sarcasm off*

Terri Lynn Rote is a long ways from one of those urban areas Donald likes to talk about. Maybe Donald is on to something. We were probably just looking in the wrong place to find what he was talking about.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mainstreaming racism.

During the debate last night old white republican men took to twitter to let their views known.

 "During the Democratic debate on Tuesday night, Mike Huckabee issued the following criticism of Senator Bernie Sanders:

'I trust with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!'

In response to criticism, he was unapologetic, claiming he was merely denouncing a “brutal dictatorship”:

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Poor liberals think it's racist to deplore a brutal dictatorship. "'
No, decent people just believe that it's racist and ignorant to disparage an entire race of people by implying that they all eat dogs.
Then there was this guy:
"While Randy Pullen has since returned to his role in the private sector as the Chairman and CEO of after losing the primary race for State Treasurer in 2014, he still lists himself as the Arizona Republican Party State Chairman in his Linkedin profile. Someone should let him know about keeping his resume up to date, just in case.

It seems that even though Randy Pullen is no longer the State Chairman for Arizona Republicans, he must still think he is some sort of spokesman for the party. Last night during the Democratic Debate, Mr. Pullen took to Twitter to let everyone know how he felt about the debate, and it was pretty ugly.

" Randy Pullen @RPullen
Yes black lives matter. The best way to end the slaughter of young black men is to take guns away from blacks as they are the main killers.
The source of the rhetoric is hardly a surprise once you dig deeper into the man himself; after all, the video shows Cobb saying, “I’m one of the most famous racists in the world you son of a bitch.” Brown, who is African American, notes that Cobb seemed “incredibly gracious” when they first spoke on the phone, presumably before he knew her race.
“He is very much in love with Donald Trump,” adds Brown. She continues to describe a line of Cobb’s saying, “I would almost rather talk to a Jew, because then at least they would be intelligent.” The video reveals the emotional toll on Brown, a twenty-something Millennial, experiencing this level of overt racism for the first time.
But when anchor Byron Pitts gets Cobb on the phone, the heated rhetoric really takes a turn.
You’re not a person of color N*****! You’re a N*****! You got it? You’re a N*****!… Listen there’s an unbridled race war going on in this country Ann Coutler said there’s at least 30 million Mexicans in this country, Byron, and they don’t have any business here.
Well if he hadn’t won the argument with his n-word references, he certainly did it by invoking Ann Coulter."
One day, in the not too distant future, a main stream candidate from one of the major political parties will drop the N-word freely while on the campaign trail, and he will lead his opponents by double digits in the polls because of it. Wait.....
*Pic from


Tuesday, June 02, 2015

"Mind blowing decisions."

Image result for republican candidates imagesI would like to take this opportunity to welcome Lindsey Graham to the race to become president of these divided sates of America.

I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the republicans who expressed a desire to lead our great nation into the past future. 

Let's see now: Marco, Rand, Jeb, Scott, Ben, Chris C, Dale, Chris, Ted, Carly, Mike, Bobby, George, Rick P, Rick S, Donald, Brian, Dennis, Chris.

Did I leave out anyone? I am sure I did. Please forgive me my republican friends, this isn't easy. That's a lot of names to remember.

I am still trying to figure out my favorite among this motley crew.


"former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee perpetuated one of the most pervasive myths about transgender people at a convention earlier this year, suggesting that men can abuse trans-friendly laws for voyeurism in women's bathrooms.

"Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE," Huckabee said in a video resurfaced on YouTube over the weekend by World Net Daily, according to a report by BuzzFeed's Megan Apper and Andrew Kaczynski. "I'm pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, 'Coach, I think I'd rather shower with the girls today.'"



"Donald Trump doesn't think Mitt Romney can compete with his business success.
In an interview with The Des Moines Register published Monday, the real-estate mogul and TV personality dissed other wealthy men who have campaigned for president.

"I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody's ever been more successful than me. I'm the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isn’t successful like me. Romney — I have a Gucci store that’s worth more than Romney."



"First of all, we have to understand how the Constitution works, the president is required to carry out the laws of the land, the laws of the land come from the legislative branch. So if the legislative branch creates a law or changes a law, the executive branch has a responsibility to carry it out. It doesn't say they have the responsibility to carry out a judicial law."

