Showing posts with label Orlando. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orlando. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fear and loathing after a tragedy.

Image result for obama orlando muslims images      In lieu of president Obama's microphone drop moment today, the following essay is apropos.

"The grim coincidence of a major terrorist attack occurring just as the 2016 general election lurches to life has provided Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, the opportunity he needed to define the campaign he intends to run: a campaign that casts the Muslim faith and its practitioners – both inside and outside the U.S. – as antagonistic to American interests. The speech he gave on Monday in response to the Orlando terrorist shooting was a relentlessly ugly diatribe that unambiguously embraced the pernicious and anti-American idea that a person’s religious faith makes them a threat to national security.

I suppose I should get into the parts of Trump’s proposed policies that either don’t make logical sense or are at war with each other. Referring to the man who murdered 49 people in Orlando, Trump said that he “was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States” and “the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.” That led Trump to segue into a denunciation of the “dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country.” Those two thing aren’t actually related, unless you believe (as Trump seems to) that the immigration screening process should weed out those people who are likely to give birth to people who will one day become terrorists.

Of course, the way Trump squares this circle is by arguing that literally every single person emigrating from a Muslim country has to be treated as a potential terrorist, which is why he expanded his proposed ban on Muslim immigration. “When I am elected,” Trump said in his speech, “I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.” That would obviously include certain Middle Eastern countries, but given how general his proposed immigration ban is, for the sake of consistency it would also have to include Spain, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Peru, India, Canada, Greece, and countless other non-Muslim countries where Donald Trump would quite happily build one of his tacky golf resorts.

But Trump’s focus is on Muslims exclusively – not radicalized Muslims, but every Muslim person outside the U.S. He referred to the expanded admittance of refugees from Syria as potentially “a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.” Per Trump, Hillary Clinton, as president, would “be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.” It’s all fearmongering based on lies and prejudice. “We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian refugees into the United States,” he warned, even though the actual number of admitted Syrian refugees is shamefully low compared to European countries and far behind the administration’s already modest proposed goal. The vetting process for Syrian refugees is rigorous and lengthy, consisting of background checks, multiple interviews, and hundreds of questions, to say nothing of the separate United Nations screening process they have to go through before the U.S. will even consider their cases." [Source]

Constitution? What Constitution? We don't need no stinkin Constitution.

*Pic from

Monday, June 13, 2016

The day after.

Image result for orlando shooter images   I would like to start this post by telling the nominee for president of a major political party in this country that "Afghan" is not a country. Also, I doubt seriously that the president is some kind of secret Muslim who is trying to undermine everything America stands for.

“Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee declared. “And the something else in mind—you know, people can't believe it. People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.”

So anyway, it's the day after the mass murder of club goers in Orlando, and, as is to be expected, the usual suspects are playing politic games with the tragedy.

Donald trump has been all over the news and he has been telling everyone who will listen that he has the magic bullet to stop terrorism and keep those evil Muslims in check. But does he? From all accounts Isis and similar groups have been using trump's cartoonish mug for recruiting purposes and using his words to fire up young Jihadist fighters.

It's scary to think what type of fight against terror a president trump will  coordinate. He already has some loopy plans that are not grounded in reality.

"Without distinguishing between mainstream Muslims and Islamist terrorists, Mr. Trump suggested that all Muslim immigrants posed potential threats to America’s security and called for a ban on migrants from any part of the world with “a proven history of terrorism” against the United States or its allies. He also insinuated that American Muslims were all but complicit in acts of domestic terrorism for failing to report attacks in advance, asserting without evidence that they had warnings of shootings like the one in Orlando.
Mr. Trump’s speech, delivered at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., represented an extraordinary break from the longstanding rhetorical norms of American presidential nominees. But if his language more closely resembled a European nationalist’s than a mainstream Republican’s, he was wagering that voters are stirred more by their fears of Islamic terrorism than any concerns they may have about his flouting traditions of tolerance and respect for religious diversity." [Source]
Fear is a powerful thing, and it can lead good people to make bad choices. Mr. trump is counting on it. 

*Pic from

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

This "race war" will not be televised.

"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace"
~Dalai Lama~

Years from now a new generation of Americans will look at this age we are living in as one of the most regressive and backwards time in our history. Yes I know we elected an African American to be our president, (albeit a half one) but that might have been the catalyst that is helping to take us back to the dark ages.

Yesterday in North Carolina the citizens of that state voted for an amendment to their state's constitution declaring that marriage should be between a man and a woman. ---Yes, because marriage between a man and a woman in those Southern states have been working out so beautifully. Not!

Of course these types of events should come as no surprise to us. Not when almost half of republican voters in one state believe that Loving V. Virginia was decided the wrong way.  I suspect that these are the same types of people who keep preparing for the coming race war(Great, a brotha can't even go to Disney World anymore without having to worry about  some Deliverance type dude with an AK-47 trying to split his wig. BTW, FOX calls them a "civil rights" group.)

In a way, it has already started. Most of you just don't know it yet. But the folks who control the narrative in this country certainly do, and they use it to play on the fears of the naive and innocent without them even knowing it. (h/t Tia)
And don't expect so called scholars and journalist to call it out. Most of them have already chosen which side they are on.

So anyway, with all of this as a backdrop, it was nice to see O come out in support of marriage equality. ---Better late than never I guess-- Although we all know that this was part political calculation and part conscience. He says he is "evolving." That's fine. Whatever it takes to get you there, O. At least you are there now. The folks on the other side will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21 Century. It could be awhile. Look how long it took them to recognize us black folks as citizens.

“I have the same view on marriage that I had when I was governor and that I expressed many times. I believe marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman,” Romney told reporters and about 30 supporters at an appearance with Republican Gov. Mary Fallin...Romney called same-sex marriage a “tender and sensitive topic,” and he acknowledged that not everyone agrees with him. Decisions about hospital-visitation rights and other benefits should be determined by the states, he said. “But my view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman.”

"Should be determined by the states"? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?