Showing posts with label New England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New England. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Spring in the city of Boston

 Spring in the city of Boston,   watercolor ©2020
 Framed 18x24

Another dream : My favorite time of the year is to Visit the Boston Garden, with it's pretty flowering trees, new green grass, seeing the people enjoying taking their dogs for a walk , people sitting on benches, all the nice things you see on a spring day. I always like to bring my sketch book there .
  Well  it looks like I will miss it this year, the quarantine has been extended. So we must be patient and safe !
This painting might be a good memory for someone who has gone to School in Boston! 
This frame watercolor is available.  $ 675.00  plus shipping
 Email me for the details,

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Boston Back Bay Beauty

Boston Back Bay Beauty , ©2018 Nita Leger Casey
 Original watercolor

This painting has been accepted at the Whistler Museum of Art in Lowell Massachusetts for the Winter show .It is an Honor to be included in this show!
It has been awhile since I have blogged , with all the social media it get a little bit overwhelming, I am on Facebook and Instagram and somehow the blog has taken a back seat . I will try to check in ounce in awhile ! It is for sale but will be only available after the show .
email me if you are interested .    

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

East Point Sanctuary, Biddeford Pool,Maine

Biddeford Pool, Maine
watercolor 6x8
 by Nita Leger Casey
 I have been away in Maine, took a break from painting and worked on some other craft  like Quilting !
 But on my way back I stopped  to visit my children on the coast, I took a nice walk in this sanctuary with my daughter in law , just love the rocky coast of Maine.
 This painting is available email me,

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wash day

Pastel 8x10
©2011 Nita Leger Casey
Mother's day in a couple days!  This painting always reminded me of the old days when all the moms use to hang all the laundry out , it would come back in the house smelling so nice and fresh!  I still hang on a nice day, I painted this a few years back while I was painting with some friends and one artist  did her laundry ,I went out there with my easel in the yard to capture this scene. This painting is available. It would make a great decor for a Laundry room.
Email me if you are interested

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Ice out #2

Ice out #2 sold
Pastel 6x8 ©2017
Nita Leger Casey 
Decided to do another scene of my Sunday drive, the ice going out is always nice with these strong colors and  perfect for a pastel, I did it early this morning before I get carried away with the endless list of chores I have to do. It was a beautiful day today, like 85 degrees, last week we had a foot of snow.
this painting is available ,email me 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Ice out

Pastel " Ice out "
6x8  ©2017
Nita Leger Casey
Keeping the tradition of a Sunday drive just my dog and I and thinking about my Tim. Living in New England , I never run out of ideas of where to go on a Sunday, we have beautiful landscapes all around us, the ice is going out on all the ponds ,so that was our destination for the day !    this painting is available.
 email me :     

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hills beach cottage

Hills beach cottage, Biddeford ME
Watercolor 5x7
©2017 Nita Leger Casey
In January  I took a drive along  the coast of Maine ,we barely had snow and now we are expecting a blizzard. On this drive I came upon this large cottage with the bottom windows boarded for Winter,but I just imagined how this house was waiting for it's summer residents to enjoy it's beautiful beach  with children running around ,people sitting on this wrap around porch enjoying the gorgeous Sunsets. OK, I am dreaming ! tomorrow we are getting 18 to 24 inches of snow, In March I know the snow will melt quickly and Spring will be here.
this watercolor is available.
 email me   $100.00 mated      

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Blue Birds

Blue birds 
Watercolor and casein 9x7
©2016 Nita Leger Casey 
I painted these last winter during a snow storm, they came on my deck to pick at the berries I had for decorations, I was able to captured them and take lots of photos, they do not come often as they do not eat seeds, I was exited and bought some meal worms but they didn't come back.   This year I only saw one who had a very quick look at the deck, I have tons of other birds, I have a couple of cardinals that comes everyday,lots of chickadees,Titmouse and tons of Doves  and of course Squirrels that steel their food.
If you are a collector of birds ,check it out! $150.00  matted and shipped

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

the green dory

 The green dory
pastel 16x20 ©2016,
Nita Leger Casey
 This dory was on my list to paint for some times, a few years actually ! I always see it when i go visit Plum Island . I first did a miniature of it and was happy with it, so this past week decided to do it larger, it will be in my atelier this week end during open studios. So come by and see it at 407 A
Lowell .MA 

Friday, January 01, 2016

Hills Beach marsh,Maine

Happy New year to all my wonderful followers and collectors! To start the new year, 
I am challenging myself to do a painting most days in January, they are small works ! perfect for the beginner collector.     email me
" Hills Beach marsh " pastel 5x7 ©2016 Nita Leger Casey
‪#‎hillsbeach‬ ‪#‎Maine‬ ‪#‎Biddefordpool‬ ‪#‎CoastofMaine‬

