Showing posts with label voter fraud.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voter fraud.. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The face of voter fraud?

Image result for terri lyn rote image              I have always thought that all this talk of voter fraud was just a smoke screen set up by republicans to use as an excuse to suppress the vote of minorities. I thought this because I thought that they had to know that by all objective measures  there are something like approximately 31 incidents of real voter fraud out of every billion ballots cast.

This voter fraud meme has been one of the linchpins of the trump campaign, and he has been particularly vocal about "the blacks" voting in places like Philadelphia. (And this guy is not a racist? Please!) Anyway, now that he is only down by one point in the polls (Thank you Mr FBI man) maybe he will stop with all the cheating and rigged election talk.

It just so happens that I was thinking about all this voter fraud talk when I read the following story:

"A woman in Iowa was arrested this week on suspicion of voting twice in the general election, court and police records show.

Terri Lynn Rote, a 55-year-old Des Moines resident, was booked Thursday on a first-degree charge of election misconduct, according to Polk County Jail records. The charge is considered a Class D felony under Iowa state law.

Rote was released Friday after posting $5,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 7.
The Des Moines Register reported that Rote is a registered Republican who cast two ballots in the general election: an early-voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office and another at a county satellite voting location, according to police records.

Rote hadn’t planned on voting twice but said it was “a spur-of-the-moment thing” when she walked by the satellite voting location, she told The Washington Post in a phone interview Saturday.
“I don’t know what came over me,” Rote said.

She added she has been a supporter of Donald Trump since early in his campaign, after Republican candidate Mike Huckabee dropped out of the primary race.

Rote told Iowa Public Radio that she cast her first ballot for Trump but feared it would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.

'The polls are rigged,' Rote told the radio station.

Leigh Munsil, an editor for the Blaze, noted on Twitter that Rote was the same woman who had caucused for Trump earlier this year."[Source]

Oh my! You mean a white woman in Iowa--- who happens to be a trump supporter--- was actually caught committing voter fraud? Well color me shocked. *sarcasm off*

Terri Lynn Rote is a long ways from one of those urban areas Donald likes to talk about. Maybe Donald is on to something. We were probably just looking in the wrong place to find what he was talking about.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Race traitors and voter fraud.

I see that the former New York city police officer who pumped 50 bullets into the body of an unarmed man after his bachelor party has no regrets for his actions.

"I’m not looking back, no apologies, no regrets,” he told NBC New York in an exclusive interview. “I came to grips with what I did. I am able to sleep at night. I am here talking to you.”

Isnora and three other undercover cops fired 50 shots at Bell and his three friends who were leaving Bell’s bachelor party the night of November 16th. The groom-to-be died of his wounds. It was the night before his wedding.
Isnora maintains he heard one of Bells’s friend, Joseph Guzman, say “Go get my gun,” after the bachelor party was involved in an altercation with another man, Fabio Coicou. Isnora said he believed the men were going to their vehicle to retrieve a gun.

After the driver of the car rammed itself into a police van, Isnora thought he saw Guzman reach for a gun and began to fire.
In fact, all of the men were unarmed.

“I was fed to the wolves if, you know, you wanna use that,” Isnora told NBC of his firing. “That’s exactly what the Commissioner and the Mayor did.” [Source]

"Fed to the wolves"? N*^^%r please! I am so sick of these "Bagawire" type Negroes. Your ass should be rotting in a jail cell right now. You are lucky that  you only lost your pension and not your freedom.

Staying with the slave catcher theme. (Now I know how my hommie, Marcus Garvey, must have felt back in the day) I am still waiting for one of his republican colleagues to condemn the statements made by slave catcher in chef, *Allen West , recently. Allen, calling your colleagues in the house Communists and doubling down on your statement is not how an elected member of congress should conduct himself.

But we are used to these things from Mr. West. A man who is looking more and more like a modern day minstrel every day. Dan Emmett would be proud of him; just like his republican supporters are now. My man actually raised some extra cash because of his outrageous statements. Yes folks, people actually sent their hard earned cash to support a man who made the claim that Communists are infiltrating the government.

Mr. West wants some of us to get the hell out of the USA. But why would we want to leave when we can be entertained by his constant jigging free of charge?

