Showing posts with label Reince Priebus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reince Priebus. Show all posts

Sunday, September 01, 2013

A "branding problem".

*And now this from black republican, Raynard Jackson, about the GOP and their "branding problem":

"During the past year, we have watched monumental change take place all over the world; not just in terms of democracy, but in terms of culture, law, and politics, etc.

Our major institutions have not been immune from this change that is sweeping across the globe.  There has been a major push to redefine what a family is; we have redefined marriage; we have redefined sexuality—no longer is there male or female, now there is other; there are now gay Christians; we now have Christian gangsta rappers, etc.

Everything seems to be changing other than the Republicans approach to engaging the Black community.

My readers know, that I think the RNC, under chairman Reince Priebus, seems to be the only one that has had a substantive approach to dealing with this issue.  He has hired Black staffers, he has gone into the Black community, and he actually listens to Blacks who bring ideas to him that make sense.
Now juxtapose that with our members of the House, Senate, and our 30 governors.

In June, there were two major decisions issued by the Supreme Court—voting rights and affirmative action.   Neither the house or senate leadership had any coordinated response that would speak directly to the Black community.  Even more problematic is the fact that the leadership in the Congress has no Black Republicans that they seek out for advice and guidance.

You have White members and their staffs who think they know more about the Black community than a Black person.  You have absolutely no engagement with the Black media from these members.

The Democrats constantly parade Black liberal all over various news outlets. They constantly brand the Republican Party as racist, bigoted, and non-caring about the poor.  And what is our party’s response?  Total silence.
In PR, a brand that is allowed to be denigrated beyond a certain point with no one to defend it; sooner or later becomes damaged beyond repair.

So, it is no wonder that when Blacks are asked their thoughts about the Republican Party, you hear words like:  racist, against Obama, don’t like poor people, homophobic, voter suppression, etc.   We must fight this onslaught in the media, but Republicans have very few Blacks with credibility to utilize in this capacity.

With the winds of change blowing all around, the Republican Party’s leadership seems to be stuck in the past.  If they continue to surround themselves with the same white staffers, White consultants, and white media advisers, guess what—let me paint the picture for you.

There will be no more marriage (as we know it), there will be open borders, taxes will be north of 90 percent, and Republicans will be true minority party (as in numerically).

Republican governors are passing ID laws loaded with things that undercut their whole message.  North Carolina is a perfect example.  I am a huge supporter of voter ID, but it is insane not to allow a student to use their college ID as valid identification.  This indeed does open the door for the liberals to use the race card.  We must be smart with our legislative agenda, not just be right.

What is ironic about North Carolina is that the governor’s chief of staff is Black.  But this fact proves my point.  Just because a person is Black, does not mean he understands PR or media strategies.  North Carolina presents an opportunity to study, in real time, the impact that a negative brand can have on actual elections.  On paper, we should be able to pick up the senate seat there next year; but my greatest fear is that our brand will be so bad as a result of the recently passed voter ID law, that we will lose an easy pickup.

Being right is not enough.  We Republicans are very good at utilizing our majorities to force our political agenda into law; but we are horrible in explaining to those outside of the party why and how our actions will benefit them.

Unfortunately, this is not a brand new problem; but rather a brand problem." [Source]

*Pic from TransGriot

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Mr. Smith goes to prison, and more from the GOP's I Love The Negro Tour.

The other day I sat in a court room and watched while a young brotha was brought up in shackles from his cell. I listened while the Assistant District Attorney read charges after charges against him, and then proceeded to read from his very long rap sheet that outlined a life of thuggery and petty crimes. There is no doubt that this dude was a career criminal who had used up all his chances and was now, thankfully, finally being taken off the street.

But as despicable as I find the actions of career criminals like this young man, it pales in comparison to the disdain I have for politricksters who betray the communities that they are supposed to be serving by looking out for their own self interest. They are in positions of power and they have the ability to make real change from their seats at the table. When they do nefarious things their actions have a profound effect on the communities that sent them to sit at the table. 

