Showing posts with label Michelle Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Understanding conservatives.

MORE DISCLAIMERSBefore I drop tonight's cut and paste job, I have to mention a couple of stories that had me scratching my very bald head today.

They really make me question the sanity of some people.

The first one has to do with Donald Trump Jr. accusing Barack Obama of plagiarizing some of his speech. Think about that for a minute. The young Trump actually lifted the same lines from the president who used them long before his daddy decided to run for president, and yet he has the audacity to accuse the president of lifting his lines. Unbelievable!

"Melania Trump, the elder Trump’s wife, came under fire last week when it was revealed that she had plagiarized from a speech first lady Michelle Obama delivered at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. 

Inexplicably, Trump Jr. appears to be trying to spark similar outrage by claiming the president stole material from him. 

He has failed, largely because the line he’s claiming to have coined wasn’t even his ― elected officials, including Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush, have been using it for years." 

Then there is Bill O'Reilly, a popular conservative talk show host who actually had the nerve to declare on his popular talk show that slaves were well fed, and had proper  lodging while they built the White House.

It's nothing new, of course, conservatives have a long history of trying to delegitimize  the stain and pain of slavery. But to see one of them do it so openly and without hesitation was shocking.

Now, of course, after all the backlash, he is trying to clean up his statement.

 "As any honest historian knows, in order to keep slaves and free laborers strong, the Washington administration provided meat, bread and other staples, also decent lodging on the grounds of the new presidential building. That is a fact. Not a justification, not a defense of slavery. Just a fact. Anyone who implies a soft-on-slavery message is beneath contempt."'

Bill, that is a "soft on slavery message", and you are beneath contempt. But we all already knew that; your history, both professionally and personally, proves it.  

So on to the must read article of the day:

"It is not Barack Obama’s fault that Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee, any more than the proverbial hurricane is the fault of the proverbial butterfly. But just like the butterfly and the hurricane, the fact that Trump’s ascension comes at the end of the Obama era is hardly a coincidence — and it’s hard to imagine one without the other.

More specifically, Obama’s election helped pave the way for Trumpism: not the idiosyncratic and often incomprehensible campaign that Donald Trump himself is running, but the anti-immigration, anti-trade, "law and order" populist sentiment that he’s brought back into the American mainstream and that will probably outlast his (probable) loss in November.

One of the reasons Trumpism has surprised political and media elites with its passion and strength is that it draws from a deep well of anxiety about America losing its culture and values in the face of (among other things) multiculturalism.

The idea that America is being both overrun and taken over by people with different values is partly inspired by reminders of difference in everyday life: seeing people in the streets who "look like" unauthorized immigrants; having to press 1 for English. But it’s also reinforced by the media, and by who represents America on the world stage.

And for the past eight years, that’s been a man of Kenyan ancestry — with, as Obama himself said during his 2004 convention speech, "a funny name."

Obama’s election was the result of the underlying demographic changes that have provoked so much anxiety that something’s being lost in America. But it was also a symbol of it.
More importantly, it offered a way for people to express those anxieties under the banner of disagreement about politics — which is acceptable in polite company — instead of under the banner of "complaining about nonwhite people," which is generally considered racist and frowned upon discussing openly.

Accusing African Americans or immigrants of being un-American or disloyal is a longstanding theme, but it’s not a polite thing to say. But asking whether President Obama was really born in America anyway, or saying he has a "Kenyan anti-colonialist" outlook because of his father, or darkly hinting that he is more sympathetic to America’s Islamist enemies than its allies because he has something in common with them? All of those are pretty strong and ugly criticisms, but they’re criticisms of a politician — of the most powerful man in the world, in fact. That makes them more acceptable than if they were about someone else.

Birtherism, of course, is the issue that made Donald Trump a conservative hero in 2011. The swell of support he felt then was almost enough to tempt him into a run in 2012, and it was definitely enough to tempt him into a run in 2016.

Trump had been toying with a run for president for decades. And while some of his policy stances have definitely shifted (to say the least) since then, his history as a racial provocateur goes back decades.

But Trump is a good marketer. He understood, when he ran this time, that his ability to make controversial statements was a close relative of the conservative resentment of "political correctness," and the yearning to more openly express certain people’s fears without courting offense or censorship. He saw his time had come." [Source]

Monday, April 07, 2014

When Negroes get tricked on matters of race.

I have a lot in common with Bill Maher: We are both, I suppose, what the right would consider secular progressives, we both share a love for black women, and we both love to debate politics and culture.

One thing that we do not have in common is skin color. That is what will always separate me from folks like Bill Maher, no matter how much of the other things we might have in common.

Negroes like W. Kamau Bell (I see you TourĂ©) like to give out "black cards" to certain white folks. They give it to people like Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert because their politics is the same, and for some of the reasons that I outlined above. This is a mistake.

Bill Maher, when all is said and done, is no different than any other white person in America. Sure his politics and religion (or lack of it)might be different, but, at the end of the day, they share something that Negroes like W. Kamau Bell do not: The color of their skin.

Mr. Bell was set up and played  by Bill Maher on his show. The entire episode has become very popular in conservative circles as an example of out of control black racism.

“Real Time” host Bill Maher stunned his liberal guests Friday night after a racial quote they thought was uttered by Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan was actually said by First Lady Michelle Obama.

Mr. Maher started off the segment with Mr. Ryan’s recent comments about inner city poverty and the cultural dynamics that perpetuate such cycles. The HBO host then asked if Mr. Ryan was simply making an honest observation or something motivated by racial ill will.

Comedian W. Kamau Bell intimated that some sort of racial malice was involved.

“You can’t blame the people living in the inner cities, blacks and latinos, for not having jobs where there are no jobs in the inner cities. You can’t blame them when the schools suck, the hospital sucks, there’s no grocery store, all of their fathers are in jail,” Mediaite reported. The panel’s fellow left-leaning guest agreed.

Then the “Real Time” host tricked his guests, saying: “Let me read something else. Here’s something else Paul Ryan said. He said: ‘When it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can’t be bothered. They’re sitting on couches for hours playing video games, watching TV instead of dreaming of being a teacher or a lawyer or a business leader — they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper.’ Oh wait, that wasn’t him. That was Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama said that.”

The camera showed Mr. Bell stunned, at which point Mr. Maher turned to the audience and said: “Hushed silence! […] Is something less true if a white person says it about black people?”

“We talk to each other differently than when we talk to [white people],” Mr. Bell responded.

