Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wacky Doodle Wednesday!

Welcome to Wacky Doodle Wednesday!
The fun day of the week where I dig through the family photos to amuse and delight you...
What shall I dig out today?
My friend Eartha Kitsch at Ranch Dressing has a little friend named Jack...
Jack came to visit me one day...
 Here's Jack and his mom visiting....
 We were painting that day and well..
Jack has some paint on his cheek.
Here's what we made that day...this is my twin with her life mask...

What  a fun day, we need to do this again!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

News Day Tuesday

Heidi Klum stood up!? 

I've decided to feature what's trending in the world of news today......this news will only be fun, silly and purely delightful content.
If you want the real news...go turn on CNN. just saying.

Heidi Klum stood up!?
How is it possible to stand up the woman once know as "The Body."
But not just because she has that body, but just because she was adorable.  She seems to have a charm about her (plus she is German!)  and is anyone just a upset as I am that her and Sting are splitting up.

Heidi was at a UNICEF fundraiser where celebrities where singing karoake to raise money.  Smokey Robinson was supposed to sing with Heidi and he stood her up.
How does that happen?
But Heidi was nonplussed said,  "Smokey stood me up. He was supposed to sing My Girl with me. Will anybody else sing with me?"  The host suggested everyone help with a rendition of YMCA. Tom Hanks and wife was the first to jump  on the stage to help Heidi out!

And there you go... the NEWS of the day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday is a lame way to spend 1/7 of your life!

My effort to ban mondays is coming along just a stand against Mondays I am taking the day off from work.
 Yeah, that's right.
Not going to work today.
Not gonna do it!
I'm going to stay in my pjs until I have to...

But, wait...I'm still going to work.
I am working with a local charity to put on an event. Lots of work today--but in a good way!
See you tomorrow!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hold on Sunday, I ain't ready for Monday

Happy Sunday Ya'll!
Today I will travel a bit up the road to visit my mom and sister who where in a head-on car collision last week.  Before you panic, they are both ok.  Remember I have the cutest mom on the planet and that cuteness  translate to resilience. Margie, my sister, has a jammed thumb and mom has a cracked rib.

They are both healing, but still need to take it easy.  Me and my twinny are going to visit today and do some housework.

I wish I could be there everyday for my mom and dad.  Seems like a lot of pressure is on my sister Margie.  What to do, what to do?  Send up prayers and healing thoughts to these two very special ladies!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday is a lame way to spend 1/7 of your life.

Don't we all really want to complain about getting up early and running out the door to work.  So, why not be freaking honest about it. Why not make this a safe place to complain about our work, coworkers, bosses and our jobs in general.   Hence the title of this posting!
I hereby ban Mondays from the calendar. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hold on Sunday, I ain't ready for Monday

Boohiss, it's almost Monday.
As you all know I am on a personal campaign to ban Mondays.  Check back tomorrow to  see where I'm going with my ban tomorrow.

Ya'll need to visit The Altered Paper Blog for some fun swaps that she hosts. I've entered into the 12 month swap and am really stretching and learning new techniques.  Go by and tell her Georgie sent ya!

In the meantime we'll visit a little tag I made for my swap partner, Mercedes from All Things Pretty .  I was uninspired, but then...magic happened.

Literally, this little fairy appeared on the tag.
No, not literally, but it was fun to say.

This is a new look for me..I've added more flowers to my stash and am incorporating them more.
What do you think?

 Added some stickles to the edges of flowers.
Flip side....
The photo is from a RAK I won a few months back.  
Happy Sunday!

Friday, March 2, 2012

We ain't in Kansas anymore...toto

There were some horrible storms going through the countries middle and also through Nashville TN.
Thankfully, our little piece of earth went undisturbed.

Others were not as lucky as we, but emergency preparedness is very important.  Me, the MR AND Sookie (in the kennel) had to take cover in our bathroom while a storm passed by.
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