Showing posts with label melodrama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melodrama. Show all posts

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I creeped myself out!

I hate to admit it, but I creeped myself out. Well my son helped with that one a bit. I finished the third doll. I am truly pleased with her, but in deciding her demise I asked my son for help. Being the trustworthy fireman he is, he has an extensive knowledge of knots. So it was my bright idea that Minerva's demise was hanging. He made a hangman's noose for the doll. A first I though cool! and she does look cool.......but then the hornery child came out in my son and he decided to pay me back for chasing him down with the bee doll. He strung her up from the overhead light in the craft room.

He took the hanging picture (not me!) I came back in the craft room and did one of those stationary panic dances, squealing to take her down! He just stood there laughing like an idiot. Needless to say I'm sure the next Melodrama sister will have a titch less creepy demise!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Crazed in the Craftroom

As most of you Moms - Artists know, things have a way of getting in the way of creative time. Last week the universe shifted, and I got absolutely nothing done in the craft room! Job changes, wedding plans, basketball tournaments, and the mountain of laundry. No I don't mean a 'big' pile of laundry, I mean a 'mountain'.......The laundry chute goes down 3 was full, and all the kids hampers were over flowing. I was feeling most melodramatic.....oh 'swoon' :)
 So I got this bright idea , inspiration maybe? Melodramatic....hmm....the light bulb sputtered and came to life. The Melodrama Sisters. a new series of dolls. I did a ghostly doll back before Christmas and she sold within 3 days of getting her listed. So why didn't I make more? Because sometimes someone has to slap me upside the head with a 2x4 before I get a clue that maybe I should make some more.
Here's the beginnings of the first three dolls.

This is Maisy, unfortunately the operation wasn't successful.

Millie quickly found out she was allergic to bees.

I'm still working on Minerva, I hope to have her done Wednesday. I'm not sure what her demise was yet...something melodramatic though. Any ideas?