"JUDICIAL LAW?! Again, no.


"If this happens (Hillary becomes president) – I am moving to Canada,” she wrote on Facebook. “There is NO need for her as she is not the right person to run our country – but more importantly a female shouldn’t be president. Let the haters begin . . . but with the hormones we have there is no way we should be able to start a war. Yes I run my own business and I love it and I am great at it BUT that is not the same as being the President, that should be left to a man, a good, strong, honorable man.”


Sarah Palin, might want to consider making a comeback.  


Thursday, January 29, 2015

One man's trash......

It is always somewhat of a culture shock for me when I visit my friends and in my in-laws in the South. They are just so polite down there. They will "yes mam" and "yes sir' you to death.

When you drive down the street you better get ready to wave at a total stranger. And someone you have never seen before in your life will think nothing of striking up a conversation with you for damn near an hour about damn near anything.

Honestly, it creeps me out a little bit.

First of all, an hour out of my time with even a close friend is tough enough. That's how much I value my time. And when you talk about a total stranger, well....

But I digress.

So this cultural divide and how we treat each other got me to thinking about my friend Mike HuckabeeHim of the Beyonce fetish.

Mike just can't get over how "trashy" some of these women on the East Coast are.

"In Iowa, you would not have people who would just throw the f-bomb and use gratuitous profanity in a professional setting," Huckabee said during a radio interview on Friday. "In New York, not only do the men do it, but the women do it!"

"And you just are looking around saying my gosh this is worse than locker room talk," he continued. "This would be considered totally inappropriate to say these things in front of a woman and for a woman to say them in a professional setting, we would only assume that this is a very—as we would say in the south—that's just trashy!" [Source]

The poor guy should come to Philly.  The F- Bomb is actually a term of endearment here.

Anyway, he is taking some heat for his rather sententious stance on the fairer sex.

Most women, whether they like to curse or not, just don't like the idea of some holier- than- thou fraud ---who likes to sing about sex and all kinds of raunchy things with his friends--- lecturing them about whether or not it's cool to let a curse word slip every now and then.

It got so bad for my man Mike that his station mate over at FOX, Ms. White Santa herself, is giving him the business and letting him know in no uncertain terms that women have changed a little bit since he was sipping milkshakes at the five & dime back in Arkansas.

"I do have news for you before I let you go," Kelly jestfully told Huckabee on her show, "The Kelly File," on Wednesday night.

"We are not only swearing. We're drinking, we're smoking, we're having premarital sex with birth control before we go to work, and sometimes boss around a bunch of men," Kelly, who lives in New York, said."

She forgot to mention that they curse during "premarital sex" as well.

Not that I would know that. I am just repeating what others have told me....

Anyway, some words of wisdom for my friend, Huck: Let this go. You are running for president and this is not how you want to start off your campaign.

Those "trashy" women and their sisters hold the key to you ever getting close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.



Thursday, January 15, 2015

Her "sex presence" is driving them crazy.

I know that we shouldn't, but most of us have  things or people that we obsess over either publicly or, at times, privately.

When I first started this blog I was obsessed with finding Lark Voorhies, you know Lark, right? She was Lisa Turtle on Saved by the Bell back in the day. Anyway, thanks to the growing popularity of the blog, I finally found her. And all I can say is be careful what you wish for.

But I digress. Back to obsessions.

Conservatives, like the rest of us normal people, have obsessions as well. Lately their attention has been focused on a very attractive singer/dancer/actress/ from Houston, Texas, who happens to be linked up with a famous rapper.

I wish I knew why old white conservative men love Beyoncé so much. But I think we would all need a psychiatrist to sit us down and explain that one to us. I suspect that if this was 1815 and not 2015, Beyoncé would be pushing out little mixed babies while stashed away on a plantation down South somewhere.

"Future GOP candidate for president, Mike Huckabee, claims that the Obamas are bad parents because the let their kids listen to Beyoncé. Mr. Huckabee calls Beyoncé's music, "sex music" .

"... not only do they let Malia (16) and Sasha (13) listen to Beyonce, they let them go to Beyoncé concerts and be in her sex presence."

Well their father has been in her "sex presence" (????) himself a few times, but how is that exactly a bad thing? I bet that Mike wouldn't mind being in her "sex presence" himself. 

