Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Friday, May 05, 2017

Donald, we have a lot to lose.

TWEET ME Remember when all those black college presidents played themselves by joining trump in the White House? I thought that they were being played then, and now I know for a fact that they were.

Just look at what president trump is doing to black colleges now.

"President Donald Trump signaled Friday that he may not implement a 25-year-old federal program that helps historically black colleges finance construction projects on their campuses, suggesting that it may run afoul of the Constitution.

In a signing statement on the $1.1 trillion omnibus government spending bill, Trump singled out the Historically Black College and University Capital Financing Program as an example of provisions in the funding bill “that allocate benefits on the basis of race, ethnicity, and gender.'

Trump said his administration would treat those programs “in a manner consistent with the requirement to afford equal protection of the law under the Due Process Clause of the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment.”’

Previous presidents, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush, often issued such statements when they signed legislation to signal they may ignore or disregard parts of laws passed by Congress." [Source]

Remember when trump asked you Negroes what you have to lose by voting for him? Well you are starting to find out. I knew he wouldn't disappoint.  .

Speaking of trump and Negroes.....

"The Trump administration has fired the White House chief usher — the first woman and second African-American to hold the nonpartisan position, according to a report.

The White House residence staff was told Friday morning that Angella Reid, appointed in 2011 by President Obama, had been canned, without offering an explanation, the Washington Post reported, citing a source.

“We are very grateful for her service and wish her the very best,” a White House official confirmed, declining to provide details.

Reid was only the third usher to be booted in more than a century — and the first since then-first lady Hillary Clinton canned an usher in 1994 for supposed disloyalty.

White House ushers are on duty 24/7, taking care of the first family’s needs and overseeing the staff, including chefs, florists, maids, butlers, chefs, carpenters and other workers who take care of the presidential residence.

The chief usher in particular works closely with the president and his family." [Source]

Wait, did the article say that the usher "works closely with the president and his family"?

Well that explains why she was fired. The only Negroes trump likes close to him are Omarosa and Ben Carson.

"What do you have to lose?"

In the case of Angella Reid it was her job.


Monday, June 13, 2016

The day after.

Image result for orlando shooter images   I would like to start this post by telling the nominee for president of a major political party in this country that "Afghan" is not a country. Also, I doubt seriously that the president is some kind of secret Muslim who is trying to undermine everything America stands for.

“Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee declared. “And the something else in mind—you know, people can't believe it. People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.”

So anyway, it's the day after the mass murder of club goers in Orlando, and, as is to be expected, the usual suspects are playing politic games with the tragedy.

Donald trump has been all over the news and he has been telling everyone who will listen that he has the magic bullet to stop terrorism and keep those evil Muslims in check. But does he? From all accounts Isis and similar groups have been using trump's cartoonish mug for recruiting purposes and using his words to fire up young Jihadist fighters.

It's scary to think what type of fight against terror a president trump will  coordinate. He already has some loopy plans that are not grounded in reality.

"Without distinguishing between mainstream Muslims and Islamist terrorists, Mr. Trump suggested that all Muslim immigrants posed potential threats to America’s security and called for a ban on migrants from any part of the world with “a proven history of terrorism” against the United States or its allies. He also insinuated that American Muslims were all but complicit in acts of domestic terrorism for failing to report attacks in advance, asserting without evidence that they had warnings of shootings like the one in Orlando.
Mr. Trump’s speech, delivered at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., represented an extraordinary break from the longstanding rhetorical norms of American presidential nominees. But if his language more closely resembled a European nationalist’s than a mainstream Republican’s, he was wagering that voters are stirred more by their fears of Islamic terrorism than any concerns they may have about his flouting traditions of tolerance and respect for religious diversity." [Source]
Fear is a powerful thing, and it can lead good people to make bad choices. Mr. trump is counting on it. 

*Pic from

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Super Tuesday.

Image result for super tuesday imagesThe Rent A Negro placement agency will get a lot of calls from the trump campaign tonight. They will no doubt need some Negro faces for the ample camera shots that will focus on the campaign as he gives all of his victory speeches.