During the segment, former Republican congressman Rick Lazio of New York defended Rep. Ryan, saying that most cities with high poverty have been controlled by Democrats for decades." [Source]

So why was "Mr. Bell stunned"? He was stunned because his ideological soul-mate set him up. He never saw it coming. What he will realize one day is that when all is said and done, Bill Maher is no different than any other white person in America when it comes to how he views race and racial issues. The fact that he (Mr. Bell) had to be "punked" in front of millions to prove that point is a sad commentary on him and other Negroes like him.

Now, as is to be expected, Mr. Bell is trying to explain his disappointment with Maher and himself.

"Kamau Bell, who, until recently, hosted his own late night show on FXX called Totally Biased, published a post on his website expressing his frustration with the way Maher made him and the other guests feel foolish by telling them the quote was made by Paul Ryan and getting their reactions before revealing the truth.

“I (apparently) lost a game on Bill’s show that I didn’t know I was playing,” Bell wrote. “The game was ‘Gotcha!’ And according to the Internet (and the number of misspelled and nigger filled — the word, not the people — tweets in my timeline), I got gotcha’ed!”

He went on to explain that the show’s producers gave him a heads up about the first, real quote from Ryan that had turned into one of the week’s big political controversies, and even asked him “as an African-American” to jump into the discussion first. “Anyone who knows me knows I’m a sucker for conversations about race and racism in America,” Bell wrote. “Well, I got played for a sucker.”
Bell took offense to the point Maher was apparently trying to make (“Is something less true if a white person says it about black people?”), writing, “this clip has turned out to be a Rorschach test for ignorance. If you think he gotcha’ed me or the panel, I feel sorry for you.”

After laying out the more interesting points of comparison between the Ryan and Obama quotes, Bell argued that an intelligent conversation about those issues was never what Maher intended:
Bill obviously didn’t want to have that conversation because if he had, he woulda had his awesome and gracious staff give the panel the Michelle Obama quote, too. He wanted to play “Gotcha!” Hey, good on him. It’s easy to trip people up if that is your sole intention. Go outside right now and see how many people you can trip while they walk around. I guessing it’s damn near 100%. Does it feel good? Not to me. 
But again, who am I to judge? Bill’s got the rightfully acclaimed, long running hit show, and mine was canceled. I’m not even sure why he would waste his time gotcha’ing me. Was Al Sharpton not available?"

Kamau, he didn't need Al Sharpton; he had you.  


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Double standards?

Oh my! It seems that W had a wondering eye down in South Africa as well, and Laura Bush certainly doesn't look pleased.

According to the New York Daily News it was a long ride home. Poor W, if he thinks that dealing with Osama bin Laden was tough, just wait until Laura cuts off his *&%#@ supply.

But still, there is something deeper going on here. Remember the brouhaha over the looks Michelle Obama gave the president? Well you will get none of that with this former First Lady. You see, in America, black women are viewed differently than white women when it comes to how they comport themselves.   

Michelle was seen as angry. Laura is just being solemn and respecting the occasion. (This is actually what the current First Lady was doing)

I will write here what Roxanne Gray had to say about the subject.

"More than anything, the response to these latest images of Michelle Obama speaks volumes about the expectations placed on black women in the public eye and how a black women’s default emotional state is perceived as angry. The black woman is ever at the ready to aggressively defend her territory. She is making her disapproval known. She never gets to simply be.

Maybe the first lady is irritated with her husband or someone else, maybe she’s indifferent, maybe she’s thinking about the long plane ride home, maybe, just maybe, she’s recalling Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy. We will never know.
Meanwhile, the Internet is speculating about Michelle Obama’s mind-set, her motivations and the state of her marriage because if a married black man, always on the prowl even if he is the commander in chief, is seen smiling next to an attractive white woman, well, that’s curtains for the marriage. The white she-devil strikes again! The first lady can’t win. Last month, Michelle Obama was a “feminist nightmare.” Today she is angry and on the verge of losing her marriage. We can only imagine what tomorrow will bring.

And of course, there is another image that simply isn’t being shared with the same frequency or enthusiasm—one of Michelle Obama sitting with her husband and the Danish prime minister laughing and smiling openly. We are selective in what we choose to see. This image is being ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative we want. There is also animage, shared by Goldie Taylor, of Laura Bush looking unamused while her husband speaks to a beautiful woman in the row behind them. Is she disapproving? Is she worried about her marriage? Is she “having none of it”? Or is she just sitting?" [Source]

She was just sitting. But then she isn't a black female. She can get away with "just sitting".

Seriously, how many people saw the second picture I have with this post? Michelle Obama looks very comfortable with her man to me.

Finally, it's really a shame that the memorial service of one of the world's great icons is being reduced to talks of a handshake, husbands behaving badly, and a fraudulent sign language interpreter.

Reporters and cable news outlets in this country have done their part to diminish and cheapen the event. But that's alright. We have come to expect this type of behavior from the modern day version of the fourth estate. They just have no clue.  

One day (maybe after this president is gone) they may get back to being real journalists again.

I, for one, will not be holding my breath.    

Pics from The New York Daily News.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sending some love for my sisters.

This is a tough time to be a sister in America. It doesn't matter if you are young or old; American just hasn't been too kind to you lately. (Sorry Onion, I know that it is satire, but you don't get to call a 9 year old a "cunt".) And it's not only Mr. Charlie. It's your own sons killing each other in record numbers, and your men, who should be standing by your side, abandoning you and leaving you to hold it down on your own.

Even the most powerful sister in America can't get any love these days.

I saw Michelle Obama handing out the best picture award at the Oscars last night, and Mrs. O was beautiful and classy as always. I mean what's not to like about that, right? Well, not so fast.

"Michelle Obama’s surprise appearance at Sunday night’s Academy Awards has set off many on the right, criticizing her for supposedly crashing or forcing herself on the event.

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote a scathing review of the first lady’s appearance, complaining about nearly every word she said, and claiming she must have felt “entitled” to “intrude” on the big Hollywood night. In her eyes, an appearance like last night’s “makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.”

Rush Limbaugh attacked the first lady on his Monday radio show too, calling her appearance “unneeded” and “out of place” and insisting that Hollywood had to “throw her a crumb” because Lincoln lost (President Obama’s “semi-autobiography” according to Rush-logic.) He compared the giant screen to the Apple 1984 ad, saying Michelle looked like the “dear leader” of our “totalitarian state.”

The National Review put together their round-up of the various responses “mocking” the first lady. The Drudge Report called her a party crasher in his banner headline. The Breitbart team complained she hijacked the Oscars." [Source]

Now, to be fair, this issue with the First Lady is more a GOP problem than it is an overall American one. Mrs. O's favorables are high, and most Americans seem to appreciate the fact that we actually have a First Lady that we can be proud of. (When the next First Lady comes along that can do "The Dougie" holla at your boy.)