If I was in Lark's "sex presence" before she got...well, different, I would have been delighted. (Digression alert.)

And then there is Bill O'Reilly, this guy has had a serious Beyoncé jones for awhile now.

"Beyoncé Knowles-Carter doesn’t deserve to be named one of TIME Magazine’s most influential people, according to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, because her new album is promoting sex before marriage within the black community.

O’Reilly, who has been particularly concerned about Beyoncé’s “raunchy” new album since the music video for her song “Partition” was released, disapproves of TIME’s decision to put the singer on the cover of its annual “100 Most Influential People” issue. On his show on Friday, O’Reilly suggested that Beyoncé isn’t helping to address the “cultural deficits” in African American and poor white communities and is actually “part of the problem.”

Poor Beyoncé,  all girlfriend wants to do is entertain, but she is being held up as a symbol for black single motherhood.

I wonder if this guy was held to such a standard when he was gyrating his hips and breaking the hearts of young teenage girls all over the country.

Naw,  I bet not.  

  "The sort-of genesis of Fox Newsers criticizing Beyoncé for questionable material was back in 2010, when Fox contributor Sandy Rios and Bill O’Reilly went after the music video for Lady Gaga‘s “Telephone,” which featured Beyoncé. Rios had said to Megyn Kelly, “We’ve got Beyoncé and Gaga, gay and lesbian lovers. I mean, it’s disgusting"


 I twill be the judge of that.  



Thursday, January 23, 2014

A muzzle is needed for two.

joshua_Black_facebookI really didn't want to waste my time blogging about that slave catcher down in Florida, who called or the lynching of our president.

I mean it is one thing to disagree with the president on policy, or even to criticize him in a very open and vociferous way, but calling for his lynching is a bit over the top.

I expect this kind of behavior from the boorish Neanderthals who post on right wing websites, but not from a man of color who happens to be running for political office. Honestly, the word insane comes to mind.

Not only did the guy do this on MLK Day, but he actually doubled down on his outrageous comments the next day.

"To everyone who was offended that I said that the POTUS should be hanged for treason, this is the man who droned Al-Awaki on “suspicion of terrorism"--not proof--and later killed his 15-year-old son for nothing more than being his son.
This is also the man who sought to have Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden executed for treason when they didn't kill anyone, nor does the US government pretend to believe that they cost any spies their lives.

This would be exactly what the President has done to others, and, as Jesus said, “the measure ye mete, it shall be meted to you again." I make no apologies..."

Somebody call the "Drop Squad".

Finally, the republican "war on women" continues. This time a former presidential candidate is leading the charge.

"And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it,"

That "Uncle Sugar" comment won't go over so well. I know that Mr. Huckabee thought that he was defending the republican position on women in a positive  and principled way, but somehow, as is always the case with these poor guys, it didn't quite come out that way.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Republicans would do well to think about that quote the next time that they weigh into the debate about the female reproductive system. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goodbye Huck!


Oh my, these are indeed tough times for my friends in the GOP. Who is going to be left to run against O when the dust clears?

Mike Huckabee- may god bless his god fearing soul- has decided that he does not have the stomach for a presidential run and is begging out. He says that being president would take him to the "limit of his human capacity." Somehow that doesn't seem right coming from a man who professes to be so close to the big guy. I suspect that the love of the almighty dollar, or a lack of enough of it (a billion and counting) is what's keeping ole Mike off the campaign trail.

It has gotten so bad that former first lady Laura Bush has found herself on the recruiting trail. (Calling Governor Krispy Kreme.)She has called the wife of Mitch Daniels in a desperate pitch to get her husband in the race. Just call Mitch Daniels the Bush candidate. Good luck with that, Mitch.

Anyway, so now we know that Newt is in, and so is Ron. Mitt is in, but he might have some "splaining" to do to his base. I know he tried, but I suspect that it wasn't good enough. Mitt pushed for (and got)health care reform in his home state. And now the wingnuts are crying anybody but Mitt. If the poor guy could only get out of his own party's primary he might have a shot.

Finally, a warning to the wingnuts who do not want to raise the U.S. debt ceiling:

“The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar.”

The author of that quote is none other than Ronald Reagan. [Source]

I guess that changes things a little.