This is why I was so glad to hear of the arrest of Malcolm Smith in New York. This Negro was allegedly scheming to buy off republican politricksters so that he could get his name on the mayoral ballot. He is being charged with bribery, extortion, and mail fraud. If he is found guilty I hope that they throw the book at him.

"But field, why does the black man have to be the first to get arrested? Why is 'the man' always going after these high ranking black politicians?

Because black politicians like this ignorant Negro would rather spend his time scheming with republicans (REPUBLICANS!) to grab power and line his pockets than do the people's work.

When you fool around in the house instead of trying to find ways to serve the people you are supposed to be looking out for, you will ultimately find yourself doing a perp walk and embarrassing your family and your constituents.

"Authorities described the scheme - potentially one of the biggest political scandals to hit New York in years - as an attempt to game the city's first wide-open mayoral election in more than a decade. New York will choose a new mayor in November, before Michael Bloomberg's third term wraps up at year's end.

The charges center on State Senator Malcolm Smith, a Democrat from Queens, who prosecutors said made payments to a city councilman to set up meetings with top New York Republicans to assist in getting him on the mayoral ballot.
Smith and the councilman, Daniel Halloran, a Republican from Queens, were among the six politicians arrested on Tuesday morning in connection to the bribery scandal.

Charges against the six include bribery, extortion, and wire and mail fraud.
"From time to time the question arises, how common is corruption in New York?" said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara at a late-morning press conference. "Based on the cases that we have brought and continue to bring, it seems downright pervasive."

Recent years have seen another high-ranking New York state Senator, Democrat Pedro Espada Jr., convicted of stealing more than $600,000 from Soundview HealthCare Center, a partly federally funded company he worked at; and a pay-for-play scandal at the state's pension fund that saw the state comptroller resign and serve 21 months in prison.

Authorities arrested four other politicians: Queens County Republican Party Vice Chairman Vincent Tabone, Bronx County Republican Party Chairman Joseph Savino, Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin and Spring Valley Deputy Mayor Joseph Desmaret.

Jasmin and Desmaret are Democrats.

Smith's lawyer, Gerald Shargel, defended his client but said he had not yet fully reviewed the charges. "Malcolm Smith is a dedicated public servant who has served ... his constituents in an exemplary fashion," Shargel said."

Excuse me while a get some tidy wipes. I think I just threw up on my computer keys.

*Finally, Reince Priebus is on his I Love The Negro Tour on behalf of the GOP. He has been going to some major urban areas where a lot of black folks congregate, and from what I hear he has been sincerely trying to reach out (see passing out $$$ to certain preachers) to you Negroes on behalf of his party.

Sorry Reince, I know some of these Negro preachers; your 10 million dollars might run out after just two churches.

Just sayin.

*Pic from


Friday, April 06, 2012

This is no way to get the "caterpillar" vote.

Fellows, like most of you, I pretty much "outkicked my coverage" when it comes to the woman I married. So anyway, I am looking at the beautiful Mrs. Field and I am happy to say that she looks nothing like the picture that goes with this post.

Sadly, however, this is what Reince Priebus, the head of the RNC, believes that Mrs. Field and all other A-merry-can women look like.

Read what Vanessa over at Feministing wrote:

"RNC Chairman Reince Priebus had the loveliest thing to say yesterday about the discussions around the GOP’s “war on women” that’s been dominating the political landscape as of late:
“If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that Republicans have a war on caterpillars, then we’d have problems with caterpillars,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” airing this weekend. “It’s a fiction.”
I’ll admit I’m kind of loving how these GOP tactics to try to dismiss this conversation as silly and meaningless are just further trivializing the issues that women and other folks with uteri care about, and just keep diggin’ themselves deeper and deeper into this hole of voter abandonment." [Source]

Well Mr. Priebus, eventually caterpillars become beautiful butterflies. But unfortunately for you and your party, they won't be flying your way come November. 