If the Rent A Negro agency depended on Hillary or Bernie they would go broke, because Negroes are going to show up at their rallies free of charge.

Trump still can't convince most of us with a brain that he is not a virulent racist--- or at least trying to play to them--- so the perfect Negro placement will be particularly important for him.

Disturbing stories like the one where he kicked out approximately 30 African American students from his campaign rally before it even started is just adding to the narrative that trump is a racist. 

I am watching the early returns on television as I write this post, and the trump strategy to clean up with the god ole boyz and gals seems to be working.  The networks are already calling Georgia and some other Southern states for him, so if you people in America with a conscience thought that trump letting his Klan flag fly would hurt him, you are wrong.

Hillary's black wall strategy seems to be working as well. Those Southern Negroes are coming out for her big time. (Memo to Bernie: You can't campaign with Negro leftists such as Cornel West and expect to beat Hillary among black folks. In case you didn't notice those guys hate Obama almost as much as republicans do, and sadly for them, black folks still love President Obama.) Bernie should have paid me for my advice. I could have saved him a lot of wasted resources. 

Finally, there are a couple of stories in the news today that have me heading to my shoe closet to get my racism chase sneakers out.

Seriously wingnuts? What did Maya Angelou ever do to you guys? I mean everyone loves Maya. The woman is an American treasure for crying out loud. And yet.....

"You know how Congress sometimes votes to honor people by naming post offices and other things after them? Well, that normally uncontroversial honor was bestowed upon Maya Angelou today. The House overwhelmingly voted in favor today of naming a post office after her.

I say “overwhelmingly” because not everyone was on board. Yes, there were actually members of Congress who opposed naming a post office for Maya Angelou.

According to NBC News, nine Republicans voted against it. Mo Brooks, Ken Buck, Michael Burgess, Jeff Duncan, Glenn Grothman, Andy Harris, Thomas Massie, Alex Mooney, and Steven Palazzo  all voted nay.

Don Young, another Republican, voted present.

Congressman Steve Israel called out his colleagues for their “disrespectful” move:
Naming post offices is one of the most benign and bipartisan duties we perform in the House of representatives and there is rarely any opposition. That’s why I was shocked today as nine Republicans voted against naming a post office after Maya Angelou, indisputably one of our country’s greatest poets, authors and civil rights activists. The fact that these nine Members would cast a no vote shows a blatant disrespect and only adds to the damaging actions they’ve taken this year to reverse progress from long and hard fought civil rights battles.
Most of the nine Republicans haven’t yet explained their votes, but a spokesperson for Harris provided this actual explanation to NBC News:" [Source]

Something about her being a Communist sympathizer or something.

Then there are the series of police killings over the past few days that have yet to be explained. 

There is the sad story of Gregory Gunn in Alabama, the case of that Kenyan immigrant in Utah, Rolanda Byrd's son in North Carolina, and that sleeping couple in California

There are more. But I am going to have to do more training.

Chasing the Big R can be exhausting. 

*Pic from


Monday, February 22, 2016

Making Virginia "happy".

Image result for virginia mclaurin imagesBless Virginia McLaurin's heart.  She got to dance with America's first black president and his wife in the White House.

A lot of the folks on my twitter timeline said that they were tearing up after watching the video of Miss Virginia, and they were feeling proud that they voted for America's first black president.

Miss Virginia has had quite a life. She was born in the South in 1909; she remembers the country being led by President Hoover; she remembers using kerosene instead of electricity; she remembers using a well for water; and  she remembers seeing a Ford automobile for the first time. [Source] 

Sadly, when Miss Virginia was coming up in America, there was no civil rights for black people, so I can only imagine the unspeakable indignities that she suffered here in the "land of the free."

"I tell you, I am so happy," she told President Obama.
"A black president, yay, and his black wife."

Go on and shake your feet Virginia. You deserve it.

Finally, after reading about Virginia, the following article is apropos:

"Let's say you're driving down the street and someone rear-ends you. You get out of your car to assess the damage. The person who hit your vehicle gets out of his car, apologizes for the damage and calls his insurance company. Eventually, you receive a check for the harm done. 

