Showing posts with label art doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art doll. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I creeped myself out!

I hate to admit it, but I creeped myself out. Well my son helped with that one a bit. I finished the third doll. I am truly pleased with her, but in deciding her demise I asked my son for help. Being the trustworthy fireman he is, he has an extensive knowledge of knots. So it was my bright idea that Minerva's demise was hanging. He made a hangman's noose for the doll. A first I though cool! and she does look cool.......but then the hornery child came out in my son and he decided to pay me back for chasing him down with the bee doll. He strung her up from the overhead light in the craft room.

He took the hanging picture (not me!) I came back in the craft room and did one of those stationary panic dances, squealing to take her down! He just stood there laughing like an idiot. Needless to say I'm sure the next Melodrama sister will have a titch less creepy demise!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Crazed in the Craftroom

As most of you Moms - Artists know, things have a way of getting in the way of creative time. Last week the universe shifted, and I got absolutely nothing done in the craft room! Job changes, wedding plans, basketball tournaments, and the mountain of laundry. No I don't mean a 'big' pile of laundry, I mean a 'mountain'.......The laundry chute goes down 3 was full, and all the kids hampers were over flowing. I was feeling most melodramatic.....oh 'swoon' :)
 So I got this bright idea , inspiration maybe? Melodramatic....hmm....the light bulb sputtered and came to life. The Melodrama Sisters. a new series of dolls. I did a ghostly doll back before Christmas and she sold within 3 days of getting her listed. So why didn't I make more? Because sometimes someone has to slap me upside the head with a 2x4 before I get a clue that maybe I should make some more.
Here's the beginnings of the first three dolls.

This is Maisy, unfortunately the operation wasn't successful.

Millie quickly found out she was allergic to bees.

I'm still working on Minerva, I hope to have her done Wednesday. I'm not sure what her demise was yet...something melodramatic though. Any ideas?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Romance is in the air

 I found out my station in life is about to change officially this weekend.  (I already had a clue)

My oldest son officially proposed to his lady love! My soon to be new daughter told me he even got down on one knee in front of her parents to ask.......awwwww. Pretty brave of him if you ask me, as her father is a retired Chief of Police and still has his service weapon :) So now that I'm going to be a (dreaded) I have to take classes? LOL
Actually she is a sweet pea, and already pretty entrenched in our hearts. 

 I did manage to get the doll done this weekend as I will leave you with pictures of Mademoiselle Michelle.

Bright Blessings, Theresa

OWOH Winners.....Time to fly away home

Wow,  was that amazing or what?! I found a bunch of lovely new blogs, and artists to follow along. I was amazed at the friendliness and the amount of talent out there! Lisa did a great job organizing this event, and I'm grateful I found it :)
I know everyone is on pins and needles to see if they won. Let me pull a rabbit out the the hat so there's room for names.

 The Last Veil will find a new home with #331 Deborah at Vintage Soul!

And the lucky winner of the tanzanite necklace is #44, Sharon of SharDon!

Congratulations ladies! I will be contacting both of you shortly for your mailing address' . Thanks to everyone else who commented and or followed my are all amazing and wonderful :)

Bright Blessings , Theresa

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fat Sassy and Fabulous

Well my new WIP is for the ADO Burlesque Challenge.......(Hey I made it into the ADO team! How cool is that?!)

 I thought I'd post a in progress sneak peak :) I have no idea why she needs to be fat and sassy.....but she stuck in my head this way.
The beginnings of some majorly sassy unders!
So this will be my romance on Valentine's weekend. As I'm sure Husband Of Wonder will submit to his usual Sunday routine and sleep in and spend the day scratching himself in odd spots. And no those odd spots don't include the laundry room or in front of the dirty dishes....dang it!
I hope everyone enjoys their romance this whatever form it manifests!
Blessings, Theresa

Monday, January 25, 2010

OWOH Magic Carpet Ride

 Welcome bloggers, I'm happy you stopped by on your magic carpet! I'm so excited to be a part of the One World One Heart Event.  This is the first year I am participating, and I'm looking forward to finding some fantastic new blogs, and friends.

 My name is Theresa, which means goddess of everything hearth, home, and creativity. Really! :) Well not really, but I'd like to think so. My Lovely Mum refers to me as Brat, and that's probably more appropriate.  As I tend to be stubborn and irreverant. I see the world through my own set of glasses, and if the colors are off I get creative!

 I enjoy working in  different mediums, and I would love to share two of my favorite art  forms with you!

 The Last Veil was inspired by the magic carpet ride theme. She is made from polished cotton and various trims, and fancy fabrics.

 Tanzanite Wrapped Wonder necklace. The theme magic carpet ride makes me think 'dreamy', and the color of these pretty tanzanite chips fit that dreamy feeling.

 I will pick two winners using a random number generator on February 15th from bloggers who leave a comment . Please make sure I can get in touch with you by leaving an email, or through your blog :) just in case you win!