Finally, I hate to agree with Jason Whitlock, but the issue he raised about the Trayvon Martin case has been bothering me as well.

Why is it that during the entire O.J. Simpson circus white folks were saying that he was guilty before we even had a trial? Why did they excoriate and berate the jurors who found him not guilty? In their minds they all thought he was guilty, and they made no bones about it. (BTW, I thought that he was guilty as well. Yes black folks, I hate to break it to you, but O.J. killed his wife and that young man that night.)So why does George Killerman get the benefit of the doubt? Why can't these same people convict Mr. Killerman in the court of public opinion the way they did O.J.? That was a rhetorical question. I know the answer:Trayvon is not a woman, and he is not blond.

"..long before Geraldo Rivera preached to Trayvon Martin’s parents about the evils of hoodies, he sat on CNBC during the mid-1990s and led the media prosecution of O.J. Simpson. Geraldo was so good at it and the American public so enamored by it that smart TV executives quickly launched MSNBC (July 15, 1996) and FOX News (Oct. 7, 1996) to capitalize on the ratings gold Geraldo discovered.

So forgive me for pointing out the obvious: At best, the whining about the left-wing media’s passionate belief that Zimmerman should be arrested and charged with a crime in the death of Martin is embarrassingly hypocritical and delusional. At worst, it reveals an appalling racial bias.

There is significantly more evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime on Feb. 26, 2012 than there ever was that Simpson committed one on June 12, 1994. The Trayvon Martin case isn’t a who-done-it. We don’t have to speculate about motives or opportunity. We know who was carrying the gun and who was carrying the Skittles. We know who a police dispatcher advised to abandon pursuit. We know who was the 28-year-old wannabe cop complaining about “f---ing ‘oons” and who was the 17-year-old boy talking to his girlfriend.
It took five days for the police to arrest and charge O.J. Simpson. Thirty-six days after police listed Martin as John Doe, George Zimmerman is a free man and apparently being elevated to martyrdom in some influential circles."

Correction Jason, it's been 39 days. But who is counting?


Monday, January 30, 2012

Rough words from Reince.

All this GOP infighting is taking a toll on the party of Lincoln and Duke. O is looking at a 53% job approval rating as I write this post, despite 8.5% unemployment and a sluggish economy in these divided states of A-merry-ca.

No wonder the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, felt like he had to say some nasty things about the beige one on "Face The Nation" this past Sunday. My man must have thought that he was on FOX. BTW, who names their son Reince?That dude must have some serious issues if he has to live with a name like Reince. But I digress.

So anyway, Reince compared his Oness to a man who allegedly committed manslaughter and left his ship causing people-at least 16 that we know of-  to die. That's pretty harsh stuff coming from the leader of the RNC. I would suspect that they left that kind of down and dirty name calling to wingnut bloggers and talk show hosts.

I must give some credit to Michael Steele, who left the house long enough to condemn Reince.

"Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele told MSNBC the analogy was "unfortunate." [Source]

Good for you, Michael. Although I hope you are not saying this because my man took your job.You black republicans don't usually go after folks in your party for things like this. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

Finally, James O'Keefe has got to be the dumbest wingnut alive. Remember James? Yes, he was the clown who got busted breaking into a senator's office down in the Big Easy.

Anyway, check out his latest brilliant move:

"James O’Keefe’s latest video features surrogates appearing to commit voter fraud in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary election, all in an attempt to highlight voter fraud, a problem which is by-and-large nonexistent in the Granite State.

The undercover video shows unnamed individuals working at O’Keefe’s behest approaching polling stations throughout New Hampshire. After poll workers asked for the person’s name, O’Keefe’s agents gave the name of a voter who died within the past few weeks, before then receiving a ballot to vote. The individuals asked the poll workers if they needed ID to prove their identity, and when poll workers confirmed that they did not, O’Keefe’s men insisted on returning to their car to retrieve their ID and returned the ballot.