Now, let's say that for years, if not generations, your family and families like yours have been damaged by your country's political and economic system -- by law and widespread practice, with the intent of benefiting families not like yours -- then the checks for the harm done would be called reparations.

Beginning with more than two centuries of slavery, black Americans have been deliberately abused by their own nation. It's time to pay restitution.

Black activists and intellectuals have been making that point with increasing volume over the last few years, turning what was an obscure thought problem into a political issue. The question of reparations has even entered into the Democratic primary, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) struggling to explain to black voters why he has built such a strong social justice platform on every issue but this one. 

Sanders was put on the spot last month when a reporter asked him if he would support reparations as president. "No, I don't think so," he said, describing the likelihood of congressional passage as "nil" -- as if those odds normally stopped him.

Every year since 1989, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has introduced the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. As the name indicates, H.R. 40 does not require reparations. It simply calls for comprehensive research into the nature and financial impact of African enslavement as well as the ills inflicted on black people during the Jim Crow era. Then, remedies can be suggested.

Every year, the bill stalls.

Fifty-nine percent of black Americans think that the descendants of enslaved Africans deserve reparations, according to a June 2014 HuffPost/YouGov poll. Sixty-three percent of black folks support targeted education and job training programs for the descendants of slaves. 
Most other Americans still aren't listening.

Ta-Nehisi Coates, perhaps the most prominent voice now pushing reparations, laid out why black Americans deserve even more than repayment for slavery in a sweeping 2014 article, "The Case for Reparations." The exploitation didn't stop with the Emancipation Proclamation, so any restitution must reckon with the discrimination that followed and deal with the living victims of these ills.
Last month, Coates criticized Sanders' decision to shy away from the issue:  
If not even an avowed socialist can be bothered to grapple with reparations, if the question really is that far beyond the pale, if Bernie Sanders truly believes that victims of the Tulsa pogrom deserved nothing, that the victims of contract lending deserve nothing, that the victims of debt peonage deserve nothing, that that political plunder of black communities entitle them to nothing, if this is the candidate of the radical left -- then expect white supremacy in America to endure well beyond our lifetimes and lifetimes of our children.
Let's change that -- let's bother to have the hard but necessary discussion of what black Americans are owed for what was taken from them. If reparations ever come, what would they look like?" [More]

The author goes on to say how reparations would be paid  for and who would be eligible to receive it.

I know one person who would be eligible, and she was dancing at the White House last week.




Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Conspiracy theories and a dead Justice.

Wait a minute now, these conspiracy theories floating around that someone murdered Justice Scalia's is getting out of hand. 

And of course wingnuts are implying that President Obama and his secret assassin army had a hand in the jurist's untimely demise. To them, he had this nefarious plot in place all along to totally transform America. All it took was a quick pillow to the head. "Check that pillow for Obama's prints". Don't laugh, someone actually wrote that.

Check out this headline from Drudge:

"BREAKING: Justice Scalia Found Dead WITH PILLOW OVER HIS HEAD at Ranch Owned by Obama Award Winner

…Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, a Democrat, acknowledged that she pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body."

See how they did that? They made a connection to Obama by saying that Scalia died in the home of an  "Obama Award Winner"

I mean even the leading republican candidate for president has jumped into the debate.

"Donald, I need to come back to the topic we’ve all been screaming about here, which is Scalia, was he murdered,” Savage said. “I know it’s pretty brutal to say that, and I’m not wanting to drag you into this, but this is going to be bigger and bigger and bigger.”

“I went on the air and said we need the equivalent of a Warren Commission, we need an immediate autopsy before the body is disposed of. What do you think of that?” Savage asked.....

“Well I just heard today… you know I just landed and I’m hearing it’s a big topic.”

“But they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow,” Trump said. “I can’t tell you– I can’t give you an answer.” [Source]

You can't?! How about he died of a heart attack because of his terrible eating habits and the poor physical shape that he was in? It's not like we are talking about 40 year old man here. The man was pushing 80 for crying out loud!

Here is a news flash: Old conservatives can die of natural causes like everyone else.