But while watching the Oscars it dawned on me that no matter how much society at large tries to typecast and stereotype my sisters, and no matter how much emotional pain and struggle some of them have to go through on a daily basis, there is nothing that can compare to their inner and outer beauty. From Halle, to Zoe,to Robin, to Jennifer; I love them all, not to mention everything that they represent: Beauty, courage, grace, and talent.

I know that a lot of you brothers like to complain about how hard you have it in America and what a grind it is just to get by on a daily basis, but just think, it could be worse; you could be doing it alone.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

No love from the NASCAR crowd.

What ever possessed Mrs. O and Second Lady Jill Biden to cause them to go to a NASCAR event? NASCAR?!! Still, I have to give them credit for trying to reach out to our single digit IQ friends.

  "First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden were booed at the Homestead-Miami Speedway Sunday, where they were present to Grand Marshal the final races of the NASCAR Sprint Cup.

They were also visiting to raise support for a White House initiative that encourages businesses to hire veterans." [Source]

Okay, they were there for a good cause, so I can't really knock them for going into the "Lion's Den". It must have been hard for them. They had to have known that those "good ole boyz" weren't going to exactly roll out the welcome wagon for them.

That NASCAR crowd is always tough on certain folks. 

Speaking of being tough on certain folks; there is no one tougher on those same certain folks than one Mr. Clarence Thomas.

Well now, as luck would have it, old Clarence has some problems of his own:

"WASHINGTON -- Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) is turning up the heat on Justice Clarence Thomas based on new information that builds upon previous reports of his alleged ethical lapses.

In late September, Slaughter had sent a letter to the Judicial Conference of the United States to request official action on Thomas' multiyear failure to disclose his wife's income from various conservative think tanks and activist organizations. The Judicial Conference is the principal policy-making and administrative body for the federal court system.

On Friday, Slaughter submitted a new letter, this time addressed to Chief Justice John Roberts in his capacity as the presiding officer of the Judicial Conference, to update and clarify the September letter.

At issue is the fact that Thomas repeatedly checked a box titled "none" on annual financial disclosure forms in response to a question about the sources of spousal income. Yet during those years, his wife, Virginia Thomas, worked for the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation and for the Tea Party lobbying group Liberty Central, which she helped found.

The first letter asserted that Thomas' nondisclosures persisted "[t]hroughout his entire tenure of the Supreme Court," which began in 1991. It was fair to infer from his "high level of legal training and experience," Slaughter wrote, that the justice's failure presented the type of "willful" behavior that federal law requires the Judicial Conference to refer to the Department of Justice for investigation.
Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period." [Source]

Whoops! I think Clarence might have some "splainin" to do.

Pic courtesy of Celebrant Says.

Friday, September 30, 2011

"Extreme color arousal", the n-word 101, and Target shopping.

The guys in the pic belong to one of my favorite bands of all time,(Third World) and they have absolutely nothing to do with this post.

From the personal experience files: "Extreme color arousal" almost got some poor lady and her kids killed today.

So I was at lunch in Center City, Philadelphia-- sans suit as I was in a training seminar. (That's important) I am on the corner of 12th & Market waiting for the light to change, when I spot a late model station wagon making a right turn towards 12th Street from Market.

Now those of you from Philly know that you can't make a right on 12th from Market because it is a ONE WAY street going South. I noticed two adorable little rugrats perched (one in baby car seat) in the back, while mommy was alone in the front and looking quite clueless as she drove towards certain death.

Anywhoo,I stepped forward (trying to seem as non threatening as possible with my biggest black republican smile) and tapped on her passenger side window. I wanted to alert mommy to the fact that she was about to turn the wrong way on a very busy street.

So what do you think mommy did? You guessed it. She looked up and saw the bald headed black man tapping on her window and shot out the wrong way down 12th Street.(That look.) Fortunately for her, the brakes on her car were in proper working order and the light on 12th street was showing red. Mommy soon attracted a crowd of like minded individuals who acted as traffic cops while she maneuvered her way back to Market Street. (Who said Philadelphians are mean?)

Folks, the moral of my little experience is this: Do not let "extreme color arousal" (thanks for that word, Francis) cloud your judgement and get you killed.

Speaking of color arousal, they are teaching "n-word" classes at Arizona State University.

"Neal Lester has never been called a ni**er. But his Italian wife was once called a "ni**er-lover."

"We were just friends at the time, but people assume when they see a black man and a white woman that there must be some type of intimacy," Lester told theGrio. "There's a lot of history there."

It's those type of experiences and misunderstandings that helped inspire Lester, dean of humanities and former chair of the English Department at Arizona State University, to create a course called "The N-word, an Anatomy Lesson."

Every fall, students can learn about the n-word, in all its complexities and connotations.

Click here to view a Grio slideshow: The top 10 n-word controversies of the decade

Lester designed the single-credit, first-year course for students to explore the n-word in a cultural context. Course materials include popular music tracks, magazines, newspaper clippings, television commercials, political campaigns, children's' play toys and other elements of pop and mainstream culture.

A literary scholar, Lester first made the class available in 2008 and again in 2010. It is open to all students.

While there have been recent attempts to get rid of the n-word, including a symbolic public burial four years ago by the NAACP with then-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Lester says that words cannot be buried. There have even been efforts to remove the n-word from the dictionary..." [Source]

I just wonder if Mr. Lester's wife took the class.

Speaking of class. Our very classy First Lady was out shopping at Target recently and was trying to be all incognito while doing it.

"Yesterday, AP photographer Charles Dharapak snapped pictures of the first lady shopping (sort of) incognito at a Virginia Target, holding a couple of bags and pushing a cart.

In the images, she's wearing a floral-print button-down over a yellow v-neck. It seems a Nike baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses did the trick when it came to staying anonymous -- CBS News reports that during her 30-40 minutes of shopping, the cashier was the only one to recognize her." [Source]

Oh lawd, I can hear the wingnuts now: "Why not Wal-Mart Mrs. Obama?" Or, "Why not K-Mart? Is it because the Target logo and the O for Obama are similar? Is it because Target's colors are red and your husband is a Socialist? Is there some subtle political message in your little jaunt Mrs. Obama?"

Don't laugh folks, the wingnuts really are upset:
"In a September 29 blog post, Michelle Malkin attacked Michelle Obama for shopping at an Alexandria, VA, Target store, writing that Obama went "about as 'incognito' as Lady Gaga's outfit at her younger sister's graduation." Malkin went on to call the first lady "the glamour queen" and further stated that Obama's Target visit was "to counter the negative diva buzz" and that it "looks like she left the bling at home." From the post:
The East and West Wings of the White House are guilty of more cheesy stage-managing than the Emmy, Oscar, and Tony Awards shows combined.

