Showing posts with label donkeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donkeys. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

An Enormous Flock of Geese, and a New Donkey?!

We’re baaack! Let’s see, lots of things happening around here. We are {mostly} moved into the Shouse (aka Barn/Cottage). This weekend we hope to move the all-important kitchen appliances to our new abode. I will try to do an update with pics next week on the Shouse. Lots of tasks have been accomplished, but still many details to finish. Very happy with our little Barn/Cottage <3
So, what else is new? I have a new donkey.. but she needs some work. I will share a photo of “Opal” at the end of this post. {Teaser}
Our Gorgeous Trumpeter Swans have moved on, but they’ve been replaced in the same spot with the most ginormous flock of geese that I have ever had the pleasure to view!! It was impossible to show just how many geese were there, but here is a sampling. This group was mostly Snow Geese, but there were also Canadians and various others. It is pure eye candy for the Avian Lover, but probably not a welcome sight for the host (Farmer).


Now, about this new donkey. We were furniture shopping over the weekend, and next door was one of our favorite antique malls to peruse: Veranda Antique Mall. Opal appeared to me, like a vision, when I first walked in the door (after grumbling because no purses are allowed-- you must lock them up in a locker or take them back to your vehicle – I get it, buuuut, it’s a pain.. ok?!). There she was, my Beautiful White Donkey in all her glory, pulling a cart with loose wheels. It was love at first sight, in spite of a few flaws.. a loose tail and ear, some chips here and there, and the obvious.. wheels propped up on either side of the cart. She holds promise though.  Don’t you think? Best part is, Ruby and Gracie will not be jealous of Opal.. and she doesn’t eat much. Just an investment of Bondo repair putty and some artistic TLC and she should be good to go. I will update with pics as she is transformed.
Presenting Opal…
It is super cold again here in MO.. just a reminder that Spring has not arrived just yet. Have a Happy Valentines Day weekend, Folks!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Peace Love and Joy

Our 2014 edition of the annual Hee Haw card…. Merry Christmas to all!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why oh why? Donkey Basketball

I have been very upset this week after finding out our local school is hosting Donkey Basketball. We were a big part of that school when the Fiddler attended K-12 there. We had some really great times and fundraisers through the years. None. Nada. Zip… involved exploitation of animals. I contacted the administrators of the school. The only response I received back (from one of the administrators) was very flippant (which added to my ire). I am ashamed for the school. I assume the event will proceed as planned tonight since I was informed there are indeed contracts in effect.

In my view, this ranks right up there with Donkey Roping. If you’d like to read the REAL story on Donkey Basketball, here ya go: Stop Donkey Basketball. Does anyone else find this video in the link disturbing? Especially since we are presenting that this is all “okay” to the kids in attendance.

My first question when I saw the sign in town was “Why?” With all of the other positive fundraisers out there, why must we present this to the children and make them think this type of behavior is okay? Full size humans riding miniature donkeys? Hmmm.. what is wrong with this picture?


Mark Meyers of Peaceful Donkey Rescue wrote a wonderful article based on the age-old question: Why Do People Abuse Donkeys?

Like many answers to life’s questions, it can be found in the Bible.

“Why Do People Abuse Donkeys?

In a donkey rescue organization two questions pop up in every conversation, “Why do donkeys need rescuing?” and “Why do people abuse donkeys”. The first question is usually answered by an introduction to the 1000 plus donkeys at our rescue, the second question however has always been a tough one to answer. Who can truly understand the human mind? How can we broad brush everyone? What separates those who handle animals roughly from those who inflict abuse? How can one truly explain the motivation behind abuse?

The answer came one Saturday afternoon while giving a tour of the rescue to a church group.  The kids and parents alike genuinely enjoyed the donkeys.  They saw how lovable and sweet these animals were.  They remarked on how gentle and quiet they were with even the smallest of the children.  They saw first hand the fear and aggression in the abused donkeys.  They saw the scars, the split ears, the lumps, the bruises and the cut noses.  They were able, for the first time in many of their lives, to see firsthand the result of cruelty that no animal should ever have to face.