I think it's the Dick Cheney effect, though. The man has had all kinds of heart issues and his ticker just keeps going. These wingnuts believe that all of their leaders should be like Dick Cheney.

But back to the Drudge Headline for a minute:

"That incredible reach turns downright scummy when you consider which “Obama Award” Poindexter won. Contrary to apparent conservative belief, there actually is no “Obama Awards” show, where the New Black Panthers win “Best Ensemble” and the Best Picture award always goes to “The Whitey Tape.”

No, John Poindexter was presented a very different sort of award on October 20, 2009 at The White House:
President Obama was presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to Alpha Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry for heroism during the Vietnam War, an award that dates back to its establishment by executive order in 1942. That makes it an “Obama Award” only if Obama has a really tricked-out DeLorean.

Justice Scalia’s death has only ever been attributed to natural causes, and Poindexter’s account doesn’t change that. It Doesn’t even say the pillow was covering Scalia’s face, although having had a heart attack, I can understand why a person might do that to mitigate the pain.

The sad part is that there’s zero chance people like GP‘s Jim Hoft actually think that President Obama or anyone else had anything to do with Scalia’s death, but they’re happy to smear him and a Vietnam war hero in order to get some cheap, unhinged traffic. Shame on them"

Wrong Tommy. They absolutely believe it. You give these people way too much credit.

 It's called Obama Derangement Syndrome, and it can have that kind of effect on the brain.

*Pic from

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"The blacks" will "love" him.

Image result for blacks trump images "The African-Americans love me...because they know I’m gonna bring back jobs......They’re gonna like me better than they like Obama. The truth is Obama has done nothing for them.”

That's Donald trump talking about his relationship with "the blacks".  I know it all sounds like a script from a bad Mel Brooks movie, but it's not. It's really the leading republican candidate for president talking about his relationship with "the blacks" America as if they are some kind of alien entity. 

Of course nothing trump says to us will surprise us anymore, and nothing he says will change the minds of his supporters about what a great president he will be.

Hey, he said so himself.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"

Yes you could Mr. trump. You could rape his wife, commit an act of bestiality with his dog, and kidnap his children, and they would still vote for you. You have that kind of effect on them. And hey, there are no doubt a few black folks who support you as well. I found one of them right here. I am sure that there are more Omarosa Manigault types out there, which no doubt gives Donald trump his sense of cockiness when it comes to getting the support of "the blacks".

"Kurtz asked Trump if he seriously just said black people will like him more than they do the first black president. Trump admitted President Obama has a “slight advantage,” but promised when he’s completed his term of office, African-Americans will love him so much." [Source]

Wait a minute now Donald, you might be getting a little ahead of yourself.

If you do, however, happen to get elected, I think I speak for all "the blacks" when I say that at this point, we will just be glad to be able to vote at the end of your term.

*Pic from


Friday, October 09, 2015

"Fascist In Chief"?

The Field Negro education series continues:

"As we reported this morning, President Obama is considering bypassing Congress in order to implement further gun control measures, and the conservative media wasted no time in going after our ruthless dictator.

