Showing posts with label Proud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proud. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


"For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country...."

OK Michelle, that little statement just might have cost your husband the Presidency of these divided states, and probably robbed this field Negro the chance of seeing a black prez. in his life time.

White folks on the right (and some on the left) will be all over you for this one. It's started already. The blogs, as they say, are buzzing. (Merry Christmas Hillary) And it's not only A-merry-ca loving white folks, and political opportunist. The A-merry-ca first black folks, many of them visit this site, are up in arm s too.

"What? How dare you Michelle? Didn't this country give your black ass a Princeton and Harvard degree? (As if she didn't earn that shit) Isn't your family worth over a million dollars? What do you mean you you are proud of A-merry-ca for the first time Negra? Hey, if you don't like A-merry-ca why don't you go back to Africa and join your father in law and his family?"

But wait; let's look at the rest of that statement:

"...And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction...”

Mmmm, OK, now it makes sense when taken in it's proper context. She was talking about "change"; not the same old shit she has been seeing all of her adult life which probably started with those glorious Reagan years. But too late. I am sure the "O" man haters only needed the first part of Michelle's statement to do like Carl Lewis with that bad boy.

I mean even Cindy McCain weighed it on this one. (I didn't even know she could talk) I don't want to buy into stereotypes but...... anyway, Cindy had this to say:

"I just wanted to make the statement that I have and always will be proud of my country"

And just what the fuck does that mean? Shit I would be proud of my country too if I were you Cindy. I am sure it's always been good for you in A-merry-ca. Give me a break!

Still, I don't know "O" man, it might be time to tell Michelle to chill a little. She can say anything she wants to after you win this bitch. But for now, it's too hot out here. Tell her to pull back just a little bit. I know it will be hard. Believe me, I understand the strong spouse thing, but the stakes are too high now. Hell you even have me believing you might win this election if everything plays out just right, so don't give your enemies stuff to use against you. Hillary pulled in Bill, maybe you can do the same with your significant other.

Now let's see what happens in Wisconsin tonight.