After the tour, the Pastor made the remark that the donkey was the only mammal in the bible to be given the power of human speech.  I was amazed!  I had heard the stories in Sunday School, even read the bible a time or two, but how could I have forgotten this?  Embarrassed, I asked to know more.  I thought that this might make an interesting addition to my tours, lectures and arguments.  What I heard went much deeper than an amusing anecdote, what I heard answered the age old question, “Why do people abuse donkeys?”
Numbers 22:21
Balaam, a prophet of God, was employed by some local rich folks to speak out against Israel. He saddled up his donkey and began a trip to Kirjathhuzoth. God was really upset that Balaam was going against his wishes and sent an angel to stop him. As the man and donkey traveled down a road the donkey saw the angel in front of her and turned away. Angry at her apparent misbehavior, Balaam whipped the donkey. Again the pair traveled on until the donkey once again saw the angel blocking the road. Again she turned away and again she was whipped.

Once their journey resumed, the angel blocked a narrow passage between two walls and as the donkey turned away, she crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall.  As the donkey could not get away from the angel, she simply laid down.  Balaam was outraged by this transgression and whipped the donkey without mercy.

As God saw this taking place, He gave the donkey the gift of speech.  The donkey said, in only the way a donkey could, “Why are you beating me? Am I not the same donkey that has been faithful to you all of these years? Am I not the same donkey who has always taken you wherever you wanted to go? Why are you beating me?”

And Balaam replied, “Because you made me look stupid”

The story goes on the say that the angel appeared to Balaam and explained to him that if the donkey had not turned away he would have killed him. And Balaam saw the error of his ways and they all lived happily ever after.


I had the answer! I was amazed at its simplicity and honesty. I had always searched for a deeper meaning; perhaps a genetic deficiency, or eating paint chips as children, or too much fast food and television. But it was none of these things. It was something simpler, something that weak people have no tolerance for and ignorant people lash out at. The one thing that attacks us as the “superior” being.

Question: Why do people abuse donkey?

Answer: Because they make us look stupid.

No other animal that I have ever come across has the ability to take all of your power away like a donkey. In a parade one of my donkeys stopped and would not move. On a pack trip 2 of my donkeys decided that it was time to stop after just 2 hours of hiking. In both cases I was powerless. They had all of the control over the situation. If a donkey makes a decision, he will stand by it until the end. The only way to get him to change his decision is to make him think that he has had a better idea.

You cannot force a donkey to do anything. Beating will only make him more persistent. More persistent leads to more frustration on the part of the abuser. More frustration leads to more beating. You can beat most animals into doing anything including killing themselves.You cannot do this to a donkey. Simply stated, they make us look stupid.

Eventually, we resumed the parade route as well as the pack trip.  In both cases, the donkeys simply had made a new decision and all was well in their world once again.  As I enjoy these particular traits of my donkeys, I never get frustrated with it.  Many times I take the opportunity to sit back and reflect on what may lie in my path (life) that may be blocking my way.

Mark Meyers
Executive Director
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue”

Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue is a wonderful organization. You can check them out here.

I hope this never happens again. If it does (God Forbid), I hope my army of donkey/critter lovers will help me out :) In the meantime, please at least consider this: if you see your locals are going to present such an event, perhaps you can just donate money directly to the cause (instead of promoting Donkey Basketball)… and let them know you do not approve.

Donkey Whisperer..
over and out! ♥


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Calling all Fans of Long Ears and Fiddle Music

“Too few people understand the Missouri Mule, a beast of burden in peace and war.
They worked farms, forests and mines, yet never shed a reputation for stubbornness, even cantankerousness.
Those who knew them tell a better story: Mules are intelligent, hardworking, agile, quick to learn, dependable – and wiser than horses. “You must be smarter than a mule to work a mule,” they say.

Long-time MU agriculture journalist and photojournalist Duane Dailey spent years photographing Missouri mules and their owners. This work, created mostly in 1982-83, has never before been exhibited. What we learn from these stubborn, gentle, persistent creatures, and the men and women devoted to them, is a beautiful partnership of man and beast.”

This McDougall Center documentary features the music of our Fiddler and his friends... and they make a special appearance at the end of this less-than-10 minute clip.

Missouri Mules and Men from McDougall Center on Vimeo.



Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shouse Update–Cabinet Progress

Here is where we are today in our quest for a kitchen in the BarnCottage, aka Shouse. The Blacksmith is working on plumbing and other details today. We’ll measure for countertops within the next couple of days and order. I have cabinet trim pieces and some cabinet hardware to paint. Plus, a large pantry cabinet needs painting to match the Valspar Woodlawn Colonial Gray (the color choice for the cabinets). The additional boards you see will be concealed by barn wood at some point (soon, I hope). They were necessary to support the cabinets really well in this pole barn.


I’m a-lovin’ the colander light fixture over the sink.

Guess who I see now when I look out my new kitchen window? My girls! (This is Gracie.. Ruby was around the corner).

Hope you’re having a fabulous Hump Day! I’ll post more shouse updates and wedding pics as they become available ;)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy World Donkey Day!

Here, Ruby shows off the smart and useful trick that she taught herself, while Gracie tries to help.

Happy World Donkey Day to all!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hee Haw.. Spring has Sprung!

My only regret on this little video is I missed those hearty brays at the beginning of the “rodeo!” Next time, little donkeys, next time…

We are having Spring storms in Missouri today. This was filmed a couple days ago.

Happy Spring!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?

Give it a go! For years I have wanted to try oil painting, or watercolor, or.. well, just something in the painting area. Since the first of this year I’ve watched various youtube videos, checked out my favorite painters’ websites and tips, skimmed some painting books, and collected a few basic supplies. What can I say, I am a DIY kind of gal. Finally, after all that… I had to try. No turning back! Here she is, my first oil painting. You might have guessed my subject.. hee haw! This is Ruby (based on photo on the sidebar to your right).

Check out the PERFECT easel that Mr. W made me

Please don’t judge – I’m just happy she looks like a donkey. ;) To make it fair, I’ll eventually have to do a Gracie painting. I actually used water mixable oil paints. Since it is winter and we are cooped up in the house, it seemed like a good idea to avoid toxic fumes.

Now, all that’s left to do is sign this one, and decide what to paint next. Hmmmm….!

do them


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Life as We Know It

… has been busy! Let me just get my shaming out of the way first. Just look at the dates, people. My last post was September 16. Today is November 17th. Really??  I think I’ve hit a new blogging low. Must.Do.Better. (if you don’t believe me, I understand!).  Also, I’ve become terrible at blog visiting. I’d love to spend an entire lazy day just catching up on blogs! One can hope.

What are your favorite type of posts? Random posts are mine. I believe it is because my brain works that way. So random! That’s why I feel like I’m spinning in circles half the time – not getting any real stuff done (or at least not fast enough to suit me). The older I get, the worse it gets. Anyone with me on this?

Oh yah.

Where was I?

Here is one thing I accomplished over the long, dry, hot summer -- a re-do of an old ice box we’ve had in the barn for 25 years or more. Sorry, no ‘before’ pictures. It wasn’t in horrible shape, but did take some time (especially since at one point I painted it white.. what was I thinking? Covering up that cool old galvanized finish??). I dressed it up with old coke signs (the wire is now gone - Earth magnets worked the best for holding them in place). This way, I can change it up super quick if I want to. Hmmmm.. thinking some Christmas Coca Cola signs might be nice...


We also harvested honey. Amazingly, for a drought year we had several pounds and it increased from last year. Not enough to sell yet, but enough to keep us stocked until next year. The bad news is we lost our two new hives that we purchased. The good news is the “swarm” hive and original hive both seem to be doing great (at last check).

This little honeybee visited us inside. She wanted a drink of honey.

We have a new resident at the farm and I am in love. There is a story to go with this new resident, but that’s another blog post.


Gracie and Ruby are famous!! Well, sort of? They have a little space in the current (Nov/Dec 2012) Hobby Farms issue.


Chloe and Banjo say “They’re just donkeys… what’s the big deal?”

In August we were blessed with a visit from the Blacksmith’s oldest sibling – his one and only brother. Jerry visited from the far away and beautiful state of New Mexico, and stayed with a sister locally. We had not seen him in 12 plus years, but he and the Blacksmith always kept in touch. Sadly, it was their last visit as Jerry passed away peacefully in his sleep soon after he returned home to New Mexico.