*Pic courtesy of

Friday, March 04, 2011

The meltdown continues, and chasing the Big R.

Just call Mike Huckabee the Charlie Sheen of A-merry-can politics. Now the man is attacking Natalie Portman, who happens to be an actress. Yes, an actress. Not someone charged with writing laws and implementing public policy in this country, but an actress.

Seems he doesn't like the fact that she is glamorizing having kids out of wedlock. (Yes, kind of like Sarah Palin's family.) Mike, she is an actress. Relax!

It's Friday night, and I have to do a little racism chasing before the weekend. Hmmm, let me see now; where should I turn?

I know, how about that state that has been giving me so much material lately? From a governor who calls a police officer an "idiot", to a judge who locks up a woman for trying to give her child a better life; my friends in the Buckeye state might want to get the number to the closest U-Haul store.

"GAHANNA, Ohio – The mother of a black Ohio fifth grader assigned to play a slave for a social studies lesson says the school should be more sensitive.

Principal Scott Schmidt of Chapelfield Elementary in Gahanna (guh-HA'-nuh) called Aneka Burton to apologize for what happened to her son, Nikko, on Wednesday. Columbus station WBNS-TV reports Schmidt said no harm was intended.

Ten-year-old Nikko says the class was randomly divided into "masters" and "slaves" and that the only other black student got to be a master. Burton says her son refused to take part in a simulated slave auction and was sent back to his desk.

Burton says she appreciates the apology, but the exercise was inappropriate".

I thought Ghana was in Africa? Of wait, it's G-A-H-A-N-N-A. Sorry. Still, you would think with a name so close to an African name those folks would be more sensitive. But hey, at least they tried to even things out. They allowed one of the little black kids to play the master. *shaking head*

Finally, I see the Judge tossed that lawsuit in Delaware where the theater owner told you Negroes to keep quiet before a Tyler Perry movie. (That guy must follow the 12% rule)

But seriously, in spite of what some of my friends in the house happen to believe, it was not a "frivolous suit". Hard to prove? Yes. (Because everyone knows that there are no racist left in A-merry-ca.) But "frivolous"? I think not.

"The Delaware Supreme Court has ruled that a movie theater manager’s mandate that a screening room full of black patrons be quiet during the film did not violate the state’s equal accommodation laws. This all started with a 2007 showing of 'Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married' at the Carmike 14 Theater in Dover. The manager, David Stewart, told the room’s 23 black patrons to be quiet, remain in their seats and turn off their cell phones. Stewart was then followed out of the theater by a patron, who told him his comments were not well taken. So Stewart went back, explaining he didn’t mean to offend anyone, but he had to make the announcement per the policy of theater owner."

The article continues: "One of the 23 African Americans in attendance was Juana Fuentes-Bowles, who just so happens to be the director of Delaware’s Human Relations Division. She stood up and told everyone that Stewart’s comments were racist. Although Stewart did not use 'racist language' her office conducted a hearing and found that his conduct violated the state’s equal accommodation law. The Delaware Supreme Court had originally found that Stewart did indeed single-out a black audience for the silence demands – since he did not make the same announcement in other theater rooms on the same night. Each of the 23 complainants were awarded $1,500 in damages for being told to be quiet during the movie [nearly $80,000 in all]."

More: "But a Superior Court then reversed the decision, and [on Wednesday] the state’s Supreme Court has affirmed the reversal. According to Supreme Court Justice Jack Jacobs, the theater-goers failed to establish evidence of racial discrimination. The judge accepted testimony by Stewart that his comments were not motivated by race as Stewart evidently would have equally told teenagers to pipe down during a screening of 'Halloween.'"

He "WOULD HAVE " equally told teenagers to pipe down?" Riiiiight. Is there anyone interested in buying an antique bell from me with a slight crack on the side? If you believe that about the theater manager I would love to sell it to you.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The FOX NEWS Panthers, and more on Beyonce and Mike.

I will start this post by acknowledging that one of my recent House Negroes, Beyonce, has apparently donated the millions in "blood money" given to her by the Gaddafi crew to perform for them to the people of Haiti. Beyonce, if this is true, good for you. You are still in the house, but at least you can see outside now.

