Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Old Friends, Reunited

Where does the time go? Do you find yourself asking that question – a lot?! Me too! I had mentioned posting an update on the Shouse (aka Barn-Cottage). Well, that didn’t happen. Yet. But soon. I have company coming over the course of the next couple of weeks, so that will force me into cleaning mode.. and therefore, I can see that would be a great time to take pics :)

Today I want to share a picture of my father-in-law, the Blacksmith’s Pops, our dear “G-pa.” He hasn’t been able to live at his home since last Summer (World War II Vet, in his 90’s). We see him pretty often, but hadn’t gotten around to getting his beloved dog the updated vaccinations so “Shorty” could go to the care facility and visit. Last week, I finally accomplished the vet visit. Over the weekend.. these two were reunited. Needless to say, it was a very happy moment! Had to share. There will be more Shorty visits in the near future.

old friends

Hope everyone has a great weekend! The weather is pure perfection here.. absolutely Spring-like, and the chorus frogs are singing like crazy. Happy happy!!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fiddle Dee Dee–it’s been too long!

Why oh why do I wait so long between posts?!

Let’s get right to it then….
Back before Christmas, a sweet Blogger friend sent the best gift! An awesome sign!

A long overdue shout-out (and thanks again) to dear Jenny Matlock – methinks she knows us purty well!! We love it!
{Psssst… I happen to know that Jenny has a fabulous Etsy shop as well!}

From there, where do I begin? Oh yes.. the weather, always the weather. Like much of the U.S., here in Missouri we’ve had a dreadfully cold winter. In this old farmhouse, it’s kinda been a matter of survival. And, of course, keeping the critters in good shape. It has at times seemed like Winter would go on forever. So bleak, so miserable. Has anyone else had the winter blahs and blues?

We’ve had a fair amount of the white stuff. It was pretty. At first.

Full golden moon from earlier this week.

On the brighter side, we’re enjoying a nice little break from the cold. 50’s! Today the Mr. and I enjoyed a trip to the woods with Goldie. We left our other two chubby and senior sweet pups behind so they didn’t have to struggle through the remnants of snow and ice (not to worry – the old girls took short walks later).

Today we enjoyed some nice previews to Spring. A bit of thawing at the creek…

pre-Spring thaw at Flat Creek

Goldie enjoyed herself immensely.

Every one needs a break now and then though.

Lo and behold, several Robins were hanging out in the woods.

Know what? I do believe this Spring thang could happen after all. There is hope, always.

Oh – one more thing - I can’t leave without mentioning my favorite evening pastime over the past few weeks. No t.v. for me – just owl watching! There are now three beautiful and adorable little owlets on Alessondra’s OKC Owl Cam. Check them out here!

Have a great remainder of the week, Friends!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Life as We Know It

… has been busy! Let me just get my shaming out of the way first. Just look at the dates, people. My last post was September 16. Today is November 17th. Really??  I think I’ve hit a new blogging low. Must.Do.Better. (if you don’t believe me, I understand!).  Also, I’ve become terrible at blog visiting. I’d love to spend an entire lazy day just catching up on blogs! One can hope.

What are your favorite type of posts? Random posts are mine. I believe it is because my brain works that way. So random! That’s why I feel like I’m spinning in circles half the time – not getting any real stuff done (or at least not fast enough to suit me). The older I get, the worse it gets. Anyone with me on this?

Oh yah.

Where was I?

Here is one thing I accomplished over the long, dry, hot summer -- a re-do of an old ice box we’ve had in the barn for 25 years or more. Sorry, no ‘before’ pictures. It wasn’t in horrible shape, but did take some time (especially since at one point I painted it white.. what was I thinking? Covering up that cool old galvanized finish??). I dressed it up with old coke signs (the wire is now gone - Earth magnets worked the best for holding them in place). This way, I can change it up super quick if I want to. Hmmmm.. thinking some Christmas Coca Cola signs might be nice...


We also harvested honey. Amazingly, for a drought year we had several pounds and it increased from last year. Not enough to sell yet, but enough to keep us stocked until next year. The bad news is we lost our two new hives that we purchased. The good news is the “swarm” hive and original hive both seem to be doing great (at last check).

This little honeybee visited us inside. She wanted a drink of honey.

We have a new resident at the farm and I am in love. There is a story to go with this new resident, but that’s another blog post.


Gracie and Ruby are famous!! Well, sort of? They have a little space in the current (Nov/Dec 2012) Hobby Farms issue.


Chloe and Banjo say “They’re just donkeys… what’s the big deal?”

In August we were blessed with a visit from the Blacksmith’s oldest sibling – his one and only brother. Jerry visited from the far away and beautiful state of New Mexico, and stayed with a sister locally. We had not seen him in 12 plus years, but he and the Blacksmith always kept in touch. Sadly, it was their last visit as Jerry passed away peacefully in his sleep soon after he returned home to New Mexico.