Monday, December 07, 2015

Memories of Summer

At Good Harbor beach ,Rockport Mass. 
watercolor 6x12 ,©2015
Nita Leger Casey
This would make a perfect gift for someone who loves to go to this beach  at Good Harbor.
I went there to capture my scene in June,  what a  great place to go with the kids, and of course I love that big house! you know me with the houses ,they always call my name!
I painted this one in a quick style ,i just wanted to capture the atmosphere of the day!
email me , I take PayPal  . $100.00 matted +shipping

Monday, August 03, 2015

Beach roses

 Original watercolor 8x8
©2015 Nita Leger Casey
Who doesn't like beach roses! they are a Summer's beauty on the coast of Maine ,they grow wild all over roads, walks, rocks...  the bees love them ! couple weeks ago in Maine the bees were feasting on these beautiful flowers.
A perfect present for someone who loves flowers!
email me

Friday, April 17, 2015

On the New Hampshire coast.

Pastel ,Plein air painting 9x12
©2015 Nita Leger Casey
This past  Wednesday my friends and I from the Breakfast club ventured out to the coast for the first time this season, after a long Winter it felt good, the temperature was good but a little windy but I did managed to capture these few houses in a short amount of time before the wind got to me. Sometimes it is better not to fuss over a painting and capture the important elements of the shape and light, and that is what happen! I did not touch it after, otherwise I will ruined  it.
the Coast of New Hampshire might be small but it is beautiful.This was on "Great Island Common in New Castle,NH
If you are interested on this painting painted on location ,email me

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dark sky in Lowell

8x10 Casein paint
on paper .©2015
It has been awhile since I posted, I had a husband with a bad cold, a sick chicken and extreme cold in New England left me a bit behind in my work !  the husband is fine ,the chicken didn't make it, but I must get back to my routine. I started painting this today,after the drawing was done I realized it was the wrong paper, I picked up a new paper on the market for oil painting,well watercolor does not work with that ,almost trashed it but after supper decided to experiment with it and used casein paint I think I saved it!  a lesson learn with the paper .This is a scene from Lowell very close to my studio . email me if you are interested   

Friday, December 05, 2014

Sunset in New England

6x8 watercolor ©2014 sold
  I love the sunset in the winter ! it is early at time, barely 4pm in December , but they are just beautiful and all I have to do is look from my window . This watercolor is small but very powerful it can be frame to a 9x12 and it would look beautiful to any decor ! Original work is the best to collect, become a collector and have fun building your collection!
email me if you are interested

Monday, October 20, 2014

Summer of sketchbooking

 Sketching by the pond with friends! actually had them doing it as well for the first time.will
I have not posted for awhile, I sort of took a break from  daily posting, but never stopped doing painting and sketching where ever I went, back in fourth to Maine and a trip to Kentucky in August . I love sketching and just wanted of share a few of my summer sketches and when I was not doing that I was painting larger pastels of barns . Will try to get back in the routine with my new work!

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Vermont Sugar house

watercolor 6x8 ©2014
Tim and I have just spent a wonderful  couple days in Quechee to celebrate our Anniversary, a beautiful area  with lots of interesting scenery like barns ,covered bridges and lots of sugar maple farms, it is the season to tap the sugar from the maple trees you have a short window to do this, cold nights and warm days of course I love to see the buckets hanging from the trees but now in large farms they just use plastic tubing to be collected in large blue buckets, progress does not help my paintings! email me if you are interested in this watercolor .  

Monday, February 10, 2014

Somewhere in Maine

watercolor 5x7  mated and framed to 8x10
© Nita Leger Casey
I just love this little painting and really wish someone would give a small space, on a nice wall in their house for it to find a nice home, specially if you are a regular in Maine, like in the Kennebunkport area ,you might of gone to that shop .I always say most painting will find a collector, sometimes it just takes time, over the week end I sold one I had painted 10 years ago, the lady who bought it was very happy . This one is $150.00 framed, free shipping in the US .email me if you are interested ?

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Dove on a cold morning

6x6 watercolor
©2014 Nita Leger Casey
  Happy New year everyone! this is my first painting of the year, I woke this morning and a row of doves where on the railing just like this ,it was very cold in the teens but the sun was shining ,so I think they were sunbathing ,tomorrow they will be at the feeder eating like crazy ,snow is coming during the night and it looks like a big one!
I had a great week with all the family ,kids and grandchildren, it was wonderful to be all together , the only bad thing is we eat way too much!
So now back to painting and reorganized my gallery and studio .
Again wishing everyone a wonderful new year for 2014!
if interested on this painting email me

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Highland falls

Miniature series
copyrighted 2013  sold
Nita Leger Casey
I was looking  at old photos and found this one of the falls in Maine, I took this photo longtime ago when the kids used to go there to swim also like to scare me in the process of their disappearing act under the falls, the tricks that you kids do to make their mother scream in panic!
I am in the process of painting a series of minis for a client so this was the first one for this batch !