Showing posts with label tanned.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tanned.. Show all posts

Monday, September 28, 2009

She is taken.

It looks like the Italian Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, got himself into a little hot water by dissing his O ness to a bunch of Italian conservatives. Yep, he called his O ness "some tanned guy"while joking about meeting him. But relax folks, this is not the field chasing racism tonight. Taken in its proper context I didn't find the Premier's words to be particularly offensive. Just a former cruise ship entertainer trying to be funny. And, I might add, not doing a very good job of it.

But I do want to blog about something related to the entire episode: It's the sleaze factor.

Guys, this is a woman thing, so we might have to sit this one out. Women have this sleazedar (yes, I made that word up) when it comes to men. No matter how he tries to cover it up, a woman can always spot a sleaze. Apparently Michelle Obama's sleazedar went off with Berlusconi:

" European media have played up photos showing Michelle Obama greeting many leaders at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh summit last week with a kiss but stiffly holding out her arm for a handshake when it came time to greet Berlusconi.

The photos show Berlusconi's gazing at Mrs. Obama's gown, instead of her face, and holding his arms out as if in delight at what he sees, while the U.S. President looks on, apparently not amused."

So she gave him the old stiff arm instead of a kiss. Nice. Sorry Mr. Premier, your "jungle fever" is a bit strong. (Someone get that man some old Jet magazines.)

Ahhh here it is. I knew it!

"The 72-year-old Berlusconi has made no secret for his admiration of attractive women. He has been on the defensive in a sex scandal that erupted last spring after his wife complained he was infatuated with young women and announced she is divorcing him.

Prosecutors in the southern city of Bari are investigating a local businessman, as a suspect in a cocaine investigation, who has said he sent some 30 young women to dinners and parties at Berlusconi's Rome palazzo residence and Sardinian villa. The businessman told investigators he paid the women's expenses and in some cases extra money in case they had sex with the premier."

Wait; "30 young women"? And he is what, 72? Dayam! O man, I would have stared his old ass down,too.