Now this is magical thinking I can respect!
Indigenous Australians pay their respects to the former member for Bennelong. (Via Oz Atheist)
Howard vs. Aboriginal Australians
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This blog is no longer updated. Now blogging at Wordpress.
Indigenous Australians pay their respects to the former member for Bennelong. (Via Oz Atheist)
Howard vs. Aboriginal Australians
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 4:07 pm |
Labels: 2007 election, aboriginal australians, crimes against humanity, federal election 2007, john howard, racism, wingnuts, youtube
Just quickly--Rae at Subversive Muse has written a series of posts "from a critical left-wing perspective" on atheism, science and religion. I've expressed my objections to Rae's arguments--I think they basically misrepresent science (it is taken as axiomatic in this series of posts that science is "an ideology," whereas I think this needs to be argued for/demonstrated) and critique a strawman definition of atheism--and I know Bruce (who is more well-versed on this topic than I am) is preparing a response at his blog. Brian at Primordial Blog has written a thoughtful response as well.
Just to make it worth your while (and Rae, I'm not lumping you in with these guys!), here are some Youtube dispatches from the war on science:
"The Evangelical War on Science"
"The Republican War on Science"
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 9:23 pm |
Labels: atheism, creationism, evolution, fundies, religion, science, subversive muse, youtube
Marty Robbins: "El Paso"
Marty Robbins - El Paso - Music Video via
THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 7:55 am |
Labels: music, music videos, youtube
The long-awaited latest episode of "Search for a Scapegoat" is here:
Episodes 1-3 over the fold . . .
Stay tuned for more here.
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 5:57 pm |
Labels: 2007 election, federal election 2007, humour, john howard, Liberal Party, politics, search for a scapegoat, youtube
OH NOES!! The Chaser boys have offended some people again with a song that appears to take the piss out of dead celebrities, including Steve Irwin, Princess Di, Kerry Packer and Stan Zemanek (but is really just commenting on the hypocrisy of eulogizing those whom we found cause to dislike when they were still breathing).
Cue the hyperventilating . . .
"CHASERS WAR ON GOOD TASTE" wails Ninemsn. "To disrespect people have passed [sic] is cruel!" moans Deb of Adelaide, in the Ninemsn forum on the topic. On the ABC's own message board (and according to, "Irate viewers rang the ABC switchboard to complain about the song after it aired and talkback radio hosts were inundated with comments about its content"), habbo1 whines: "A long time fan of Chaser, great dissapointment in the cringe factor that was last night 'dead celebrity bashing.' Juvenile, pathetic humour that we are to expect from Commercial TV's attempt to be 'controversial.'" I'm certain there's more to come. (UPDATE: And I was right.)
What a bunch of tightarse, whinging fuckpigs (as Billy Connolly would say).
This reminds me of when Sean Hannity was sooking about what a big meanie Christopher Hitchens was for the latter's criticisms of the late Jerry Falwell:
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The week in fundie . . .
"But I think the number one issue people should make [in the] selection of the President of the United States is, 'Will this person carry on in the Judeo Christian principled tradition that has made this nation the greatest experiment in the history of mankind?'"unquote. (Beliefnet)
THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 9:27 am |
Labels: atheism, Catholicism, Christofascism, creationism, evolution, film, fundies, intelligent design, iraq war, theocracy, youtube
As Sam Gamgee famously puts it in the closing lines of Lord of the Rings, "Well, I'm back." How's Japan, I hear you ask? Japan is a wonderful country: friendly, sophisticated, and so much more "alive" than Australia (or at least the Ben Cousins-obsessed corner of Australia from which you humble servant hails). Who would have thought it in a country full of heathens? But Japan is also hot: insufferably hot. I really should have done my homework on that one: I was expecting to arrive in a mild European-style clime and wound up landing in a steam bath. The heat wave, which has continued pretty-much unabated since the beginning of August, has claimed more than 50 lives, apparently. But not me--my apartment has an air conditioner.
I've been away for quite a few weeks now, and evidently I have a lot of catching up to do regarding the topics of magical thinking and church-state separation, which as you know I like to write about from time to time. I have running internet in my home now, so I should be back in the swing of things soon enough, if not as frequently as when I was back in Australia. After all, I'm living in Japan, and I have touristy-stuff to do.
So this morning I would simply like to plug a magnificent post by Balneus--a critique of a Quadrant article by Cardinal George Pell in which he mounts an apologia for theocracy by way of a hagiography of Emperor Constantine.