Sitting behind an emboldened red banner and vibrant ‘ALERT’ notification, Fox host Gregg Jarrett opened his segment by criticizing the President’s actions. He said, “After the Sandy Hook shooting, the President took 23 executive actions against guns. None of them have prevented things like Oregon or Charleston.”
WHAT? 23 executive orders? That’s so insane that Obama should qualify for the very mental health treatment that the right wants to push over gun control.
I sat stunned at this revelation dramatically pushed by Jarrett. 23 seems like a lot; no wonder Sarah Palin once decried our President’s move on an executive order as “giving the middle finger” to voters.
Regarding a different Obama executive action, House Speaker John Boehner said, “President Obama has cemented his legacy of lawlessness”; he once even threatened a law suit. Charles Krauthammer considered it an “impeachable offence.”
This year Texas Republican Representative Lamar Smith told Fox’s Stuart Varney, “This is a President who has, in an unprecedented way, used executive orders, executive actions, to go around Congress.”
I did some digging, and found that our Fascist In Chief has issued a whopping 219 executive orders during his time as President. The right is right: this man is out of control.
If there is any element of this deemed admissible to the argument of precedent, it is not in the quantitive data, especially the emphasis on “23” by Jarrett today. But in case anyone is confused about the role of executive action in regards to the Presidency, I pulled a few other stats regarding these mandates by the numbers. Care to see?
George W. Bush issued 291 executive orders.
Richard Nixon, 346.
Republican poster boy Ronald Reagan? 381.
Perhaps the Republicans would have preferred Obama act more like William Henry Harrison, who is the only Commander in Chief in US History to never issue an executive order.
He also died a month after his inauguration.
Dwight D. Eisehower, the President that Republicans tend to disown because of his sky high tax rates on the wealthy, issued 484 executive actions in office.
The Emancipation Proclamation? An executive order by Abraham Lincoln.
The only reason we have the Grand Canyon to enjoy is because Teddy Roosevelt issued an executive order to protect it in 1906. He would add 1,080 more.
And President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the leader who healed our country when our fractured economic and social climates most matched that of today, issued a whopping 3,522 executive orders. His Civilian Conservation Corps was Executive Order 6101 signed April 5, 1933. (Also, his policies that fixed our broken country were largely socialist in nature, but that’s a column for another day.)
Lincoln, Reagan, Teddy, FDR, and Bush, all “dictators” under contemporary conservative logic.
President Obama has long referred to his own executive orders by the moniker “the pen and the phone”, and may increase his right to this power to combat the finally-politicized epidemic of gun violence. In fact, he could issue an executive order every single day for the rest of his Presidency and still only total about half as many as Republican Calvin Coolidge did.
The practice of going around a stubborn Congress to get things done in Washington isn’t “unprecedented”, it’s the status quo. And despite what you may be told, the fact remains: this President has so far landed well under his allotted quota." [Source]
Finally, remember that Ben Carson Popeye's story? If you don't you are not alone, apparently the Baltimore police department does not remember it ever happening, either.
"A Carson spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment Thursday or for more details as to when and where the incident occurred.

Baltimore Police said Thursday that they could not find any report related to the incident based on the little information that Carson had provided.

"We searched for it and based on the general statement, we have no report," said T.J. Smith, the department's chief spokesman. "Need more info."

Dr. Ben, of course, insists that he was stuck up in Popeye's.

The Baltimore police is looking into the incident so we will not rush to judgment. That's not what we do hear at the Field Negro blog. We believe in giving everyone a chance to prove that they are not a liar.  

Yes Carly, even you.

*Pic from


Thursday, October 08, 2015

Rupert's "real black", and Emerge magazine is back.

"Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? And much else."

Hmmm, a "real black President." This is what the founder and CEO of FOX NEWS is claiming that America needs. Forget the fact that his network is responsible for the "racial divide" here in America. It takes some serious cojones for a man in his position to make such a declaration.

Here is the obvious question, though: How does an old Australian white man know what a "real black man" should look or act like?

I am sure that Barack Obama not being a black man is news to Michele Obama. Personally, I will take Barack Obama in the race draft over Ben Carson. Ben has done some great things, and we would have taken him about 20 years ago, but he is a free agent now, he has cleared waivers and you white folks are free to pick him up anytime you want.

But back to the head man over at FOX. If I were Rupert Murdoch I would just leave black issues alone, especially given his network's history with us.

"African-American Fox News staffers find it “very difficult” to work at the network, former president of the National Association of Black Journalists Bob Butler told TheWrap on Thursday.
“I’ve talked to some folks who work there and it’s very difficult, especially when you have all the hit pieces that are done on Obama,” Butler said.
His comments come as Rupert Murdoch continues to face criticism over a controversial tweet on Wednesday that insinuated President Obama isn’t “a real black president.” Murdoch apologized on Thursday.
But those disillusioned staffers also told Butler, “Look, this is a job, I have to do it, and sometimes you have to just hold your nose and do what you have to do to collect a paycheck.” Butler, who served as president of the NABJ from 2013-2015, said those employees are good producers who pride themselves on covering news.
Regarding Murdoch’s comments suggesting the president isn’t an authentic black president, a dumbfounded Butler wondered “what does that even mean?”
He’s not surprised Murdoch isn’t a fan of Obama judging by the editorial policies of his properties, but wouldn’t call him a racist.
“I always stop short of saying someone is being blatantly racist,” Butler continued before saying it’s troubling for Murdoch, who isn’t black, to be deciding who is “black enough.” [Source]
Memo to Rupert: I heard Barack singing that Al Green tune, and I think I speak for every black person in America when I say that his black card is intact.  
Finally, speaking of black card cred. I am so glad that George Curry is back with his very fine magazine. I met him down in Washington a few months ago and he said that he was coming back.  I, for one, am glad that he did.
We will be forever grateful for this issue.
The online news world is now a much better place. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