Also, last night I posted about Mike Huckabee and his little birther binge the other day. Well, apparently Mike took exception to all the reports that he knew that his O ness wasn't raised in Kenya. Mike is crying foul. He claims that the media is blowing things way out of proportion, unlike they did when his O ness said that there were 57 states. ---Actually Mike, the media made a pretty big deal about that as well. In fact, FOX NEWS is still making a big deal of it,but I digress.----

So Mike, what about your statement about his father and grandfather, and the whole Mau Mau thing? "Anti British"? OK, so even if you meant to say he grew up in Indonesia and not Kenya, how do you square that with all the other crap you said to that stark raving lunatic on his radio program?

Sorry Mike, if you were thinking about running for president, now might be a good time to reconsider.

Finally, Eric Holder went before congress on this New Black Panther (non) story, and one wingnut pol (from Texas of all places) tried to claim conspiracy on the part of DOJ to let the Negroes go. (Clearly these wingnut politricksters take their marching orders from Beckkk et al.)

Fortunately, Holder had a little field in him and let the wingnut have it:

"Think about that,' Holder said. 'When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people,' said Holder, who is black. "'

Yes, he is black. And I think we will keep him.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Who is crazier? Charlie or Mike?

Folks, you have to believe me when I tell you that I would love to go a day without blogging about the wingnuts among us and their day to day "wingnuttery" , but I can't. Forget Charlie Sheen, he is an entertainer, he could have a meltdown a day for the rest of his life and I could care less. (BTW, just to show you where we are as a country, watch the kind of numbers his 20/20 interview pulls tonight.) But a politician who might lead our country one day is quite another story.

"Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee mistakenly said President Obama was raised in Kenya during an interview yesterday in which he argued that the president's upbringing in Africa gave him a very different outlook on the world than that held by most Americans.

WOR radio host Steve Malzberg asked the former Arkansas governor to weigh in on the "birther" debate. Huckabee sidestepped, saying: "I would love to know more, but what I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example's very different than the average American."

Huckabee later stated that Obama's perspective was shaped by "growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather." Listen to the complete audio here.

After the interview made the national news Tuesday, Huckabee's team told ABC News that the governor simply misspoke and meant Indonesia, not Kenya. "Governor Huckabee simply misspoke when he alluded to President Obama growing up in 'Kenya.' The Governor meant to say the President grew up in Indonesia," Huckabee's political action committee director Hogan Gidley told ABC. However, Kenya was under British rule, while Indonesia was under Dutch control.

Much misinformation and controversy surround the president's birth and childhood.

The president's father was Kenyan, but met Obama's mother in Hawaii where Obama was born. President Obama did spend a portion of his childhood in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii. Obama first visited Kenya as an adult.

"Birthers," those who believe Obama is not a natural born citizen, continue to drive conspiracy theories about the president's nationality.

Republican leaders have recently been asked to weigh in on the issue of birthers following a poll that showed 51 percent of GOP primary voters falsely believe Obama was not born in the United States. Speaker John Boehner and tea party star Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) have each addressed the issue in recent weeks saying they personally believe Obama is a citizen. But Boehner added that he won't actively dissuade the public from believing otherwise."

Is there a republiclown left in this country with a brain? I saw the tan- man on television trying to side step the issue when pressed by David Gregory, and it was painful to watch. But I guess I can't blame them for playing politics. Not when 51% of their primary voters believe that O wasn't born here.

Finally, will someone please tell the LA Clippers that Black History Month was in February?

WTF? Love Blake Griffin, hate the franchise and their racist owner.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One less wingnut in 2012.

"I will smash them one against the other, even parents against children, says the LORD. I will not let my pity or mercy or compassion keep me from destroying them." ~Jeremiah 13:12-14~
Did someone take the book of Jeremiah out of Mike Huckabee's bible? Poor Governor Huckabee. All those pardons guided by his faith might have finally caught up with him. Maurice Clemmons , -A-merry-ca's black bogeyman of the moment- was not the first person that Huckabee pardoned who went on to do some seriously f*&#%d up things, it's just that he has now become the most notorious.

I bet you never heard of Wayne Dumond or Glen Green. If you haven't don't feel bad. Most people outside of Arkansas haven't heard of them either. Like Clemmons, they were the beneficiaries of Huckabee's mercy. With a little prodding from his brothers in Christ, the good gov. made sure that these animals got back on the street because they were able to hustle the gov. and his friends into believing that they could change their spots.