I am so thankful they had that last visit, and also that we took several pictures. I loved this one with the good-natured sibling “fussing” going on (cute). These four were the only surviving of their mother’s six children. Now we have only three.

On this Thanksgiving we are reminded to count our blessings each and every day. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! For this and every single day, we are truly grateful ♥


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Donkey Roping–Again?

UPDATE on 9-17-12: “Open burro roping” has been removed from the description on Facebook Sept 29 event page and from Eden, Tx website event page.
Thanks so much everyone who helped.. big hugs from the Donks!! ♥♥
And this one is sponsored by a church.
Yes, really. It’s true. And we are very sad to learn of this ;(

Reposted from For the Love of Donkeys Facebook page:

Just as we did in Van Horn, let's come together to tell Eden, Texas that the donkey roping competition scheduled for Saturday, September 29 at Rodeo Arena is not acceptable. Ask them to please cancel this inhumane event.
Please contact:
Celina Hemmeter
Eden, Texas City Secretary/Administrator
(325) 869-2211

The individuals from Hallelujah Trail Cowboy Church who are planning the competition:
STEVE BELOTE 325-245-3425 (“Pastor Steve”)
DAN TOMLINSON 325-869-5206

This morning we also noted that Hallelujah Trail Cowboy Church is already planning another burro event in October.
Here is another helpful note if you’d like to help by emailing a letter to the editor:
The Eden Echo is a newspaper in Eden, Texas and is published once a week on Thursday. This newspaper is owned by A.J. Dolle and Lillian Dolle.

source: For the Love of Donkeys facebook page

Wonder why we think this is a big deal? And needs to stop? For more details on donkey roping, go here. (Warning: explicit photos and info)

There is also a petition specific to the September 29th Eden, Texas event – please sign if you so choose.

While you’re at it, you may want to LIKE For the Love of Donkeys on Facebook

Thank you for caring ♥

Much Love,
Ruby and Gracie

Legend of the Donkey's Cross
by Mary Singer

“Bring me the colt of a donkey,”
was the Master's request.
A young donkey was brought to Jesus
to carry Him into Jerusalem.
A week later Jesus was ordered
to be crucified.
The little donkey so loved the Lord
that he wanted to help Him carry the cross.
But, alas, he was pushed away.
The sad little donkey waited to say
goodbye until nearly all had left.
As he turned to leave, the shadow of
the cross fell upon the
back and shoulders of
the little donkey.
And there it has remained,
a tribute to the loyalty
and love of the humblest of
Gods creatures.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sweet Little Brayers at Play

Well, you might imagine a sweet little “hee haw” from Gracie and Ruby. Prepare to be shocked (right after Goldie’s bark). The news from the donkey barn radio is blaring in the background, and you’ll also hear a rooster crow.

My Mild-Mannered Girlies :)

Ahhhh… life on the Farm ♥

Monday, July 9, 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I hope. Sorry for the unplanned blogging hiatus. I don’t know even know where to begin, so I’ll just jump right in and see where I land…
Drought and Heat 2012: We are still suffering in our neck of the woods. Grass, crops, gardens.. all are dying. Even the trees are in danger at this point. I’ve been watering to try to save what I can. The good news is we’re now into the “cool 90’s” this week after two weeks of upper 90’s to (as much as) 107 here. Please tell me what’s going on where you are. The rains have been so spotty. I know some have received showers of blessing.
In spite of everything, we still have a few blooms and tiny bit of garden left. Amazing, I say.


Bees: We are picking up another hive of bees this week from a relative who is a beekeeper and does his own splits each year. This will be Hive #4. Yay! On one of our hottest days last week (107), I captured these honeybees soaking up the moisture at the bird bath. It was really interesting to watch! Maybe because I’m a Bee Nerd? At any point during those warmest days you could see several bees at a time cooling off here.
Do you ever have a list of “things I should have blogged, but never did?” Here’s one of my many. This handmade mosaic stepping stone was given to me by my parents on my 50th b-day (gulp) 2 years ago. I sooo love it! The gentleman who creates these is wheelchair-bound in a local nursing home (about my age), and donates the proceeds to our county’s Relay for Life.
Now, here is something that Mr. W is quite proud of. One of his newest projects. Still doesn’t seem real to us sometimes, but his dear blacksmithing friend Ed passed away suddenly a couple of months ago. Slowly but surely I think some of  Ed’s “best of the best” rust pile has somehow found its way to Flat Creek Farm :)
Just for fun, can anyone guess what this lovely crusty rusty item is?
One more random catch-up item.. and I’m outa here for now (hopefully not so long this time). Remember Goldie? Wow, she grew up! She’ll be one year old at the end of this month. Notice the post-critter-chasing tongue?
Hope everyone is doing well. I’m trying to slowly catch up on blog visits too. Where does the time go??
Till next time…