I am so thankful they had that last visit, and also that we took several pictures. I loved this one with the good-natured sibling “fussing” going on (cute). These four were the only surviving of their mother’s six children. Now we have only three.

On this Thanksgiving we are reminded to count our blessings each and every day. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! For this and every single day, we are truly grateful ♥


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Donkey Roping–Again?

UPDATE on 9-17-12: “Open burro roping” has been removed from the description on Facebook Sept 29 event page and from Eden, Tx website event page.
Thanks so much everyone who helped.. big hugs from the Donks!! ♥♥
And this one is sponsored by a church.
Yes, really. It’s true. And we are very sad to learn of this ;(

Reposted from For the Love of Donkeys Facebook page:

Just as we did in Van Horn, let's come together to tell Eden, Texas that the donkey roping competition scheduled for Saturday, September 29 at Rodeo Arena is not acceptable. Ask them to please cancel this inhumane event.
Please contact:
Celina Hemmeter
Eden, Texas City Secretary/Administrator
(325) 869-2211

The individuals from Hallelujah Trail Cowboy Church who are planning the competition:
STEVE BELOTE 325-245-3425 (“Pastor Steve”)
DAN TOMLINSON 325-869-5206

This morning we also noted that Hallelujah Trail Cowboy Church is already planning another burro event in October.
Here is another helpful note if you’d like to help by emailing a letter to the editor:
The Eden Echo is a newspaper in Eden, Texas and is published once a week on Thursday. This newspaper is owned by A.J. Dolle and Lillian Dolle.

source: For the Love of Donkeys facebook page

Wonder why we think this is a big deal? And needs to stop? For more details on donkey roping, go here. (Warning: explicit photos and info)

There is also a petition specific to the September 29th Eden, Texas event – please sign if you so choose.

While you’re at it, you may want to LIKE For the Love of Donkeys on Facebook

Thank you for caring ♥

Much Love,
Ruby and Gracie

Legend of the Donkey's Cross
by Mary Singer

“Bring me the colt of a donkey,”
was the Master's request.
A young donkey was brought to Jesus
to carry Him into Jerusalem.
A week later Jesus was ordered
to be crucified.
The little donkey so loved the Lord
that he wanted to help Him carry the cross.
But, alas, he was pushed away.
The sad little donkey waited to say
goodbye until nearly all had left.
As he turned to leave, the shadow of
the cross fell upon the
back and shoulders of
the little donkey.
And there it has remained,
a tribute to the loyalty
and love of the humblest of
Gods creatures.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Mystery ~ Solved

The dogs and I take a nature hike most every day. For me (and 2 of the three dogs), it’s supposed to be a walk for health and weight loss, but who am I kidding?

My Pack.


I always get sidetracked by an empty eggshell (what kind of little birdie was that?) or …

Look at the pretty flower! (one of the few wildflowers during drought)...



Squirrel! (this normally distracts my canine pack)

or some interesting blueberry-ish looking fruit lying on the ground. What?!?! We’re in a drought, for Pete’s Sake.


I took my phone pic of the mystery tree (which bore the ripened fruit above) and posted it to facebook to see if anyone could identify it for me.

The answers poured in – from PawPaw (I wish!) to Damson Plum to some kind of Damson Berry.

I decided to delve further and I sent the phone picture to Missouri Conservation Ombudsman. He was perplexed by this phone pic also. So Mr. W and I trekked back to the spot and took some better pictures for the Ombudsman. Notice how tiny the fruit is in Mr. W’s hand. Sadly, that fact alone would rule out Paw Paws! Well, and of course, Paw Paws are not normally blueberry colored…


Mr. W and I had taken our little Missouri Tree Field Guide with us and tentatively identified the tree as a Nannyberry. However, Mr. Conservation Ombudsman has officially identified it as a…

wait for it…

Black Haw.

Per MDC site:  Decades ago, when more Americans led rural lives and walked more, the fruits were nibbled on by many. The root bark has been used medicinally. Ecosystem connections: Many species of birds eat the berries, including the cardinal, cedar waxwing, robin, ruffed grouse and wild turkey. Mammals that relish the berries include deer, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks and mice. Deer and beaver eat the twigs, bark and leaves. Many animals use this shrub for cover.

The fruit tastes somewhat like raisins, but there will be no Black Haw pies here. Saving these little morsels for our wildlife neighbors. They’ll surely need them this year.

Thank you, Tim, Missouri Department of Conservation Ombudsman, for your help!

Find ways to Explore and Enjoy in your neck of the woods. You never know what you might find!

We’re off to the Missouri State Fair this weekend. Hope to share some lovely long-eared and other photos with you soon!