However, in highlighting the non-problem of voter fraud in New Hampshire and elsewhere, O’Keefe’s agents appear to have committed voter fraud themselves. Section 659:34 of the New Hampshire code defines voter fraud as when a person (highlights are ours):
(a) When registering to vote; when obtaining an official ballot; or when casting a vote by official ballot, makes a false material statement regarding his or her qualifications as a voter to an election officer or submits a voter registration form, and election day registration affidavit, a qualified voter affidavit, a domicile affidavit, or an absentee registration affidavit containing false material information regarding his or her qualifications as a voter;
(b) Votes more than once for any office or measure;
(c) Applies for a ballot in a name other than his or her own;
(d) Applies for a ballot in his or her own name after he or she has voted once;
(e) Votes for any office or measure at an election if such person is not qualified to vote as provided in RSA 654; or
(f) Gives a false name or answer if under examination as to his or her qualifications as a voter before the supervisors of the checklist or moderator.
In the raw footage released by O’Keefe (reproduced below), at 12:32, the poll worker asks the unnamed individual, “what’s your name again?” The man replies with the name of a dead New Hampshire voter, “Thomas McCarron.” She then asks if he lives at “179 Harrison Street?” The man affirms, “yes.”

In another instance, at 5:00, the poll worker checks off the individual’s fake name and says, “that’s you.” He does not correct her, but implicitly affirms the false identity by taking the ballot she hands him.

In addition, O’Keefe’s group may have run afoul of New Hampshire’s law against hidden recording devices. Granite State law requires both parties to consent when recording devices are used, a fact that even O’Keefe’s own website notes. However, the video gives no indication that poll workers were aware they were being filmed.

One section of footage not released by O’Keefe, however, was when a surrogate was caught at the polls trying to impersonate a dead voter. The Boston Herald notes that the man “disappeared before police could corral him.” [Source]

I hope that the authorities in New Hampshire throw the book at this clown and his minions. While somewhere in A-merry-ca a former ACORN worker is laughing his or her ass off.


Friday, January 14, 2011

John's black problem, the age of Reince, and brothers and restrooms.

I want to start this post by making a personal appeal to you Negroes: Please stop with this rumor that John Boehner's mother was a sister and was doing the whole passe blanc thing.

This stuff has been going around on the web for a few days now and it needs to stop. I know he went there first, but let's stop digging into the man's background for (black) skeletons.

Happy trails hip hop Mike. I guess those melanin challenged folks over at the RNC got tired of you going all 106 & Park at your public speaking engagements. That and the little money issues you were having. ---Actually it was more like the big money issues. See Mike, that's why those folks don't want us around their money; because of Negroes like you.

Anyway A-merry-ca, get ready to hear a lot about* Reince Priebus in the coming days. REINCE PRIEBUS. The poor guy's name sounds like some kind of rare disease. REINCE PRIEBUS???
Somehow that name seems fitting for the leader of the RNC. Good luck Reince, and be kind to Mike.

Finally, I recently blogged about brothers being able to use public rest rooms here in A-merry-ca, and now it seems that even famous brothers don't get to tinkle when they want to.

"An assistant manager at McDonald's was fired after allowing Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson to use the bathroom while the restaurant was closed.

While working the late-night drive-thru shift at 3 a.m., a female employee encountered a man standing outside the window who asked to come inside and use the restroom. After a little while, she realized it was the popular Minnesota Vikings star and opened the door for him to come inside and use the facilities. (The seating area at the restaurant is normally closed during the late-night hours.)

One week later, the mother of three was fired for the offense.

"He's a public figure... I know him better than some of the maintenance people that come in and out," she told The Consumerist. "I never thought in a million years that that decision was going to cost me my career." [Source]

Oh lawd!! Come on Micky D's. It was Adrian Peterson for crying out loud! Here is hoping that Adrian uses his influence and wealth to get girlfriend her job back. After all, she was just helping out a brotha.

Folks, I have to go now. I just found out that I am a Leo and not a Virgo anymore. I am all messed up inside.