If you peeked over the fold, I wanted to post more episodes of the "Search for a Scapegoat" series, but no more seem to have been made. A pity.
So here's Daniel Dennett on ants, terrorism and memes:
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 6:12 am |
Labels: Catholicism, Daniel Dennett, evolution, Japan, memes, theocracy, theofascism, youtube
. . . so this blog is going into semi-hiatus for a while. ("Semi"--in the sense that it will be still be updated, only much less frequently.)
I'm moving to Japan and my access to the interwebs will be limited--at least until I set myself up with (much, much faster) broadband in my new location.
See you soon!
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The "Search for a Scapegoat" series is brilliant:
Episode 1
Episodes 2 and 3 over the fold . . .
Episode 2
Episode 3
Stay tuned for further episodes.
John Howard Asleep on Climate Change (ALP ad)
The Complete Walks of John Howard (The Chaser)
John Howard on Climate Change and Global Warming (Clarke and Dawe)
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 10:26 pm |
Labels: 2007 election, alp, john howard, Liberal Party, politics, youtube
"Pong," "Pole Position" and "Space Invaders" are the work of Swiss artist Guillaume Reymond.
Can't wait for Bubble Bobble!
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 10:59 am |
Labels: arcade games, humour, youtube
Orthodox Christian Russians were working tirelessly last Sunday to cleanse the Moskva River's sparkling waters of TEH GAY, after a dirty gay cruise vessel full of dirty gays trailed megalitres of santorum in its wake the previous evening.
Participants hired a ship and decorated it with church banners, icons, Russian imperial flags and their motto, "We are Russian, God is with us."On a more serious note, this follows a plan by Christians to conduct anti-homosexual pogroms in a Moscow park popular as a meeting place for gays and lesbians.
"Our great Orthodox capital is in spiritual vacuum and experiences ideological aggression from the West. So our aim was to demonstrate that the Russian people's spiritual and moral ideals are alive and will be so forever," Yury Ageschev, coordinator of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods, told Interfax.
He said one of the action's aims was "to purge the Moskva River after a large group of gays, who hired a similar ship to have a party going the same route last night."
THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 4:51 pm |
Labels: fundies, homophobia, homosexuality, irrationalism, morons, religion, theofascism, wingnuts, youtube
This is actually a dialogue rather than a story. A priest is giving the last rites to a dying man who repents that he has not taken full advantage of the fact that he was "created by Nature with the keenest appetites and the strongest of passions and was put on this earth with the sole purpose of placating both by surrendering to them." The dying man then proceeds to state his case for atheism.
Despite the fact that the dying man seems not to have heard of the is-ought fallacy, he makes some good arguments that resonate well with current debates. His opponent is probably an unfair strawman, but I have heard a Christian apologist in a recent debate with Christopher Hitchens advance at least one of the priest's counter-arguments--the notion that the world has been created "broken" as an answer to the problem of evil.
The dialogue is far too long to reproduce here, so I'll just provide a link to the PDF:
"Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man"
Of course, more than just atheists have been influenced by de Sade's ideas:
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 1:39 pm |
Labels: atheism, crimes against humanity, de Sade, police state, protofascism, religion, short story, torture, waterboarding, wingnuts, youtube
The week in fundie:
THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 8:26 am |
Labels: Catholicism, censorship, Christofascism, falwell, fundies, homophobia, irrationalism, morons, theofascism, youtube
Some Chemical Brothers videos for your viewing and listening pleasure.
Elektrobank (1997)
Loops of Fury (1996)
Setting Sun (1996)
Hey Boy Hey Girl (1999)
Out of Control (1999)
Star Guitar (2002)
Get Yourself High (2003)
Galvanize (2005)
Do It Again (2007)
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THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 11:59 pm |
Labels: chemical brothers, music videos, youtube
THOUGHTCRIME BROUGHT TO YOU BY Arthur_Vandelay at 6:47 pm |
Labels: abortion, alex hawke, Catholicism, Christofascism, David Clarke, fundies, homophobia, Liberal Party, theocracy, theofascism, wingnuts, Young Liberals, youtube
Found a stack of Shaun Micallef's work from his Full Frontal and Micallef Pogram days. You know, back when Australian TV producers knew how to do decent sketch comedy. Enjoy!
Billy Connolly's Australian World Tour
David McGahan: Marco Polo
Roger Explosion
David McGahan: Cats
David McGahan: Teeth
Parliament Question Time
David McGahan: JFK Conspiracy
David McGahan: Trees
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