The "post-racial" legacy that wasn't.

Image result for president obama racist imagesTonight we will hear from Clarence B. Jones as our Field Negro education series continues.

"President Obama has less than two years remaining in his presidency. Recent events have caused me to rethink some initial conclusions I had been considering about the future historic legacy of his administration.

The fight against ISIS, the ongoing negotiations with Iran, the U.S. Supreme Court's pending review of a key section of the Affordable Care Act, the events of Ferguson, the National Urban League's Annual Report on "The State of Black America," and numerous racially charged incidents, including the fraternity song at Oklahoma University, the confrontation between police and an African-American student over the validity of his campus ID, the unexplained hanging of an African-American man from a tree in Mississippi, racist police behavior in Fort Lauderdale, and a rising tidal wave of race-based resistance to President Obama mandate a more clinical review of his presidency in the future pantheon of American history.

When he was elected in 2008, there was an outpouring of media commentary from the left, right, and moderates.

Businessweek's  Nov. 11, 2008, issue described Barack Obama as "A Leader for the 'We' Generation":
The sweeping victory of Barack Obama ushers in a new era of leadership that will affect every aspect of American institutions and that sounds a death knell for the top-down, power-oriented leadership prevalent in the 20th century.
  A new style of "bottom-up, empowering" leadership focusing on collaboration will sweep the country. A new wave of 21st century authentic leaders will take oversee U.S. institutions of every type: business, education, health care, religion, and nonprofits. These new leaders recognize that an organization of empowered leaders at every level will outperform "command-and-control" organizations every time.
Recent estimates are that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, about 16 million additional persons now have health insurance. Assuming this is so, this is encouraging if not remarkable. However, as I begin to rethink and review the Obama presidency, I think history will judge it based principally on two other matters: his foreign policy and the consequences of his presidency on the unfinished business of race relations in America.
Left with the financial and ideological results of our preemptive attack on and invasion of Iraq and the winding down of our war in Afghanistan, Obama has had to develop and implement a foreign policy limiting Iran's nuclear ambitions and safeguarding America from the maniacal, ideologically driven violence of ISIS. How much he succeeds or fails in this effort will indelibly define his presidential legacy.

However, what is likely to overshadow all other issues defining President Obama's legacy is how successful he was, as America's 44th president and first African-American president, at resolving the issue of race in America.

In writing about the 2012 campaign to reelect President Obama, I wrote:
There is one issue ... notwithstanding the paramount importance of the economy, that continues to be the common denominator of the presidential election in 2012, as it was in 2008: the historic issue of race and race relations in America. 
Not since the Civil War and the failed Congressional Reconstruction thereafter has race been such an explicit or implicit national issue. "Race relations" principally, but not exclusively, between black and white America continues to be the 800-lb. gorilla in most American households.
 Perhaps only surpassed by sex, is any public discussion -- or lack of discussion -- about race in America weighted down with more hypocrisy, ambivalence, fear and misunderstanding.
In the most simplistic sense, use or disuse of the so-called "race card" will cease only when there is a completely new "deck" from which the card is drawn.