Last week, the glamour queen wore more than $40,000 worth of diamonds while partying with hubby at several high-priced fundraisers in New York. Her bling made international headlines and photos.
To counter the negative diva buzz as most Americans face hard economic times, Mrs Obama somehow managed to turn up at an Alexandria Va. Target (with her "shopping assistant" in tow)." [Source]
Do they sell breaks in Target? Doesn't matter, because poor Michelle couldn't buy a break even if she wanted to. Michelle, it's all your husband's fault.

Finally, for those of you who still believe in the death penalty, please consider the following:

"The execution of Troy Davis in Georgia last week despite tremendous doubt about his guilt has brought the issue of capital punishment into the national spotlight. As a country that supports use of the death penalty, America is in poor company with “the world’s great dictatorships and autocracies [such as] Iran, Zimbabwe, China, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Cuba, [and] Belarus” according to The Atlantic — while we are supposed to be the land of the free.

Far above and beyond the politically nasty associations with capital punishment is of course the moral concern over accidentally putting innocent people to death. It is likely that the average American believes this is a rare occurrence worth the social value of the death penalty as a deterrent from violent crime. Unfortunately innocent people are often placed on death row. In a study of executions in 34 states between 1973 and 1995, Columbia University professor James Liebman found that: “An astonishing 82 percent of death row inmates did not deserve to receive the death penalty. One in twenty death row inmates is later found not guilty.”

Most death row inmates do not have the resources or time necessary to determine their innocence before it is too late. Hopefully, Troy Davis’ case and others like his will show U.S. citizens how the death penalty destroys innocent lives. Over 1,000 people have been executed since 1976. We may never know how many went to death in error. Here are just a few who we know for sure were likely innocent — but this was discovered too late." [Source]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Nanny?

It's tough on Sundays these days for a red blooded A-merry-can sports fan. Right now I am typing as a dreadful up and down the court spectacle known as the NBA All Star game is taking place. Today they played an NHL game outdoors and the ice was so hard that those cats could barely move on their skates. It was ugly. NASCAR? No offense to my friends down in Dixie, but if I want to watch a bunch of cars go around and around in circles I would just as soon stand outside of City Hall here in Philly.

So anyway, I could do some racism chasing tonight, but I will leave Big R alone for now. (Noose in the workplace? So what else is new? Just another day at work for black folks here in A-merry-ca. h/t Nordette.)

So let's talk breasts. Get your mind out of the gutter, I am not talking about breasts in a sexual way; I want to talk about them as they relate to nutrition. Seems that there is a dust up between our First Lady and wingnuts over whether "the breast is best":

"Ms. Bachmann lashed out at the campaign on Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show, saying that it reflected a “hard left” position that “government is the answer to everything.”

While noting that she had breast-fed the five children she gave birth to, Ms. Bachmann said, “To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump — You want to talk about nanny state, I think we just got a new definition

Yes, the IRS is apparently going to give a tax- break to mothers who use the breast pump. But this debate is all over the place. Apparently some folks on the left agree with Queen wingnut, and some folks on the right agree with the First Lady. My my, these are confusing times in which we live. Politics has reared its ugly head into our infant's breast milk.

Now I am not an expert on this subject.....the feeding part....well....the milk part...let me quit while I am ahead. But I think it's amazing how quick the wingnuts will jump on damn near anything (and everything) those Obama folks try to do.

Poor Michelle Obama, she just wants A-merry-ca's kids to be healthy. And whether you agree with her stance on breast feeding or not, you can't, deep in your heart, say with a straight face that she does not care about mothers and their children. She wants our children to be healthy. It's better for their families; it's better for A-merry-ca.

But, in spite of this, they make fun of her and resort to juvenile name calling and cartoons.*
(And they wonder why we can't have a grown up debate in this country)

I say keep doing what you do Michelle. We need a "nanny state" for some of our damn kids and their parents out here. Hell, I see stories like this one out of my hometown, (Some of you Negroes and these Play Stations, I swear) and I start thinking to myself that we might need a lot more than that.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Rant.

It's Friday evening and I have so much to say and so little time.

Let's see, where do I begin? I think I will start with our future president, Sarah Palin. Girlfriend is calling the first lady a racist in her new book:

"Washington (HuffPo)– In passages leaked from her forthcoming book America by Heart, Sarah Palin — the erstwhile quitter governor of Alaska, who now, by all indications, fancies herself as President of the United States — has taken another cheap shot at First Lady Michelle Obama.

In a passage on perceptions of racial inequality in the United States, Palin slams President Barack Obama, who, she asserts, “seems to believe” that “America — at least America as it currently exists — is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country.”

Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people."

OKaaayy....let's move on. I won't even comment on this one. Now if Michelle wants to kick off her heels, pull out her earrings, and have a real girl fight with Palin; she will get my undivided attention. Anything short of seeing Sarah catch a beat down is not really worthy of my time. Sarah, it must be really hard to be a hater. Especially when Michelle keeps getting love like this.

I am actually going to leave the Big R alone tonight, although I could go there. He is still in full effect. From Kansas to right here in my hometown, the Big R is flexing his muscles and daring me to catch him. But I am not going to chase tonight. It's Friday, I am trying to relax. I will come out and play some other time.

It looks like the folks over at Radio Rwanda are taking their O jones to a whole different level. Now they are criticising O's children's book. Yep, his children's book. It seems they have some issues with him showing some love to Sitting Bull.

"It is not common for Fox News to take issue with something President Obama does. In fact, it seems to take issue with everything he does. Now the network is attacking him for a new children's book he wrote.

On Wednesday, "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters" hits bookstores. It is a book that highlights 13 Americans "whose traits he sees in his own children" according to a USA Today story about the book.

When listing those people, the article mentions almost in passing "His most controversial choice may be Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer at Little Bighorn."

Obama writes of Sitting Bull:

(He) was a medicine man who healed broken hearts and broken promises. It is fine that we are different. (He) spoke out and led his people against many policies of the United States government. He is most famous for his stunning victory in 1876 over Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

Fox News certainly wasn't to let that pass, running an article on its web site titled "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed U.S. General." It was later corrected to "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Defeated U.S. General" for "historical accuracy," which is Fox's way of saying it made a mistake without really saying it made a mistake.

The brief article itself doesn't say anything else critical, but the headline said it all.

"If President Obama patted a child on the head, Fox News would probably accuse him of assault," Indiana University historian Ed Linenthal said. [Source]

Actually, Mr. Linenthal, they would accuse him of rape.