 Thanks for visiting and come back any time.Be sure to click on the OWOH logo at the top right side bar to visit all the other ticket holders! It should be a glorious ride!
Blessings, and bright dreams

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coolest Giveaway!

OH I'm so excited! DLynne Artdolls is having a giveaway for her Sunshine Spirit doll. Her work is amazing! I fell in love with her dolls when I happened across her blog quite awhile back. The attention to detail, expression, and artistic style is truly stunning.

There's only 4 days left to enter, just click on the picture to get your entry in. Her etsy shop is a true delight! I'm totally drooling over her Bat Fairy right now. Anything in her shop is on my holiday wishlist!

Good luck!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Dear! What did I just do?

Well first I am re posting a picture of Earth. I made her for the ADO 4 elements challenge. You can see the original post here. All of the challenge entrants should have their wonderful dolls up and posted to their blogs today. Be sure to go to the ADO blog and check the list of all the entrants blogs! I can't wait to go look at them all! :)

This week has been and will continue to be a grand adventure! A bunch of firsts happening in my small circle. My youngest son just passed his written test and will be taking his driving test tomorrow. Hopefully he remembers you have to drive on the right side of the sidewalk! :D

My oldest son has divulged his plans to move out within the year.....YAY! and sigh :( I have some major conflicting mommy emotions going with this one.

My oldest miss found out she has been accepted into an Irish studies program, and will be abroad in Ireland next school year. I must admit I am a wee bit jealous, but I'll get over myself! What a grand adventure for her. :) The youngest miss is leaving this weekend for a whole week long camp.......WAH! The baby is going to be gone a whole week.........what am I going to do?! I'm going to smile and give her a great big hug, and hope she has lots of fun.

So amidst all these changes and shifts in dynamics, what do I do? I registered for my own domain name and signed up to make my own website......OMG.....What did I just do?! I guess I just set myself up for another grand adventure. LOL and where is husband of wonder during all of this you might ask? :D Dozing in his easy chair.....bless his heart.
Have a grand weekend all.......hope it's an adventure.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Earth Element Doll

I am so happy with the way Earth turned out. I made her for the ADO 4 elements challenge. I am so glad this was an open challenge. I know I'm still a bit of a novice making dolls, but I'm going for it anyway. I'm going to start on one of the other elements tomorrow...hope I get her done in time :)

Earth is practical, patient, slightly vain, but above all nurturing. Just don't get on her bad side.

Monday, June 15, 2009

somewhere today

Somewhere today I dropped my basket. I haven't found it yet, but I'll keep looking. I'll just leave you with the beginnings of my next emotional outburst.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My muse is a woeful creature lately. There's not an abundance of inspiration floating about my atmosphere. I did manage to create something new earlier in the week, but it was an old sketch, and it took much longer than usual. (insert a big melodramatic swoon here)

Most of my energy has been spent throwing bones to the pack of rabid wolves at the door. Doctor appointments, toss a bone. Bills----toss a lot of bones, but I know they are always hungry. Kid's dramas, and dreams....toss all the bones I have as these wolves are loved and need to be kept well fed! Work....digging for the dusty bone bits that are left in the bottom of the basket. Red Riding Hood is running low on bones.

Oh good grief....I'm becoming a drama queen stuck in her own fairy tale. :)

Anyway, I have had this half baked idea for a doll, and I just can't quite complete the full picture. There's a song, Gepetto by Belly. I love that song. there's one line that says "That kid came over to my house today.....decapitated all my dolls." Silly me I have the song on my MP3 so I hear it all the time, and I keep wanting to make a doll that reflects the feeling I get when I hear that line. Most of my dolls tend to be fat , and sassy gals, and I am having a hard time reconciling my thin unaware beauty, woeful, and resigned girl idea with a pattern. I want to sit and get it worked out on paper, but alas all those wolves won't let me be long enough. Speaking of wolves I must get ready for work. May all you beautiful artists find a balance with your muses today!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

a bit more whimsy


I did promise to put up Miss Skye, but she's still not done. Well she is and isnt. I cant put my finger on what it is yet, so she is sitting on my shelf until I have the 'AHA!' moment and figure out what she's missing.

So instead Miss Gertie is making her debut. She looks a little unsure of herself. I think she's just worried that her black lace stockings might be a bit much.

I will be listing her in the shop tonight, just wanted to share her here first. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Introducing Lady Marjorie

I've been a bit more whimsical with my work this weekend. Thanks to the poking and nudging from the Baroness to get more dolls up in my shop, (you can put the cattle prod away backside is numb), I  am pleased to introduce Lady Marjorie. I'm rather pleased with the way she turned out. I also have Miss Skye sitting on the sewing table, unfortunately she hasnt put her face on yet and will have to introduce herself tomorrow.