Some 600,000 Americans killed one another during our civil war over the issue of the abolition or continuation of slavery. However, as Eric Foner writes in Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Business:
Virtually from the moment the Civil War ended, the search began for legal means of subordinating a volatile black population that regarded economic independence as a corollary of freedom and the old labor discipline as a badge of slavery.
The failure of Reconstruction irrevocably hindered the intended outcome of the Civil War: the full restoration of all the rights and privileges of citizenship owed to African-American slaves under our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, as amended with its Bill of Rights
Lest we forget, as James W. Lowen writes in Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, "Perhaps the most pervasive theme in our history is the domination of black America by white America. Race is the sharpest and deepest division in American life."
In a speech titled "Mystic Chords of Memory," delivered at the University of Vermont on Sept. 12, 1991, celebrated documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said:
The black-white rift stands at the very center of American history. ... If we forget that -- if we forget the great stain of slavery that stands at the heart of our country, our history, our experiment -- we forget who we are, and we make the great rift deeper and wider.
Presenting a more optimistic outlook on race, in a December 2014 interview on BET, President Obama said:
It's important to recognize that as painful as these incidents are, we can't equate what is happening now to what happened 50 years ago. If you talk to your parents, your grandparents, they'll tell you things are better. Not good, in some cases, but better. The reason it's important to understand that progress has been made is that it then gives us hope we can make even more progress.
Regrettably, however, our 2015 existential reality repeatedly confirms that a deep and abiding derivative of the white supremacist racism of slavery is still alive and well under the presidency of Barack Obama. It is more insidious than ever, only today existing in a form commensurate with the ubiquitous and advanced technology of the communication of information in the second decade of the 21st century.  
Perhaps unfairly, but I believe unavoidably, Obama's presidential legacy will be determined by the success or failure of our collective effort to finally resolve the issue of race under his presidency. Historically, this is likely to be more definitive than any other single issue.
 I had hoped it would be otherwise." [Source]

Call me crazy, but I am not a bit surprised that race relations got worse and not better under Barack Obama.

Did people really believe that racists all over America were going to say: Oh, we have a black president now;  I don't despise black people anymore. Please!

The problem with this president is that he also bought into the "post-racial" hype. And, unfortunately for him, by the time he realized that there was no such thing, his enemies had already gained the upper hand.

It's a shame that Americans wanted the election of Barack Obama to absolve them from the ugly stain of racism that continues to sully our history. That was never going to happen. There is no  magical mystical Negro with a kumbaya wand to wave away bigotry and ignorance.

That will take generations of education and self-awareness, as well as a willingness for us as a country to acknowledge that the problem still exists.


Friday, February 20, 2015

I bet they love America in the no truth zone.

I am still trying to figure out how the president of a country that had free and democratic elections to make him its leader does not love said country.....*shrug*

Oh those republicans.

O wait, there is a response.

"Rudy Giuliani is not backing down from his comments that President Obama doesn’t love America. And to anyone who might think his comments were racist, Giuliani has a very odd reason why he doesn’t think so.

Now, for the record, it’s unclear how many people were actually calling Giuliani’s words racist (most of the posts about Giuliani and racism today are in reaction to his newer comments). But nevertheless, when speaking with The New York Times yesterday, the former New York mayor completely dismissed the idea that anything he said was about race.
And here’s his explanation why:
'Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people. This isn’t racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.”'

Got it!

Speaking of republicans, Bill O'Lie-ly seems to be upset with Mother Jones.

I guess the truth hurts.

"The Bill O’Reilly dispute with Mother Jones just keeps getting more intense.
For those not up to speed, the magazine’s editor David Corn alleged on Thursday that the Fox News host had embellished his experiences as a CBS reporter covering wars in El Salvador and the Falkland Islands. O’Reilly hit back via phone interviews with the media, calling the Mother Jones charges “bullshit,” accusing Corn and others of “gutter-sniping” at him despite O’Reilly’s record of being “absolutely accurate.”

As we reported earlier today, the Factor is set to address the controversy once more, but this time during the “Talking Points Memo” portion of his nightly broadcast. The full transcript has made its way online in advance of the 8 p.m. ET broadcast.

From the outset, O’Reilly throws bombs at Mother Jones (“a far-left magazine” with “low circulation”), David Corn (“liar”), and media outlets that have given favorable coverage to the allegations.