I don't mean to pile on Mike Huckabee. Honesty, of all the GOP candidates who ran against his O ness, he seemed to be the most fundamentally decent. But I can't ignore the hypocrisy on the right. If you saw him [Huckabee] on Bill O'Reilly's show you saw how O'Reilly told him that he was not at fault for releasing these monsters to society, and that he was a stand up guy for even being on his show and talking about it. Huh? Are you kidding me? Imagine, for a minute, that Huckabee is a dumbocrat; do you think the reaction would be the same from our [right] wingnut friends? Of course it wouldn't; but such is the hypocrisy and spin that goes on when it comes to politics here in A-merry-ca.

Joe Conason writing for doesn't like Mike Huckabee. This is what he wrote:

"During the 2008 campaign, Huckabee's arrogance and stupidity mostly escaped the full scrutiny of the national press corps, in part because his stint as a contender was so brief. But next time, if there is a next time, he should get no such free pass -- and his claims to divine guidance ought to be thoroughly debunked. "

Yes it should. And of course the problem with "divine guidance" is that we never know what the man upstairs is really planning. Sometimes it might not be in the best interest of us mortals. For example, right about now it's looking like he never wanted his humble servant, Mike Huckabee, to be president in the first place.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is nothing a little prayer can't solve.

Ahhh the A-merry-can religious right, they are so persecuted and misunderstood here in the land of the free.

Consider poor Mike Huckabee: the man is already complaining that the "Stimulus Package" is "anti religious". Yes he really said that. Apparently Mike doesn't like some of the language in the bill which bans higher education funds from being used where divinity is being taught.

“You would think the ACLU drafted this bill... For all of the talk about bipartisanship, this Congress is blatantly liberal.”

We can only wish there Mike, but unfortunately they are not liberal enough. Now keep in mind folks, this is a man who almost became your president. This is a man who was and still is a major player in a major political party in this country. And his biggest problem with a plan that is the most important piece of economic legislation in our country's history is that divinity schools could not get funding. And Mike is not alone, quite a few conservatives are up in arms over the religious bigotry found in the O man's bill.

Now I want to be fair to Mike; maybe he knows something what we all don't. Maybe divine intervention is the only thing that will get us out of this mess, and if it is, we can't piss off the big guy by preventing funding from going to his schools. Maybe we should have put a few billion dollars in the package just for all things divine. Commission a group to study and to find the folks who could send up the best prayers here in A-merry-ca. We could get a team of religious experts (interfaith of course) and they could start a kind of "Manhattan Project" centered around prayers instead of bombs. Can you imagine the possibilities? All this wrangling back and forth over something as simple as money when the man [or woman] who created this whole "shibang" could just click his [her] fingers and it would be over. And since A-merry-ca is his [her] country here in earth. The one country that was created in his [her] own image, I am sure he [she] would have no problem hooking us up.

Why don't we listen to these religious conservatives more? Our problems would be so easily solved if we would just listen.

Oh well, I am sure Mike will run for president soon again. If he does, there is no way the big guy will make him lose. The next time A-merry-ca will definitely get it right. This is all just a test of our will to see if we can truly appreciate how blessed we are.

Thank you Mike, and please thank the big guy for me. I know he answers your prayers. And I can't wait for you to become our president so that he can answer mine.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The look.

Now this is getting downright ridiculous.

My assistant has been with me for about eight years now. She was assigned to me by the city of Philadelphia and I couldn't be happier.

She is a white woman, and I think she is in her early fifties or so. She also happens to be a republican. I know this, because unfortunately, party affiliations and connections are two of the most important factors that are considered when folks get city jobs.

Now we rarely talk politics, but this morning my assistant asked me who I was voting for in the upcoming elections. Of course I knew right away where the conversation was heading. She then proceeded to ask me if I liked Obama. I told her I did but I still wasn't sure if I was going to vote for him just yet. "Why not?" She asked. "Well are you going to vote for him?" I asked her. "Yes I would consider it, I mean field, the man is so handsome."

Now I must admit, I never saw this coming. Not from her. I never even considered that she would consider voting for the "O" man. But after our little discusion it dawned on me that there must be quite a few A-merry-cans who will vote for the "O" man because they like how he looks, and how he carries himself.

