Showing posts with label math game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math game. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ten-Frame FUN

Helllooooo! Yes, I am still alive. Yes, I am BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. But yes, I am still here! I think about this little old blog often but lately it has had to fall to the bottom of my priority list. :( I'm not back to the same capacity as before when I regularly blogged, but I hope to at least have new resources to share and blog posts once or twice a month. :D

Let's talk ten-frames.

Do you know what a ten-frame is? Do you use ten-frames in your classroom? If you teach math in the primary grades, I hope your answer to both questions is YES, of course! :)

Using ten-frames helps students work specifically on subitizing, composing/decomposing numbers, making 10, relationships between numbers, etc. These simple, yet powerful tools can help lay those building blocks of number sense our students need. Below are some resources you can add to your ten-frame ideas bucket:

  • You can purchase a set of ten-frame cards OR you can pick up a freebie here. Once you have the cards, you are ready to use them with your kids! Use them as flash cards to build their instant recognition of each number.

  • If you are looking for some games to play with your ten-frame cards, I whipped a little math game pack up this week. These games are great for whole group, small group or work station activities! You can check it out by clicking on the picture!

  • Also, here are some great online ten-frame games:

  • Finally, this is a fantastic book with lots of great ideas:

Have a GREAT weekend and see you soon! :)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Target Number: A Number Sense Activity

Hey, friends! I hope your week is off to a great start!

Let's talk about number sense:

Do you spend time teaching number sense in your classroom? Number sense isn't just a skill that the primary grades need to practice; older kids need practice too! To practice number sense in my classroom, I've used number of the day, number talks, counting around the circle, number riddles, worksheets, etc. I've done scoots and have used every possible manipulative. No matter what I use, children always seem to enjoy the activity.

Here is one of MANY ways for students to build number sense (add it to the bank):
In this activity, students will have a target number that they must make by following different directions.

Here is one of the target number pages with directions:

The file comes with three different levels of target number pages and optional recording sheets. Easy peasy and you could implement it in your classroom TOMORROW! Come check it out on TPT!

And here are a few tips for using the Target Number pages...
1) Print the page you are going to use and place it in a report cover. Students can write on it with a dry erase marker and wipe it clean when finished! (like the picture below)
2) Have students use dry erase boards to do the work for the target number.

Need a few other resources to teach number sense? Here are some that I have (including some freebies!):

I Can...Subitize!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Teaching Money

Two blog posts in the same month--WHOA! What is going on?! ;)

So one main thing we have been learning about in my classroom lately has been MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.

We have been looking at money for a few weeks now, studying the features of each coin and its value:

Here is a money chart I made with a previous class:

We have also done many activities to make equivalent sets of coins:

I have some kids that can count coin collections by 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s--and then I have kids who cannot point out a nickel. With such a wide range of knowledge, I have to make sure that I have good, quality activities that meet the needs of all levels of my learners. Since I teach math in small groups, I am able to easily differentiate for the different levels.

In the Math with Technology station, my students have been playing these games:

Here are our FAVORITE money videos to watch:

And today I created this fun little station activity to use next week!!

In SWAP!, students will match cards that have the same value. There are 5 sets of cards that include 3 levels of play.

 *BONUS* Each set of cards also includes a QR code version!

Check out SWAP! here:

And since St. Patty's Day is coming up, now is a good time to check out this fun, little activity:

It is part of this pack, which includes MORE money activities:

Adios! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's been WAY too long.

I am not sure how it is possible to be a teacher, wife, mom, friend AND active blogger!! I am not sure how everyone else can balance it all!!! :) I so need/want to do a REAL blog post soon. Been way too long!

In the meantime, I've got a fresh product to share with you! I whipped up some math stations for my class last night/this morning to use in math stations next week:

These are just a few of the 77 pages in this pack--head to my store to check out the rest!