Finally, I see that Uncle Sam is sending Wesley Snipes to the slammer for three years. Sorry Wesley, you have to render unto Uncle Sam....but three years? "White Men Can't Jump, but they can sure put the hammer on a brotha.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's too late Mrs. Obama; dirty spirits are already here.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~Psalm 51:10~

Mrs. First Lady, let me help you out a little bit, because no one seems to want to get your back. I know that is the scripture you were thinking of when you asked us to get in our prayer circles and pray to keep dirty spirits away from you and "O".

I see that you are under attack from the wingnuts for asking us black folks to pray for you and keep "the spirits around" you "clean". And, as is to be expected, the wingnuts are losing their minds. You have become the butt of all their jokes. Glenn Beckkk, a man who is supposed to be religious, and who has called A-merry-cans to turn to god, dedicated damn near an hour of his show to making fun of you and your religious reference. Nice people those Christians. Remind me to reserve separate rooms when I get to heaven.

Look, I know why you had to go on Tom Joyner . You had to appeal to us old reliable black folks to send a shout out for you and his O ness upstairs to the big guy. Lord knows he will need all the prayers he can get. If it's one thing black folks can do is pray. Unfortunately, I don't think all the prayers in the world will stop the wingnuts from big wins this November. But you have to do what you have to do. You are the designated black person in the White House.

Still, this is all a little unsettling. Even for an agnostic like myself. Here we are supposed to be a Christian nation and wingnut Christians are making fun of you because you asked your people to pray for you and "keep clean spirits around" you. Folks in the majority sure don't understand black folks and their religion. Personally, I wish we would have kept all the religions from the old country. A little Obeah would have been just fine with me. That would have really scared white folks. -Well, except for white folks like Christine O'Donnell. She is already a witch.-

"So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us."

Michelle, there are a lot of spirits around us, and they ain't clean. Maybe that prayer circle will have to get a little larger. Somebody hold my hand.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Just thinking out loud.

It's Thursday evening in A-merry-ca, and if you are in the town of Flint, Michigan, you better know where your male loved ones are. Especially if you are an African American. You better, because there is a serial killer on the loose, and, well, I don't want to scare you Negroes, but I think he is a big fan of Glenn Beck. I am just sayin. h/t to Tom for turning me on to this story.

"In fact, there’s concern throughout Genesee County as police search for a knife-wielding man who has attacked 13 men since May, killing five.

Arnold Minor was killed Monday morning on South Saginaw near Burton on Flint’s south side in front of Deuces Wild Kustom motorcycle shop. The blood was there today.

“We’re just trying to get the word out to our friends and family,” said Rashandia Jones, a clerk at Diamond Cleaners, next to the bike shop. “Watch where you’re at.”

All of the victims have been black men, and the attacker is described as a younger white man with a muscular build. The victims have tended to be vulnerable — some with slighter builds, some older and each walking by himself. "

You brothers in Flint better start getting your workout on. And, if you are an old head, you better dig out that straight razor you have hidden away in the attic.

So it's official, Elena Kagan was confirmed today, and now we have three women as members of the supremes (Hmmmm, somehow that seems fitting). I guess his O ness can count this as a minor political victory. Lords knows he needs all the wins he can get. Kagen clerked for Thurgood Marshall, so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt until she proves me wrong.

I see Kanya West is styling with a look he calls "Rosewood" these days. Good for him. I like to see young brothers getting their sartorial side on. And if he sends the right message by reminding youngsters of their history, all the better. We need more high profile people to send these types of messages. The fact that someone in the hip hop community is taking that step makes it even more gratifying.

Finally, folks in A-merry-ca are criticizing Michelle Obama for taking her vacation over in Spain. Apparently some folks think that the First Lady is going overboard and letting being the First Lady get to her head.

"Andrea Tantaros has penned a scorching editorial for the New York Daily News deeming First Lady Michelle Obama a "modern-day Marie Antoinette" for her vacation in Spain with her daughter.

"The First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her 'closest friends,'" Tantaros writes, pointing to a CNN report that Michelle Obama and her group are expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms. "Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times." [Article]

What's the matter with you Michelle? Don't you know that Negroes are supposed to vacation in Virginia Beach?

And now for some housekeeping business: Lots of e-mails from folks (and some comments) about some of the people who have been front and center in the comments section after my recent posts. Most of you don't like the acrimony and the rancorous nature of the folks commenting. And you sincerely believe that they are trolls who are on a mission to destroy and not to uplift. All I can say is I hear you. I detest censoring and I doubt I will ever do it, but I am considering moderating the comments section and not for the reasons that I am sure that most of you think: Let's just say it's external and not internal forces which are causing me to reconsider. I will leave it at that.

I promise that if I do go the moderation route I still will not censor anyone for their beliefs or their urge to call me the most foul thing that they can think of. Trust me, it will still be open season on whatever; there just might be less of it, that's all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Those "racism chasing" wingnuts.

When someone mentioned the story I am about to post about in the comments section of this blog, I thought it was a joke. There was no way, I thought, that this story could be true.

Well, as it turns out, it is true.

"I was loathe to comment since I know that no rational discussion will follow. How could it? It was clear from the beginning that this was not a case of voter intimidation against anyone who might vote for John McCain. As many observers noted on that day, no matter how badly those two New Black Panters[sic] were behaving (and the police were called and responded), it’s a HEAVILY DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT. As blogger Ben Smith noted way back then, “You don’t typically intimidate your own voters.”But solid reporting from Media Matters and Adam Serwer of The American Prospect ought to put this nonsense to rest (it won’t, but it should). The charges against the New Black Panthers were downgraded by the Bush Department of Justice:The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division." [Source]

Say what? The case was downgraded 11 days before his O ness took office?

Wait, you mean the wingnuts over at Radio Rwanda manufactured a story with a hint of some racial spice thrown in for good measure?

"The fact that the Bush administration also felt that this wasn’t the “open and shut” case that Fox News would have you believe may take some wind out of their sails, but not as much as Olbermann implies here. Also, Fox News (and our own Steve Krakauer) has been making a good point about the lack of coverage that the rest of the media has been giving this story. Olbermann gets his own good point in though, by remarking that some of Fox News’ coverage has had a bit of an uncomfortable racial tinge to it."

That's not the field talking, that's a conservative website. So where do we go from here, wingnuts? Where will we get our next faux story to fire up the base? Wait, what's that you say? You have another one already?