Finally, it seems that those "left wing crazies" and ACORN folks aren't the only ones capable of committing voter fraud:

"More than a year since a state district judge ruled 10 Montgomery County residents voted fraudulently in a Woodlands election, a grand jury last week indicted seven of those individuals for illegal voting.The indictments stem from the May 8, 2010, election of The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1. Ten individuals listed their voter registration address as that of a hotel in order to take control of the RUD board.
Former Montgomery County Judge candidate Adrian Heath heads the list of people charged with the third-degree felony. Heath declined comment, saying he was looking into hiring an attorney. [...]
According to indictments released by the Texas Attorney General’s Office, the defendants voted in an election they knew they were not eligible to vote.
Heath is also a tea party activist, and (this is perfect) judicial candidate. The group decided that they were afraid that someday the Woodlands Road Utility District would decide to start taxing residents of the area, instead of just commercial businesses, so he engineered an electoral coup, and a conspiracy to commit voter fraud." [Source] 

Maybe it's time for a new campaign slogan: Voter fraud, it's not just for the left anymore.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rough words from Reince.

All this GOP infighting is taking a toll on the party of Lincoln and Duke. O is looking at a 53% job approval rating as I write this post, despite 8.5% unemployment and a sluggish economy in these divided states of A-merry-ca.

No wonder the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, felt like he had to say some nasty things about the beige one on "Face The Nation" this past Sunday. My man must have thought that he was on FOX. BTW, who names their son Reince?That dude must have some serious issues if he has to live with a name like Reince. But I digress.

So anyway, Reince compared his Oness to a man who allegedly committed manslaughter and left his ship causing people-at least 16 that we know of-  to die. That's pretty harsh stuff coming from the leader of the RNC. I would suspect that they left that kind of down and dirty name calling to wingnut bloggers and talk show hosts.

I must give some credit to Michael Steele, who left the house long enough to condemn Reince.

"Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele told MSNBC the analogy was "unfortunate." [Source]

Good for you, Michael. Although I hope you are not saying this because my man took your job.You black republicans don't usually go after folks in your party for things like this. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

Finally, James O'Keefe has got to be the dumbest wingnut alive. Remember James? Yes, he was the clown who got busted breaking into a senator's office down in the Big Easy.

Anyway, check out his latest brilliant move:

"James O’Keefe’s latest video features surrogates appearing to commit voter fraud in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary election, all in an attempt to highlight voter fraud, a problem which is by-and-large nonexistent in the Granite State.

The undercover video shows unnamed individuals working at O’Keefe’s behest approaching polling stations throughout New Hampshire. After poll workers asked for the person’s name, O’Keefe’s agents gave the name of a voter who died within the past few weeks, before then receiving a ballot to vote. The individuals asked the poll workers if they needed ID to prove their identity, and when poll workers confirmed that they did not, O’Keefe’s men insisted on returning to their car to retrieve their ID and returned the ballot.

However, in highlighting the non-problem of voter fraud in New Hampshire and elsewhere, O’Keefe’s agents appear to have committed voter fraud themselves. Section 659:34 of the New Hampshire code defines voter fraud as when a person (highlights are ours):
(a) When registering to vote; when obtaining an official ballot; or when casting a vote by official ballot, makes a false material statement regarding his or her qualifications as a voter to an election officer or submits a voter registration form, and election day registration affidavit, a qualified voter affidavit, a domicile affidavit, or an absentee registration affidavit containing false material information regarding his or her qualifications as a voter;
(b) Votes more than once for any office or measure;
(c) Applies for a ballot in a name other than his or her own;
(d) Applies for a ballot in his or her own name after he or she has voted once;
(e) Votes for any office or measure at an election if such person is not qualified to vote as provided in RSA 654; or
(f) Gives a false name or answer if under examination as to his or her qualifications as a voter before the supervisors of the checklist or moderator.
In the raw footage released by O’Keefe (reproduced below), at 12:32, the poll worker asks the unnamed individual, “what’s your name again?” The man replies with the name of a dead New Hampshire voter, “Thomas McCarron.” She then asks if he lives at “179 Harrison Street?” The man affirms, “yes.”

In another instance, at 5:00, the poll worker checks off the individual’s fake name and says, “that’s you.” He does not correct her, but implicitly affirms the false identity by taking the ballot she hands him.

In addition, O’Keefe’s group may have run afoul of New Hampshire’s law against hidden recording devices. Granite State law requires both parties to consent when recording devices are used, a fact that even O’Keefe’s own website notes. However, the video gives no indication that poll workers were aware they were being filmed.

One section of footage not released by O’Keefe, however, was when a surrogate was caught at the polls trying to impersonate a dead voter. The Boston Herald notes that the man “disappeared before police could corral him.” [Source]

I hope that the authorities in New Hampshire throw the book at this clown and his minions. While somewhere in A-merry-ca a former ACORN worker is laughing his or her ass off.