Monday, June 18, 2012

If you love donkeys…

UPDATE – GOOD NEWS!! The donkey roping event has been cancelled by the town, per email reply I received just now from the Van Horn, Texas City Administrator. And also official word from Patrick’s Mom via facebook ;)

Thanks for sharing the love!! ♥♥♥

We invite you to check out this post and plea from Patrick, a rescued roping donkey. Time is running out for the “roping donkeys” set to provide “entertainment” at a rodeo in Van Horn, Texas this weekend June 23rd and 24th.


Per Patrick – “If you’re looking for a way to help, please call Jason Owens; the promoter of the event. His phone number is 432-940-9051. He has said he will take all calls. Please explain to him why he needs to cancel the donkey roping competition in this Saturday’s (June 23) Van Horn Rodeo. We hope that if he receives enough phone calls educating him about why this should not happen – he may decide to bow under pressure. Also, please write to the editor of the local paper in Van Horn, Texas: Larry Simpson, at The Van Horn Advocate:

{Patrick also wants you to know that Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, America’s largest donkey rescue, is ready, willing and able to take in all the Van Horn roping donkeys.}

If you so choose, you can also sign a petition here that may help out. Thank you for caring ♥

Ruby and Gracie

Friday, December 9, 2011

Annual Hee-Haw Tradition

One to-do was marked off the Christmas list (several more to-dos to do, by the way). 

But, for now, these two girls want to stop by with a Christmas message…CARD3_sm

In spite of all the hustle and bustle, let’s always remember the reason for the season..



It’s good for all that ails ya!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

bona fide

[boh-nuh fahyd] authentic, true. What does this have to do with anything? It’s just one of my very favorite words. Or would that be two words?
Remember our Goldie Pup? Well, she has finally won over the rest of the family (for the most part). She and Chloe are actually playing in the top left photo, although it looks like a scuffle!
The chickens have been molting, therefore we’ve had very few eggs for the past several weeks. The good news is their feathers are almost all grown back and they are looking good. After months of picking/pecking each other (and actually eating the feathers.. gross!).. they really needed some improvement. Their manners toward each other have thankfully improved as well.
We’ve had some pretty skies… during daytime hours and at night.
Hmmm… what else has been going on around here? I made 35 half-pints, plus 4 pints of Green Tomato Relish (delish – recipe here). We had loads of green tomatoes at the end of the season.

I painted this sign.
Life’s been busy, but good. And bona fide.
{these girls are truly bona fide}
Hope all is well and bona fide with each of you!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy Bee Memorial Weekend

Saturday was spent goofing off -- shopping, yard sale-ing, farmers market-ing.. and other fun things. Aren’t goof-off days fun? They don’t happen often enough, in my opinion.

Sunday, among other chores, we fed the bees again. They are really working hard and dining on lots of sugar water!


honeybees4 honeybee honeybees1 honeybees2 honeybees3

Banjo, keeping her distance from the bees.


Today was coop cleaning day. Sappo is never amused when he’s locked out of the coop for awhile.


And I rescued a stuck snapping turtle from some old wire. He was so well camouflaged I would have missed him, had it not been for Henry the Cat’s curiosity.

I used these to cut the wire… (thankfully, this tool has long handles!)

Ruby watches in bewilderment as the Snapper “runs” free.



Banjo says, ‘oh what a weekend!’ and takes a dip in her Country Hot Tub.


We put our busy-ness on pause for a bit and say Thank You to all who have served, and are serving

our great country.

flags1 Waving Flags captured at Centralia MO cemetery 2009.

Hope everyone has enjoyed a safe and happy holiday weekend!

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