"So far Michelle Obama and the NAACP have offered three shreds of evidence that the Tea Parties as a whole are a racist movement.1) Supposed "slurs" yelled at black congressmen in Washington, which the media jumped all over. Raw video suggests otherwise. I suppose yelling or disagreeing with black men counts as racism. FAIL.2) Tea Party backed Rand Paul's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Forget that Paul voiced the utmost contempt for discrimination of any kind. I guess believing the government has no right to force businesses to serve anyone and everyone counts as racism. FAIL.3) Racist signs and posters seen at Tea Party rallies. I suppose one racist sign out of 100 makes the entire movement racist. FAIL.So Michelle Obama, you have given us three ridiculous arguments and still cannot prove in any way, shape, or form that the Tea Parties are racist.What really irks me?Michelle Obama stands before a racially exclusive organization whose sole focus is the advancement of one race above all others and has the gall to accuse another group of people as being racist. This is hypocrisy of the highest order. I challenge you Michelle.

You tell Herman Cain the Tea Parties are racist. You tell Kevin Jackson the Tea Parties are racist. You tell it to Alan Keyes, Charles Lollar, Thomas Sowell, Deneen Borelli, Michelle Malkin, Allen West, Charles Butler, Lloyd Marcus, Angela McGlowan, Timothy Johnson, and Clifton Bazar..."

[Well, I would tell them for her, but they are too busy cleaning the big house. That's a lot of work.]

".. A few questionable signs. A phantom "slur". A candidate's opposition to government intrusion. Apparently these are valid accusations to conclude an entire movement of hundreds of thousands of people is based on bigotry. "

Ahhh, excuse me wingnut, but it seems that you are living in a parallel universe. Where exactly is Michelle Obama accuse the tabaggers of racism in this clip? Keep digging, I will wait.....

But this is what happens when one manufactured story goes to the dogs; they just invent another one. But field, Michelle Obama gave a keynote speech at the NAACP and the NAACP is adopting a resolution condemning the tea party folks as racist. Isn't that close enough?

I guess. Hey, she is black and it's a black organization. What else do you need?

But back to this New Black Panther story: Remember our wingnut lawyer friend, J. Christian Adams?

" On Tuesday, Mr. Adams argued that the New Black Panther Party case was solid. He also portrayed the civil rights division as a place where many officials are hostile to the idea of using civil rights laws to go after black perpetrators with white victims.

Tracy Schmaler, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said the department enforces voter intimidation laws “based on the merits, not the race, gender or ethnicity of any party involved.”

Sorry Mr. Schmaler, that's not good enough for the wingnut lawyer with a letter for a name.

"Mr. Adams, a Republican who had previously worked for South Carolina’s secretary of state, was hired in 2005. But he insisted on Tuesday that his political beliefs had had no bearing on his work. The investigation has divided the commission. In a statement on Tuesday, one of its two Democratic members, Michael Yaki, called it “incredibly shallow, expensive, and partisan” and a “one-sided farce.” [Source]

Mr. Yaki, you have just described the wingnut agenda to a tee.

Monday, September 28, 2009

She is taken.

It looks like the Italian Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, got himself into a little hot water by dissing his O ness to a bunch of Italian conservatives. Yep, he called his O ness "some tanned guy"while joking about meeting him. But relax folks, this is not the field chasing racism tonight. Taken in its proper context I didn't find the Premier's words to be particularly offensive. Just a former cruise ship entertainer trying to be funny. And, I might add, not doing a very good job of it.

But I do want to blog about something related to the entire episode: It's the sleaze factor.

Guys, this is a woman thing, so we might have to sit this one out. Women have this sleazedar (yes, I made that word up) when it comes to men. No matter how he tries to cover it up, a woman can always spot a sleaze. Apparently Michelle Obama's sleazedar went off with Berlusconi:

" European media have played up photos showing Michelle Obama greeting many leaders at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh summit last week with a kiss but stiffly holding out her arm for a handshake when it came time to greet Berlusconi.

The photos show Berlusconi's gazing at Mrs. Obama's gown, instead of her face, and holding his arms out as if in delight at what he sees, while the U.S. President looks on, apparently not amused."

So she gave him the old stiff arm instead of a kiss. Nice. Sorry Mr. Premier, your "jungle fever" is a bit strong. (Someone get that man some old Jet magazines.)

Ahhh here it is. I knew it!

"The 72-year-old Berlusconi has made no secret for his admiration of attractive women. He has been on the defensive in a sex scandal that erupted last spring after his wife complained he was infatuated with young women and announced she is divorcing him.

Prosecutors in the southern city of Bari are investigating a local businessman, as a suspect in a cocaine investigation, who has said he sent some 30 young women to dinners and parties at Berlusconi's Rome palazzo residence and Sardinian villa. The businessman told investigators he paid the women's expenses and in some cases extra money in case they had sex with the premier."

Wait; "30 young women"? And he is what, 72? Dayam! O man, I would have stared his old ass down,too.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Maybe they just don't like her arms.

This post is going to be like a homework assignment. It's a little research I am doing and I am really serious about this one.

So here is the question and the challenge:

Does anyone reading this have a link to an article from a left wing blogger, news outlet, or pundit, trashing Laura Bush in ways like this ,(The guy's name is Pretlusky, and have you seen him? No wonder he is bitter)and this? Or, even this?

I have to confess, before I did this post, I "googled" field Negro and Laura Bush, just to make sure I wasn't being a hypocrite. And nope, I didn't see anything remotely trashing the former first lady. I guess, like most civilized A-merry-cans, no matter how much I despised her husband and his policies, I tried to be respectful to the wife.

No such luck with these petty vindictive people on the right. I guess when you can't win a policy debate you try to get your rocks off in other ways.

It's sad, because I don't remember the frat boy ever having to beg the press to lay off his wife. Not during his presidency, or when he was campaigning for it.

So help me here folks. If you find any of these links, please put it in the comments section. Because I really am curious to know if the left was as disrespectful and cruel to Laura Bush, as the right is to Michelle Obama.


Friday, March 20, 2009

She talks like a First Lady.

"I remember there were kids around my [Chicago] neighborhood who would say, 'Ooh, you talk funny. You talk like a white girl.' I heard that growing up my whole life. I was like, 'I don't even know what that means but I am still getting my A.'"

That's my First Lady continuing her effort to reach out to children of color in D.C., while addressing some children in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the District.

