Callahan on Block on Callahan
Not some kinky threesome: instead it is a preview of my forthcoming paper in Cosmos and Taxis , where I respond to Walter Block's critique of my paper, "Liberty Versus Libertarianism": ________________________ Professor Walter Block has done me the honor of penning an extended critique of portions of my paper, “Liberty Versus Libertarianism.” His response which addresses my comments on the work of the professor himself, and on his mentor, Murray Rothbard. A vigorous attack being a much more complimentary response to a paper than is a placid indifference, my thanks are sincere. Nevertheless, I think Block has misunderstood the essence of my thesis, particularly in his contention that I am only arguing “utilitarian” points, and I contend that his reply would have been more cogent had he paid more attention to the other parts of my paper. In writing this response, I hope that I can motivate a mind as sharp as Professor Block’s to actually engage with my en...