Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Dear! What did I just do?

Well first I am re posting a picture of Earth. I made her for the ADO 4 elements challenge. You can see the original post here. All of the challenge entrants should have their wonderful dolls up and posted to their blogs today. Be sure to go to the ADO blog and check the list of all the entrants blogs! I can't wait to go look at them all! :)

This week has been and will continue to be a grand adventure! A bunch of firsts happening in my small circle. My youngest son just passed his written test and will be taking his driving test tomorrow. Hopefully he remembers you have to drive on the right side of the sidewalk! :D

My oldest son has divulged his plans to move out within the year.....YAY! and sigh :( I have some major conflicting mommy emotions going with this one.

My oldest miss found out she has been accepted into an Irish studies program, and will be abroad in Ireland next school year. I must admit I am a wee bit jealous, but I'll get over myself! What a grand adventure for her. :) The youngest miss is leaving this weekend for a whole week long camp.......WAH! The baby is going to be gone a whole week.........what am I going to do?! I'm going to smile and give her a great big hug, and hope she has lots of fun.

So amidst all these changes and shifts in dynamics, what do I do? I registered for my own domain name and signed up to make my own website......OMG.....What did I just do?! I guess I just set myself up for another grand adventure. LOL and where is husband of wonder during all of this you might ask? :D Dozing in his easy chair.....bless his heart.
Have a grand weekend all.......hope it's an adventure.

Monday, June 8, 2009

MIL & Battle Days

It is with great guilt I am sneaking up to the computer room to post. My mother in law is still here and I have left her to her own devices downstairs in the living room. While I enjoy sitting on my backside and chatting occasionally. I am getting to a point of some kind of primitive insanity from having to do so constantly for the last 4 days. I am very weary of wearing a permasmile through yet another chat about Nordstrom's semi annual sale or how the dog missed his groomer's appointment because he would just wind up a mess at my house...........sigh.

No great Battles with my MIL I do love her, we just have very little in common other than her son. The Battle Days portion of this was the reason for familial visitation. Our small town celebration "Battle Days" was this last weekend, and MIL's high school reunion. Of course being a very small town almost everyone is involved in the celebration in one form or another. I held an open house for Summer Reading sign ups at the library. The 'husband of wonder' graciously wore the Book Bear costume( we wont discuss the amount of frebreeze it took to make the costume tolerable) and walked in the kiddie parade, and posed with the high school royalty, little miss carried the banner for the middle school band, and my youngest son of course marched with the high school band. He says the best part of the uniform is the swashbuckling hat....and I must agree!
I hope everyone's weekend was a grand adventure as well...........blessings, Theresa

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Talent runs amok!

It has been crazy around here lately! Sorry I havent had time to post over the weekend. I just signed on and saw all the new comments on the giveaway and new followers here, and I just have to say you are all goddesses! How sweet to take the time to visit my inane spot on the internet. You all just made my heart skip a beat! How nice for a first giveaway.....Thank you! 

(now for the shameless plug) If you're a new visitor and want to enter the giveaway just click on the pearl necklace to the right.

I have to share, there's no getting around it. I have spent almost every night at the school the last few days. First we got to see our youngest miss in the Missoula Childrens Theater play. It was so fun watching all the children, but especially (insert extreme mama pride here) my Hannah. She was so excited she actually had 3 lines this year. She's one of the townfolk in the yellow dress on the left. 

Then we got to spend another evening at the winter sports award for the highschool. We got  to go witness Quinn getting his award for basketball. I am very proud of him! I must admit though, that sitting through 3 hrs of coaches speeches was butt numbing.

This evening we were regaled with wonderous music. (ok some of it was squeaky in spots with the jr highband) Quinn plays drums in the HS band, and sings with the choir, and miss Hannah sings with the choir as well. It always makes me giggle and cry a bit to watch them perform. I know I'm a bit of a sap, but I love those babes!

So tomorrow it's back in the craftroom! I dont have to go to work, and no school events. Whew!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Family Pride

I have an overwhelming urge to share some love, and be a bit boastful of my family. My Dad....the kids call him Papa, gives the best "strawberry jam' hugs, listens, and loves with his whole heart, and shuffles his feet in modesty in the sawdust. So Im going to boast on him since I think he deserves it.  After much prodding and convincing....he has his own etsy shop, BlockheadProduction. He makes the most beautiful wood turn bowls and vessels! I'm just in awe of his talent, they evoke emotion, are tactile, gloriously designed. Ok Papa are you blushing yet? It's all true, and I think his shop deserves our love. Just for grins and to share some love, please leave your comments here, or convo Papa at his shop and let him know what you like about it! Making him blush is one of my favorite pastimes :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Families and creating (or not)

I love reading blogs from mommies of toddlers and preschoolers. They are constantly asking how to coordinate family and business, and assume it gets easier as the kids get more self sufficient. HA! ha ha ha :) I have 4 great kids. My oldest son is an adult(22) , and still living at home. My oldest daughter is in her second year of college (away) but still calls or IMs me every day for advice or chat. My middle son is 16 , and an extremely gregarious, and busy teenager. And the babygirl is 10, and I swear from all the tears lately, that she is hitting prepuberty! (HELP!) 

So anyway this last week the kids only went to school 3.5 days. What does that mean? They are here, and their friends are here, I'm the local bed and breakfast, taxi to basketball, choir practice, cheer camp, band, etc. I'm here to tell you so far it doesnt change! I had to get CRANKY on everyone yesterday just so I could work on my orders. I was in my craftroom working on a bear, and the biggest kid ( Husband of Wonder ) wanders in and asks if I'm busy? He wants a haircut, and apperently he wants it now. So fine off we go (better to get it done or he follows me around), and sons see that dads getting a hey mom as long as you have the clippers out? the entire day was filled with "hey mom?, and hey Boo?" By the time dinner was over, I was laying down laws, even the kids' friends were given chores to do before I sent them home. I cranked at the Husband of Wonder and reminded him once again that the wife's little hobby is what paid for his flat screen tv.....he'd best do the nighttime patrol with the youngest so I could get back to 'orders'! So how do you coordinate? I dont believe there is such a thing......I just keep pluggin away, family first, business at night. Oh I did get my orders boxed and ready to ship today, and the bear is done!