Now a few thoughts about this "talk like a white girl" phenomenon: First, there is no such thing. Either you speak clearly or you don't. When I am in Southern Louisiana I still struggle to understand what folks (black and white) are saying. You folks in Baaastan talk funny to me, too. And so do some of you New Yawkers. In fact, right here in Philly your accent might be different depending on which neighborhood you are from. I can always tell a South Philly accent (they say youze a lot), and a black person from Mt. Airy sounds different from a black person from West Philly. An Irishman from the Northeast? I am all over that as well. Mrs. Field says I talk funny because my Jamaican accent always creeps into my diction. Mrs. Field would have probably been teased a lot in Michelle Obama's neighborhood as well. Mrs. Field was born and raised in South Louisiana, but she managed to craft a very generic accent. It's always fun to see the reaction we get when Mrs. Field makes arrangements over the phone and the people see us in person. Yes, may I help you? I am Mrs. Field, we spoke over the phone. We did? Oh, yes, of course....

Anyway, my point is, people have accents, and we all speak in different ways. The important thing is that we speak well, and in a way that can be clearly understood by whoever is listening to us. Now unfortunately, some of my cousins,'s almost like they don't want the person listening to understand. Unless you are in on the secret slang, you don't deserve to understand what the speaker is saying. For some of us, it's our own way of communicating that might as well be a totally different language. When our children grow up speaking like this it's tough to get them out of it. And damn it, the shit can be embarrassing when they reach adulthood. If I have to strain to understand the conductor on the train, or the person taking my order at the fast food restaurant, that's a problem. Especially when they are supposed to be speaking English. I am not talking about an accent here, I am talking about putting words together that just don't belong. Just what the hell does, you be done messed up, mean? YOU. BE. DONE. MESSED. UP. That is not English, that is some kind of ghetto Morse code that will get you nowhere in school.

Thank you first lady Obama for at least addressing this issue. The kids were wrong of course. It's not speaking "white", it's speaking properly. And it's speaking in a way that can make it easier for them to succeed in school, and ultimately in life.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th! What a day! What a week! I blame this all on George Bush. My fucked up state of mind,the countries' funk, all the negative shit going on. Honestly it's like a dark cloud is just hanging over this country. (Just today there was literally a blackout over D.C.) Sorry "O" man, your halo isn't shining bright enough. I know you keep saying a change is going to come, but you have to get elected first, and you know how I feel about that happening. (I had a big fat slice of cheese cake for lunch today. Why? Because I think my Broad street birthday suit run is safe)

If I told you that one of the main actors in this years political drama would die suddenly, I know who most of you (at least the black folks) would think it would be. We don't like to say it out loud, but we all think it. But still I bet that none of you thought it would be one of the people charged with reporting the drama. Tim Russert died suddenly today of a heart attack, right there on the job he loves so much, while doing voice overs for his "Meet The Press" show on Sunday. The guy won't have a chance to cover this historic election. For a political junkie like Russert, this was like the Super Bowl and World Series all rolled into one; and the poor guy dies right in the middle of covering it. Boy if there is a god he has one fucked up sense of humor.

Speaking of god; now we are dealing with all the floods in Iowa and other parts of the Midwest. Entire towns submerged in water, and the poor folks having to watch their life savings and all of their earthly belongings destroyed. But don't worry my Midwestern friends, the frat boy has you covered. "Brownie you are doing a heck of a job." Why did all this have to happen under this guy's watch? He makes Jimmy Carter look like JFK. "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Kanye, you might want to throw white people, red people and damn near everyone in between into that mix as well. Is it me or has there been more natural disasters with this clown in power than any other time in our history? Gee, for a guy who is supposed to be seriously in touch with his god side you would think he could ask his friend jesus to lighten up just a little. At least until he leaves office, and the secular non-believing Muslim comes to power. But no, the hits just keep coming.

And speaking of hits; R Kelly was acquitted of all charges today relating to his pornography case, and ......oh don't even get me started on this one. I mean I love the guy's music and all, but I am not going to be popping any bubbly because Kels is free. I saw the tape too.

Speaking of a tape; I am Still waiting on that Michelle Obama whitey tape to surface. Not that it matters, as today I learned that the GOP is targeting poor Michelle. Chile don't you know that youze supposed to shut your mouth and show dem pearly whites. You should be so happy to be living in A-merry-ca, yet you seem so ungrateful. But you will learn. These republicans are about to show you how the smear game is played.

And speaking of games; I heard this week that the NBA might have been fixing their games all along. Is nothing sacred in A-merry-ca anymore?

All of this and still no Lark Voorhies.

Friday the 13th! Just 35 minutes to go.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Baby mama" drama.

I know who won't be on Bill and Hillary's enemy list, the folks at FOX NEWS. Yet they should be. For years I have been trying to warn anyone who would listen about the folks over at propaganda central. I have been trying to tell folks that they are probably the most dangerous people in our country because of their power, their influence, and their reach. But all I heard was; "field why do you worry about FOX NEWS? They are just a television station whose job it is to entertain folks. Get over it."

But now, for many of you Obamaholics, they have crossed the line. Many of you saw it and were outraged then, and many of you still can't believe that a major so called news agency called the wife of a leading contender for the presidency of these divided states a "baby mama". It's outrageous! How could they do such a thing? It's racism pure and simple! Ahhh duh. Yes it's FOX, this is what they do. Much to the delight of their millions of listeners[and watchers] in the heartlands who love to see the "pretty" blonds, the hunky anchor with the Ole Miss accent, the flashy graphics, and the A-merry-can flag front and center for all eyes to see. The same FOX NEWS who were cheerleaders for the Iraqi war, and for a president who will go down in history as probably the worst this country has ever had. But now, we are finally outraged. Now after one of their clueless anchors called the Obama's playful fist bump a "terrorist jab", and the possible first lady of these divided states, a woman happily married to her husband, the father of her two children.....I still can't believe this shit--- is all of a sudden a "baby mama." Do you think Cindy McCain, a woman who slept with a married man while his wife lay paralyzed could have ever been vilified and disrespected that way? Not in your life-time or mine. It would never happen, because Cindy McCain belongs to that class in A-merry-ca that you don't fuck with. That kind of disrespect and ignorance even by so called main stream media folks is reserved for the black wife, not the white one. And yet, Bill Shine, who is a senior VP of programing over at FOX says that a producer showed "poor judgment" in showing the graphic seen round the world. "Poor Judgment"? Poor judgment is what I use when I forget to take my umbrella when it's raining outside. This was not "poor judgment" by some lowly producer, this was a decision from the top.

