Showing posts with label war on women.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war on women.. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A muzzle is needed for two.

joshua_Black_facebookI really didn't want to waste my time blogging about that slave catcher down in Florida, who called or the lynching of our president.

I mean it is one thing to disagree with the president on policy, or even to criticize him in a very open and vociferous way, but calling for his lynching is a bit over the top.

I expect this kind of behavior from the boorish Neanderthals who post on right wing websites, but not from a man of color who happens to be running for political office. Honestly, the word insane comes to mind.

Not only did the guy do this on MLK Day, but he actually doubled down on his outrageous comments the next day.

"To everyone who was offended that I said that the POTUS should be hanged for treason, this is the man who droned Al-Awaki on “suspicion of terrorism"--not proof--and later killed his 15-year-old son for nothing more than being his son.
This is also the man who sought to have Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden executed for treason when they didn't kill anyone, nor does the US government pretend to believe that they cost any spies their lives.

This would be exactly what the President has done to others, and, as Jesus said, “the measure ye mete, it shall be meted to you again." I make no apologies..."

Somebody call the "Drop Squad".

Finally, the republican "war on women" continues. This time a former presidential candidate is leading the charge.

"And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it,"

That "Uncle Sugar" comment won't go over so well. I know that Mr. Huckabee thought that he was defending the republican position on women in a positive  and principled way, but somehow, as is always the case with these poor guys, it didn't quite come out that way.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Republicans would do well to think about that quote the next time that they weigh into the debate about the female reproductive system. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Trayvon Martin, a widow's defense, and an uninformed electorate.

I am still waiting to see what the police department in Sanford, Florida does with the Trayvon Martin case. FOURTEEN DAYS and counting. I am glad to see Adora Obi Nweze, President of the Florida State Conference of NAACP Branches, get involved.

Parts of her statement:

"This murder of an unarmed black teen occurred on February 26, 2012 during Black History Month and while Orlando hosted basketball’s finest event-‐the All--‐Star Weekend (February 24–26). The shooting death of young Trayvon was kept under wraps—it went unreported by the media.

It was not until  All Star Weekend was over and with mounting pressure from the family’s attorney that the death
of this young man was released to the public.

One thing is certain: according to public records, the shooter, George Zimmerman, who has confessed, has a violent history,having been charged with battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence
in 2005.

It is unheard of for a neighborhood watch volunteer to carry a loaded gun or (as apparently happened here) to reject the clear instructions of police on a 911 call not to continue to follow Trayvon." (h/t to David for this release) [More here]

I just saw the widow of Professor Derrick Bell on the Ed Shultz show, and the woman was the personification of class. It's just  a shame that this woman had to go on national television to defend her late husband's honor because of the belly crawlers  and goons over at FOX NEWS. 

So anyway, thanks to to the likes of FOX NEWS, there is this new poll out which should make some of you living in A-merry-ca with an education past the 8th grade consider packing up and moving to Canada.

Public Policy Polling has released information about southern republican voters that show that many southerners still believe that President Barack Obama is a Muslim.  It is no clear from the poll how these people have come to this conclusion.

The information shows that only 14% of Alabama republicans believe that Obama is a Christian, while 45% believe he is a Muslim, and the 12% of Mississippi republicans believe that Obama is a Christian, while 52% of Mississippi republicans believe he is Muslim. [Source] 

You will need your passport to travel to Canada.

Finally, I have this theory about the GOP lawmakers waging war on women in A-merry-ca: They are men who, for whatever reason, were not too fond of women in the first place. I suspect that this is a chance to get back at all those women who wouldn't give them the time of day when they were in high school and college. For them, it's payback time.

They couldn't get a vaginal probe then, but they will be damned if they don't get one now.