I mean let's be honest; here in A-merry-ca we like our presidents to look, well, presidential. There are a couple of criterias that must be met. They must be tall, and they must have a full head of hair. It's why I knew Rudy was doomed from the get go. And it's why I know that Mike Huckabee, with his rice bowl bald spot in the middle of his head, has no shot. It's why Mike Dukakis- all four feet of him- had no shot when he ran against the first Bush. Think about it, pretty much all of our modern Presidents have been tall (I know the frat boy looks short, but he is really over six feet tall) with a full head of hair. The "O" man certainly fits that bill. And if my assistant is to be believed, he is handsome to boot.

So if I were John McCain I would be a little worried right now. I mean honestly John, I don't think A-merry-cans are feeling the comb over look. You might want to go the Joe Biden route and consider some hair plugs. And how tall are you? Could you get on one of the rides at Six Flags?... let me stop. The man does have one saving grace though, he is a war hero. Soldiers always seem taller than they really are don't they? I heard, for instance, that Ollie North was only like five feet six inches or some shit. Yet I see the guy on T.V. and he always looks like he is so much taller. (But I digress)

So back to the"O" man. Yes "O" man, if you are going to be the second coming of Camelot you better have the looks to go along with all the great speeches of inspiration. Fortunately for you it seems that you have that covered. And if my assistant is to be believed, it might carry you a long way; yes even with middle aged republican white women.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mitt is angry and Huck just wants to pray.

I caught the little dust up between the sociopath slash presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, and that AP reporter today. It seems the reporter, Glen Johnson, called Romney on his bullshit, and of course Romney didn't like it. There is nothing a poli-trick-ster hates more than being caught in a lie or having to take an uncomfortable position. (Remember Hillary and her little driver's license issue in that democratic presidential debate?)

"I don't have lobbyist running my campaign. I don't have lobbyists that are tied to my....and this is when the poor reporter couldn't take it anymore. "That's not true governor, that is not true. Ron Kauman is a lobbyist." Yes, and so is Barbara Constack who also works for his campaign."Did you hear what I said?" "Did you hear what I said Glen? (Yes I am sure he did, but you are such a fucking liar that I am sure he doesn't believe you) I said I don't have lobbyist running my campaign and he is not running my campaign." To which the incredulous reporter replied: "He's a senior advisor!" This is when Mitt made the distinction between working and being a senior advisor on his campaign, and actually running his campaign. Yeah, just like his dad didn't actually march with Dr. King, but was with him in spirit. A-merry-ca, there is something very dangerous about Mitt Romney. So you can fuck around and elect this guy if you want to. But if you do, I can gurantee you that you will regret every minute of those four years.

The irony of screaming against lobbyist of course, is that Mitt's own daddy was a lobbyist in Washington for the auto industry. And now he is acting like he is so far removed from K street and all its greed and corruption. Honestly, you gotta love these repukes. When you think that Mitt Romney might be the most viable candidate that they have, you have to admit that you want to just say a little prayer for the republic.

And speaking of prayer, just what the fuck is wrong with Mike Huckabee? That crazy SOB admitted to eating squirrels in college. And he worries about Gays marrying each other in A-merry-ca? Shit we need to be worried about his crazy ass and people like him. I would rather live in a town full of gay married couples than living with people like his ignorant ass around me.

"You don't like people from outside coming in and telling you what to do with your flag."

"YOUR FLAG?" Yeah well their flag represents something very tragic to people who look like I do. And for your ignorant ass to make a statement like that is just proof positive that you are not ready to lead this country and become president for all the people.

I mean how pathetic is the repukelican party? Mike stinking Huckabee? The guy thinks all AIDS patients should be quarantined. He doesn't believe in evolution. He tries to imply that homosexuals aren't normal people, and he wants women to stay in the kitchen and serve their husbands. And this guy wants to be my president? The scary thing is he actually won a primary. (Remind me not to go to Iowa any time soon).

And Mike, I was thinking; if you want to be president so bad, why not just ask god to make you president? Why go through all the bullshit? I mean you are the lord's candidate right? Shouldn't you be praying instead of campaigning ?

Just remember that when you start praying you should be careful, because the president we have now did a lot of praying too, and you see how that turned out.