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For the easily distracted...: December 2010

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For the easily distracted...: December 2010

Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!!

I hope you all celebrate the New Year in a fantastic fashion (we're going to be xmen!!) and Happy 2011.

Love Rhianne and Thomas

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Thursday, 30 December 2010

Wreck This Journal!

Thomas really spoilt me this year!

As well as my new camera (eep) he also brought me my own copy of

We took it to Wells Next The Sea with us (someone asked which beach we were at yesterday and it was there!) and did our first page - Stand here!

We definitely got some odd looks from other people walking past but it was fun and I can't wait to do more pages!

To see more bloggers who are wrecking their journals go here!

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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A new superheadz camera!!

Happy holidays everyone!! How is it going for you all?
We have eaten so much and really enjoyed our break at home and even got some amazing presents!! Hurray!!
Remember this baby from my birthday list??
Thomas brought me one for christmas!!(eep, I love him!)

And here are some photos from our first roll of film around Wells beach.
CNV00007CNV00005CNV00017CNV00016CNV00010CNV00024 Eeee, I love it already!
Hurray for new cameras, film, family, friends, christmas and the beach!!

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Friday, 24 December 2010

Eep, its Christmas Eve!

Are you ready for the big day?!

We are... we've visted the family, we've eaten takeaway and now we're watching christmas movies and blogging.... haha, well I am!

Merry Christmas everyone!! See you in a couple of days!!!

p..s the winner of the That Kate giveaway is Julie
(I'll contact you after christmas day Julie!)


Thursday, 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas!!

I will be doing a quick post tomorrow
(the giveaway is still on remember...)
but I wanted to spend the time to say
Merry Christmas
to you all today and wish you all happy holidays...

I hope your Christmas is everything you want!

p.s. posting may be a bit sporadic over the next two weeks but I'll be around!

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Tuesday, 21 December 2010

A most beautiful morning!

I haven't really enjoyed the snow or the cold so far this year... but this morning was completely different... it was absolutely beautiful...

Even though I only had my phone with me to take photos (I'm a bad lomographer...) I think the panorama ones really captured the colours of the sun rising and the crispness of the snow.
I'm going to ignore that it was -10!!

To make it even better I was listening to Winter Wonderland as I was snapping away and generally feeling quite christmasy, eeeeeeeeee!

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Monday, 20 December 2010

On the fourth week of christmas... a giveaway!

Can you believe its under a week until Christmas?
I am so excited...
and so ready to go home, you wouldn't believe.

This weeks giveaway is rather amazing, if I do not say so myself...

As well as having a gorgeous blog with the most inspiring photos from around the UK, Kate also has a completely endearing shop that sells variety of wonderous things including necklaces, earrings, postcards and keyrings of cameras, Moomins and Totoro!!
Possibly three of my favourite things ever?!

So you can win... a gorgeous polaroid necklace from That Kate Creates.

How to enter: Visit That Kate Creates and leave a comment on this post below with your favourite item... if you can choose :)

For extra entries: blog, tweet, facebook about the giveaway and leave another comment with a link.

The giveaway winner will be announced on Friday 24th December.
(Due to it being so close to christmas, your prize will not be posted until after the holidays, consider it a late christmas present from Kate and I)

Good luck!!


Friday, 17 December 2010

I made friends in the snow...

Whilst walking to work in the snow, we passed these beautiful horses... they seemed completely unphased by the weather!

and they were much more friendly than my summer friends...

Happy weekend lovelies
its so close to christmas now, eeeeeeee!!

p.s. my shop is now in vacation mode for the holidays, it will be back, hopefully with new stock in the New Year!!

p.p.s. The winner of the Cut Copy Create giveaway is Piper from One Sydney Road, yeay!

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Thursday, 16 December 2010

Double exposures guest post!

You can find me gurest posting today over on Anna's blog Much Love.
We love double exposures :)

p.s. today is the last day to enter the Cut Copy Create giveaway! Don't miss out!

p.s.s. I used this pic here as it's meant to snow here again, boo!

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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Feeling alive in Malham...

I mentioned yesterday that the time I felt most alive this year was on the top of Malham Cove and I realised I had only shared about half of the photos in the first post I wrote about it.

Looking up...

Looking down...

Feeling alive!
{Thomas always takes the best photos of me...}

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Tuesday, 14 December 2010

#Reverb10 Part 1

I've seen a number of bloggers taking part in Reverb10- most noticibly the lovely Susannah Conway - and after reading through people's posts and answering the questions in my head, I've decided to get it all on here...


1 - One Word.

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)

Honestly - this year has been overwhelming... mostly in a great way - but sometimes in a bad. I feel like I've been constantly catching up with myself, on here and with everything else. I actually can't believe its December already, let alone nearly Christmas.

Next year, I hope I feel more organised, I don't mind being overwhelmed so much but feeling unorganised and behind with everything is really starting to bug me.


2 – Writing.

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? (Author: Leo Babauta)

Go to work... does that count? Everyone has too right? I try not to let it stop me writing a post everyday though - whether I write at home the evening before or during my lunch break...


3 – Moment.

Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards)

This year has been full of some amazing moments to be honest - one of my best friends got married and my sister got engaged and I've really enjoyed being a part of those - but I think the moment I felt the most alive was standing at the top of Malham Cove - the sun was shining, the views were amazing, I was with Thomas, I had my holga with me and it was wonderful.