Monday, July 30, 2012

Sweet Little Brayers at Play

Well, you might imagine a sweet little “hee haw” from Gracie and Ruby. Prepare to be shocked (right after Goldie’s bark). The news from the donkey barn radio is blaring in the background, and you’ll also hear a rooster crow.

My Mild-Mannered Girlies :)

Ahhhh… life on the Farm ♥

Monday, July 9, 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I hope. Sorry for the unplanned blogging hiatus. I don’t know even know where to begin, so I’ll just jump right in and see where I land…
Drought and Heat 2012: We are still suffering in our neck of the woods. Grass, crops, gardens.. all are dying. Even the trees are in danger at this point. I’ve been watering to try to save what I can. The good news is we’re now into the “cool 90’s” this week after two weeks of upper 90’s to (as much as) 107 here. Please tell me what’s going on where you are. The rains have been so spotty. I know some have received showers of blessing.
In spite of everything, we still have a few blooms and tiny bit of garden left. Amazing, I say.


Bees: We are picking up another hive of bees this week from a relative who is a beekeeper and does his own splits each year. This will be Hive #4. Yay! On one of our hottest days last week (107), I captured these honeybees soaking up the moisture at the bird bath. It was really interesting to watch! Maybe because I’m a Bee Nerd? At any point during those warmest days you could see several bees at a time cooling off here.
Do you ever have a list of “things I should have blogged, but never did?” Here’s one of my many. This handmade mosaic stepping stone was given to me by my parents on my 50th b-day (gulp) 2 years ago. I sooo love it! The gentleman who creates these is wheelchair-bound in a local nursing home (about my age), and donates the proceeds to our county’s Relay for Life.
Now, here is something that Mr. W is quite proud of. One of his newest projects. Still doesn’t seem real to us sometimes, but his dear blacksmithing friend Ed passed away suddenly a couple of months ago. Slowly but surely I think some of  Ed’s “best of the best” rust pile has somehow found its way to Flat Creek Farm :)
Just for fun, can anyone guess what this lovely crusty rusty item is?
One more random catch-up item.. and I’m outa here for now (hopefully not so long this time). Remember Goldie? Wow, she grew up! She’ll be one year old at the end of this month. Notice the post-critter-chasing tongue?
Hope everyone is doing well. I’m trying to slowly catch up on blog visits too. Where does the time go??
Till next time…

Saturday, December 17, 2011

do you hear what i hear?


Goldie at almost 5 months…

all legs,

and EARS!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

bona fide

[boh-nuh fahyd] authentic, true. What does this have to do with anything? It’s just one of my very favorite words. Or would that be two words?
Remember our Goldie Pup? Well, she has finally won over the rest of the family (for the most part). She and Chloe are actually playing in the top left photo, although it looks like a scuffle!
The chickens have been molting, therefore we’ve had very few eggs for the past several weeks. The good news is their feathers are almost all grown back and they are looking good. After months of picking/pecking each other (and actually eating the feathers.. gross!).. they really needed some improvement. Their manners toward each other have thankfully improved as well.
We’ve had some pretty skies… during daytime hours and at night.
Hmmm… what else has been going on around here? I made 35 half-pints, plus 4 pints of Green Tomato Relish (delish – recipe here). We had loads of green tomatoes at the end of the season.

I painted this sign.
Life’s been busy, but good. And bona fide.
{these girls are truly bona fide}
Hope all is well and bona fide with each of you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Introducing Goldie…

The newest member of our family -- Mr. W’s 2 month old Mountain Cur puppy.goldie1 
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a puppy around here, and she is a fireball.  Banjo (our almost 10 year old JRT) and Chloe (our 6 year old Corgi mix) are not pleased.




Pecking orders are being established, and slowly things are calming down a bit.


I hope :)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday Walkabout ~ Simple Beauty

The neighbors started harvesting their corn this week. This is the first year we’ve had a cornfield next to us, so the whole process has been very new and interesting to me.


We’ve had some really beautiful weather this week – until Wednesday, when things turned sharply colder. We enjoyed some nice outdoor walks early in the week.

On Monday, the blue sky reflections in the ponds were gorgeous. Here, you’ll also see one of my little blue hydrangeas (oh yes, again!), still blue and beautiful with only a slight amount of frost damage. And the almost-full daytime moon…


Winter berries and greenery, and birds nibbling seeds off the tall fountain grass in the yard. Bottom right - some deer (and people) tracks…berriesBirdsGreens&Tracks

The dogs enjoyed our walks immensely. “What’s that critter in there??”


Banjo, with after-effects of digging in the clay…


Oh, and Banjo turned 8 years old this week! Happy Birthday, our sweet Jack Russell Terrier girl! She’s also known around here as “Human Dog.” I’m tellin’ ya, she is just too smart.

Dear Bloggy Friends, I hope this week is going well for each of you. Please stay tuned for our first Flat Creek Farm Giveaway. Soon, very soon :)


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