Showing posts with label Massachusetts Town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Massachusetts Town. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pepperell Covered bridge

Acrylic 5x7 on board
Pepperell Covered bridge in winter
©2017 Nita Leger Casey
 This Winter I have been in the mode of painting small winter scenes around town , I have painted the bridge a couple times before , but it was rebuilt since I did the last time.
 I was at one time very much involved with the beautification of the bridge, many in New England have  been neglected but few years ago this one was rebuilt with bran new timbers to meet the new code.  Very fortunate to live in this quint town in New England where my subjects are endless.
 This small painting is available ,email me 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lowell's Bon Marche building

Watercolor 8x10 matted and frame 
©2014 Nita Leger Casey
My last post was a street scene of Lowell so I decided to post one from my collection at my studio who  needs a home, it's matted and framed with a simple gold frame . Lowell has a lot of history, this building at one time was probably the best place in town to shop, downtown has a lot to offer the tourists who come and visit the old mills , my studio is in one of them ! email me if you are interested,
 $150.00 , free shipping in the US

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dark sky in Lowell

8x10 Casein paint
on paper .©2015
It has been awhile since I posted, I had a husband with a bad cold, a sick chicken and extreme cold in New England left me a bit behind in my work !  the husband is fine ,the chicken didn't make it, but I must get back to my routine. I started painting this today,after the drawing was done I realized it was the wrong paper, I picked up a new paper on the market for oil painting,well watercolor does not work with that ,almost trashed it but after supper decided to experiment with it and used casein paint I think I saved it!  a lesson learn with the paper .This is a scene from Lowell very close to my studio . email me if you are interested   

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Spring Plein air , Willard Brook . pastel 11x14 still in progress !
Nita Leger Casey
A wonderful Spring week end it was! for New England that is , because it was snowing in Texas.
Yesterday I cleaned the yard and the chicken coop , later in the afternoon Tim and i went to a chicken farm in Ashby to get some new Hens ,I had missed my chickens over the winter I needed a new batch , on the way there I found this beautiful scene with a brook , told Tim I am coming back to paint this scene , we took three hens , all different types ,stopped for ice cream and got them settled in their new homes , the neighbors came over to greet them ,they also have chickens and they spend a lot of time in my yard also , just a big family here !
So today after breakfast I decided to go back to this nice spot ,while I was painting i saw the farmer
and in the process i decided to get two more hens , I figured it was best to get five now , because it is so hard to introduced new ones at a later date , so I now have five new girls all different colors , i am sure i will paint them !
this painting still needs some work ,but decided to post it anyway .

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pepperell with a fresh coat of snow

A quiet Saturday to paint ,this scene is up the street from me , I have always loved it , I have done this scene a few times at different seasons, mostly in watercolor .This week after the fresh snow I wanted to do it in oil, so here it is!
9x12 oil on canvas
This is in Pepperell Massachusetts
Buy now $ 275.00
email me if interested