I really need to share more photos from that day actually - Helga did me proud!


4 – Wonder.

How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)

This year we travelled! It's been amazing, we've been to places we've never been before - Scotland and Poland! However the wonder I've felt in travelling this year has actually been in how beautiful England really is... Berwick, Malham, Wells... even Kirkstall Abbey, which is right on my door step. We really are so lucky to live in Leeds and Thomas and I are constantly amazed by how perfect it is for us both.


5 – Let Go.

What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)

I've been trying to let go of my anxiety this year... Moving house has really helped me feel better about things and actually get some sleep. I still haven't got complete confidence in my blog, or even my blogging abilities, however within this month, I think I've got my blogging mojo back and I've come to accept that 500 isn't quite that scary a number after all...


6 – Make.

What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)

The last thing that I made was a Halloween wreath - it was quite amazing, I used an old wire coat hanger and some purple, orange and black tissue paper. I wish I had got some tissue paper to make a christmas one as well... and I would love to make christmas cards again next year. Perhaps I should start planning that now?


7 – Community.

Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)

I was looking through some of my posts from last year and amazingly - I have known some bloggers now for over a year - how amazing is that? And I definitely feel like they are true friends. I've been excited about weddings (eeeee), heartbroken about loss, inspired by creativity, had the best emailing buddies and really enjoyed getting to know other bloggers.
I also joined fpoe this year and what an amazing group of ladies they are!

I hope to continue to within this blog community - to continue growing friendships, perhaps meet new people and to really enjoy what the community has to offer.


8 – Beautifully different.

Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Author: Karen Walrond)

Oh I love this one. I really hope this blog is different and lights people up - it brightens my day - every day.


9 – Party.

What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans. (Author: Shauna Reid)

K and P's wedding, definitely. Sharing in something like that with your best friends is something that is such a pleasure and an honour and seeing how happy they are now makes the whole day seem even more special :) I can't wait to see them in a couple of weeks now, hurray!


10 – Wisdom.

What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

This is quite a recent decision - in fact only a couple of days - but I think its quite wise... I hope it plays out well.

I've decided to stop worrying about why people are visiting my blog and if it really is any good - and focus on keeping it consistant and making it better! Honestly I have no idea why people keep reading my blog and worrying about doing something wrong (which is worrying when you're not sure what you did right...) and comparing myself to other bloggers is not healthy - instead I'm going to focus on the fact that I love blogging - I love taking photos, I love reading and leaving comments and I love being creative... I guess this is related to letting go of anxiety - and deciding that I've had enough and that I need to make changes myself is definitely a wise decision.


For more information on Reverb 10 - see here. There are 31 prompts in total, I have definitely enjoyed this section, I'm looking forward to the next 21.


Monday, 13 December 2010

On the third week of Christmas... a giveaway - Closed!

It's time for another giveaway!
This month is just flying by...

I'm so excited to be sharing this giveaway with you, as I love having giveaways with shops that I adore - It makes writing the posts so easy, in fact I could gush about Cut Copy Create all day - especially as I just received this rather amazing print in the mail from the gorgeous Eadaoin!!

yellow + holga = ridiculously happy Rhianne!

Anyway, I'm sure that you have probably seen Cut Copy Create around - the shop includes dianas, holgas and polaroids (some of my favourite things) on bags, buttons, mugs, prints, pocket mirrors and... bottle openers!! Needless to say, I want everything!!

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered.

p.s. The winner of one of my prints from last weeks giveaway is Adeline!


Friday, 10 December 2010

My parents have been to the Lomography shop in New York!!

and they took photos of it, just for me.

That officially makes them even more awesome!!
(though I'm not 100% they realise what Lomography is... hehe)

Happy Weekend lovelies!
We're off to see the Scissor Sisters, woo!
(and eat cheese and biscuits and drink red wine, though not at the same time)

p.s. All photos by my Dad - I'll prob share more when he sends me more :)

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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Oh my...

These are possibly some of the most beautiful illustrations I've seen on Etsy...

All illustrations by Jessica Durrant Illustration

Oh gosh....
I want them all!

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All I want for christmas...

is a snowflake christmas sweater...

...or any of these pretties in my latest treasury too.

p.s. seriously, I've never had an amazing christmas cardi/jumper - have you?

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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

On the second week of Christmas...a giveaway - closed!

On the second week of christmas...

We both fell ill with the worst cold ever*
*perhaps a slight exageration, but only slight.
I spent two full days in bed feeling quite sorry for myself...
surrounded by lemsip, tissues and pixar movies,
and I failed on this weeks giveaway.


However, we still got our tree up at the weekend and I am back today, hurray!
I did have something else planned for this week - however that fell through,
so now I can only offer what I have
(don't worrry, I don't think you can catch a cold digitally...)

A giveaway of my own prints!

This giveaway is now closed.

Thank you so much for supporting my blog this year
these giveaways are a massive thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys it!
I still do, so I hope you do as well.


Friday, 3 December 2010

More snow...

Since the last pictures, we've had another 5 inches of snow in Leeds, I've had to walk the 3 miles to work, the canals have frozen and its dropped to below freezing (-10 this morning?!)

However, it does still look lovely - I took photos all the way to work yesterday...
and I'm hoping to take some film cameras out this weekend, wooo!!

p.s. The winner of the Dizzy Pixie print is... Kristy! I'll email you.

Well done and massive thank you to Bria who has been lovely ever since I contacted her!

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