So one main thing we have been learning about in my classroom lately has been MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.
We have been looking at money for a few weeks now, studying the features of each coin and its value:
Here is a money chart I made with a previous class:
We have also done many activities to make equivalent sets of coins:
I have some kids that can count coin collections by 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s--and then I have kids who cannot point out a nickel. With such a wide range of knowledge, I have to make sure that I have good, quality activities that meet the needs of all levels of my learners. Since I teach math in small groups, I am able to easily differentiate for the different levels.
In the Math with Technology station, my students have been playing these games:
And today I created this fun little station activity to use next week!!
In SWAP!, students will match cards that have the same value. There are 5 sets of cards that include 3 levels of play.
*BONUS* Each set of cards also includes a QR code version!
Check out SWAP! here:
And since St. Patty's Day is coming up, now is a good time to check out this fun, little activity:
It is part of this pack, which includes MORE money activities:
Adios! :)