But get used to it. FOX just slipped up and started too soon. There will be more of that to come. Maureen Dowd's article sums up what's to come perfectly, and you Obamaholics better get used to it. Personally, I have been outraged at FOX NEWS for a long time-- Don't believe me? Look at my sidebar--. So these latest pronouncements from their people, while outrageous, is not surprising. Come on, it's FOX. I would expect no less from those whores. It's why folks like Juan Williams, until he gets off that network, will always have a place in the house. Because by appearing on their network and cashing their checks, he is endorsing their outrageous behaviour. But I am still waiting for Mr. Williams and folks like Angela McGlowan (who proudly proclaims that she has been on FOX since 1999) to come out and slam their benefactors. Angela, a fellow black woman was smeared. I know you both don't see eye to eye politically, but you share so much more. (At least I think you do). Why don't you prove me wrong about you, step up, and do the right thing? Call out the people you work for, and tell the world that you are ashamed to be a part of such an organization. **Ahhh I love the sound of crickets in the evening***

Oh well, let's see what you Obamaholics are going to do now. I hear the outrage, and I feel your pain, now I want to see some action. Will you write letters to FOX and their sponsors? Will you stop buying from the advertisers who sell their products on the FOX networks? Will you make them accountable for their actions? You better, because if you don't, this will be just the beginning. And the folks in the "heartland" won't stop watching.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Michelle is ready for her closeup.

Folks please allow me to vent a little bit before I get into my next post. Because a little incident I experienced today still has me steaming. Now I have a question: since we live in a country with a government that spends billions of dollars every month fighting two wars simultaneously, is it too much to ask the U.S. Postal Service to put one extra fucking clerk in their post office during the lunch hours? I mean really. Like what the fuck? Have these people ever heard of staggering their lunches? Today I had to wait 20 fucking minutes standing in line to send a registered letter to someone (Yes I counted. Time is money to me). Honest to god if they privatized that bad boy tomorrow I wouldn't have a problem with it..... breathe field negro breathe.

Okay, thank you for allowing me to vent. Now to my post:

I have been getting e-mails from folks (thanks Loreen) about a supposed bomb shell tape that will be coming out any day now about the "O" man's wife, Michelle. The Reich wing folks have been salivating at the mouth to get their hands on this tape, and over at self hater extraordinaire, Michelle Malkin's blog, they have been waiting with breathless anticipation for its release.
Of course, Malkin, being a lying degenerate, is all of a sudden trying to convince us that she knew that the story wasn't on the up and up all along. Now she writes as if she always smelled a rat. Don't believe it. Malkin has spent many sleepless nights-- along with the FAKE NEWS clowns-- trying to confirm that this tape exists, and doing everything in her powers to get her dirty little hands on it.

I sure hope the folks on the left are digging just as hard to find shit on Mr.Morton. They might want to start with a certain lobbyist from right here in my home state...I am just saying. Hey, I bet that story has more truth to it than the one my right wing friends are searching for.

I don't know it such a tape exists or not. Frankly, if it did, it wouldn't bother me one bit. But then I am not some middle aged white guy in Lincoln Nebraska. I suspect that if the FAKE NEWS NETWORK finds what to them would be the "Holy Grail", the coverage would be wall to wall. Every anchor and talking-head on that network would be summoned to FAKE NEWS headquarters to get their talking points straight.

"THIS JUST IN, FOX NEWS HAS OBTAINED EXCLUSIVE VIDEO OF MICHELLE OBAMA CALLING WHITE PEOPLE 'WHITEY'"....... Personally, I don't care what his wife calls white or black people. If he is elected, the "O" man better have damn a plan for the post office... I love this country. I really do.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Cindy's recipe for disaster.

I don't know why this story bothers me so much, but it does. I am talking about the story of Cindy McCain lying about some her family recipes and then blaming it on an intern. "Oh come on field, why do you have to assume the McCains are lying?" Because I have a hard time believing that some low level unpaid staffer would be given the authority to something like this. Sorry, I am just not buying it. But then, as is always the case, they throw the little guy under the bus. I wonder what "dealt with swiftly" means? Talk about elitist and out of touch. "We took his zero pay." Da fuck? I don't know about you guys, but if I was t hat intern I would have told Mr. Morton and company what they can do with their zero pay, after I exposed their sorry asses.

But this is the free ride that comes with being Mr. Morton these days. I wonder how many people in A-merry-ca even heard of this story? Seems Lady Cindy lifted three recipes directly from the Food Network and said it was her family's own. ["Napa Cabbage"?] Can you imagine if Michelle Obama had done some shit like that? The FAKE NEWS NETWORK would have cut into their coverage of the Pope's mass today and flashing BREAKING NEWS signs would be all over the television screen. "MICHELLE OBAMA LIES ABOUT FAMILY RECIPE".

I don't know about the rest of you, but if someone lies to me about something as simple as a family recipe, I have to wonder just what else they would lie to me about. "Ahh come on field she is not running for president, her husband is." Okay, I would buy that if everyone all of a sudden started leaving Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama alone. But if that's the only excuse for not going after Mr. Morton's wife, it's a pretty flimsy one. The intern did it? Come one Cindy, give us all a break!

And who has a secret family recipe anyway? Unless you are a member of the Sander's family from Kentucky your recipe has been more than likely lifted from somewhere else. I mean we can all add a little something or take a little something away from a known recipe, but your own secret ? My mother's black Jamaican wine cake was to die for, but my mother didn't invent that shit. I make a mean spaghetti and meatball, but the reason mine tastes so good has to do with a little sugar that I add to the tomato sauce (from a bottle by the way) and a little something that I throw in my water when I am boiling my pasta. But it all has to do with just tweaking a recipe that is already in place. I think Cindy and her peeps thought it would be cool to seem like regular people, and they got caught.

Give me a first lady who expresses her opinions about A-merry-ca and what she thinks would make it better. Or, a first mate who was actually President, and not one who would lie about a damn recipe. And if you don't think our first lady is important, think again. Picture this scenario: President McCain is entertaining the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Belusconi, in the White House. Cindy offers his wife some dumplings which she declares is from her family's own secret recipe, but which looks suspiciously to the first lady like gnocchis. The Italian knows she is lying. She is offended. She tells her husband. All of a sudden, poof, there goes another NATO ally.

Seriously folks, I know the folks on the right say this is a non story, but they need to get real. If they are going to kill the "O" man over a flag pin, and his wife over an essay she wrote in college, they damn well better call out Mrs. Morton's ass for lying about some shit that she knows how to cook. --Like she has ever seen what a fucking stove looks like---. I wonder if we will get any questions about recipegatge in the general election debates? I doubt it. Little George will be interviewing Mr. Morton on ABC-linton tomorrow, let's see if there is any mention of recipegate then. I doubt there will be, because, well, it's Mr. Morton, and he always gets a pass.

I bet Cindy is in the kitchen right now cooking up her favorite dish. Oh wait, I meant in the medicine cabinet...okay that was mean, I kid I kid.