“I’m sorry,” tells his audience. “I have to deal with this garbage tonight.”
He goes on to explain his side of the story:
Basically David Corn, a liar, says that I exaggerated situations in the Falklands War and Salvadoran War. Here’s the truth: Everything I’ve said about my reportorial career — everything — is true. 33 years ago in June, Argentina surrendered to Great Britain, ending the Falklands War. I was covering the conflict from Argentina and Uruguay for CBS News. After learning of the surrender, angry mobs in Buenos Aires stormed the presidential palace — the Casa Rosada — trying to overthrow the government of General Leopoldo Galtieri. I was there on the street with my camera crews. The violence was horrific, as Argentine soldiers fired into the crowd, who were responding with violent acts of their own. My video of the combat led the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather that evening and, later on, I filed a report that ran nationwide. That’s what happened. I never said I was on the Falkland Islands, as Corn purports. I said I covered the Falklands War, which I did.
Image result for bill oreilly images cartoon**O’Reilly will present a CBS internal memo from 33 years ago that praises his coverage abroad. “[D]idn’t have the time last night but would like to say many thanks for the riot piece last night,” the telex reads. “WCBS-TV and WCAU-TV both took the entire piece, instead of stripping it for pix. They called to say thanks for a fine piece. Thanks again. Your piece made the late feed, a winner last night.”

He will also present a letter he wrote in 1982 to CBS News’ then-chief describing how “the riot had been very bad, we were gassed, shot at, and I had the best vantage point in which to report the story.”
O’Reilly will cite these documents as “rock solid proof” that Corn and others have smeared him. “I had to spend hours last night on the phone with various reporters and crawling around my basement covered with dust to find documents from 33 years ago,” he laments. “All because an irresponsible, guttersnipe — a far-left zealot who has attacked Fox News many times before — spit this stuff out on the net.”

He also attacks CNN’s media reporter, Brian Stelter, alleging he’s a “far-left zealot masquerading as a journalist” for having picked up the Mother Jones allegations last night and discussed them on television.

Real journalists knew this story was BS from the jump,” O’Reilly adds." [Source]

And "real journalists" don't make up stories.

**Pic from 


Monday, November 03, 2014

A conservative sees the most racist president ever, and the real thugs in sports.

Tomorrow is election day in America. It is the when the folks who decide that is important enough to come out and vote, do so against their own best interests.

Tomorrow night at this time, if the polls are all right, republicans will control the senate and the house, and the executive branch is all that the dems will have to hold on to.

It should be interesting.  Let's see if we will get a repeal of Obamacare; immigration reform; and the first steps towards impeaching the "Socialist Kenyan" being taken by the newly crowned majority. 

Speaking of President Obama, he is now being accused of being the most racist president in the history of American presidents by conservatives. Imagine that. Even more racist than the 12 American presidents who actually owned slaves.

"During an appearance on Fox News' "America's News HQ," Stein said that Democrats and the White House have tried to make this election about race.

"What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and their especially trying to tell the Africa-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that’s just a complete lie," he said. "I watch with fascination — with incredible fascination — all the stories about how the Democratic politicians, especially Hillary, are trying to whip up the African-American vote and say, ‘Oh the Republicans have policies against black people in terms of the economy.' But there are no such policies."

"It’s all a way to racialize voting in this country," Stein continued. "This president is the most racist president there has ever been in America. He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans."

My lord.

All this because democrats are trying to get African Americans out to vote. That's not racist, that's encouraging folks to participate in our democracy. Racist is when you take measures to prevent them from voting, or when you just get rid of a bunch of potential votes by nefarious means.

All this skulduggery going on  and you Negroes still stay at home and refuse to vote.

Oh well, you will get what you deserve.

Finally, I see that the NASCAR boys are at it again. Another post-race brawl where the good ole boyz mixed it up and got bloody and blue. This one involved one of the superstars of the sport, Jeff Gordon. Thankfully no one died this time. But someone should tell these fellows to chill out a little bit.

Can you imagine of these were NBA players going at it like this after every game? If LeBron James was involved with a brawl that drew blood? They would be called thugs and criminals and there would be endless pontification about the death of the NBA.

But not these boys. They are just being passionate. Just doing what real competitive red blooded "American" guys do.