Showing posts with label fishing boats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing boats. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gloucester harbor at Sunset

8x8 watercolor ©2014
Nita Leger Casey
I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted, things and events in life took precedent .
It started going to Maine and braking down on the highway and coming back in a tow truck , the worst it happen twice in two weeks. Then our kids came home from South Carolina and Maryland  with our kids here they all gave us a surprised 50 th Anniversary party  that was incredibly  beautiful , a lot work went in to it and our kids really fooled us ! we were extremely happy ,along with the 4 th of July ,I don't know where the month went? but I should be back at the easel ,starting with a week going Plein air in Maine .  This is a small gem I would love to find a home for it , $150.00matted . email me if you are interested .

Friday, September 14, 2012

The lobster boats at Bailey's

Watercolor 9x12 (c)2012
Nita Leger Casey  Sold
I am re posting these boats because I painted them in the same time frame as my previous post .The house we rent in Lubec has a beautiful view of Bailey's harbor I have talked about before .The room that I share with my Friend Tammy has three windows looking at the view first thing in the morning and what we see  these three boats ,we see them get ready for a day of fishing ,they sometimes leave in the deep fog !  gone all day long as we are preparing supper one by one they come back ,not an easy life but I am sure they love it!
if you are interested in this watercolor ,email me

Monday, June 25, 2012

Campobello fishing boats

Watercolor ,6x12 (c) 2012
Nita Leger Casey
This was the first watercolor painting I did in two weeks , this cold really knock my down ,I just did not feel like doing anything ,I really had to push myself to do this It really is not like me Tim also had it, we sure make a pair !but I think we are doing better.
Today I did go to the studio it was time to change work at the Loading dock  gallery downstairs ,a Summer show is up , Western Avenue has been going through  a face lift ,the parking lot is looking good, if you are in the area check it out .
In three weeks I will be going to my yearly art retreat in Lubec so I better get back to normal .  I think this watercolor was a nice warmup !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fishing boats,

 Watercolor  5x7(c) 2012
Nita Leger Casey
Just a re post today of boats I have painted before on the Massachusetts coast, I am still not back to my daily painting routine, I think I need to reboot myself, LOL and so many project awaits me .
I did finish the commission ,  just some  retouch varnish before I call the customer.
well this little gem is available email me if you are interested 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rocky neck Harbor

Watercolor by Nita Leger Casey
7,5x7,5 copyrighted 2011
I have been away from my blog for a few days .We had company , Friends from Minnesota who came to visit and see the New England colors  ,the weather was not the best but they had a great time visiting , knowing the area very well has a painter I was able to sent them to many beautiful places . Today it was time to go back to the studio and work on things I wanted to do ,this painting was done from a photo I took last month in Gloucester when the sun was going down ,I knew I wanted to catch this wonderful light reflecting on the boats and building .I think I did it !you will be the judge !
email me if you are interested in this one

Thursday, March 04, 2010

"The three boats" watercolor 6x8 (C) 2010
Nita Leger Casey
Gloucester harbor is really a great place to see working fishing boats along pleasure boats , boats are always a challenge to do for most artists , so many things on them , only fisherman knows.
I took this photo last Spring , it was like papa ,mama, and baby .
The days are getting longer , the weather is also nicer , in the 50's for this week end , i would say Spring is getting closer!
If you are a collector of watercolors , and of boats , here is your chance to buy an original that will retained it's value . email me

Friday, February 26, 2010

Harbor regulars in Gloucester
(c) watercolor 5x7
Nita Leger Casey
What a night we had last night! with over 60 miles an hour high winds , the coast had it worst and still have no power in many towns in the area .
I had painted these boats during the week from the town of Gloucester , we had stopped over last week and I took a few photos , I have painted some of these boats before actually on location at a better time of the year like Spring . It's a wonderful town to capture the New England fishing life , these boats have characters, they are like old man who have wrinkles ,they have lots of rust that tell the hard life they go through.
contact me for price

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gloucester boats, watercolor 11x14 by Nita Leger Casey sold
copyrighted 2009
Two friends and I went to the North Shore art Association in Gloucester today for a Lecture by Charlotte Wharton, on painting figures and interiors with a slide presentation ,it was very nice and informative. They also was a wonderful member show . The weather going there was not very good ,it rained all the way, all the boats were in the harbor ,so it made me think of the time I painted these boats so I decided to post them ,they are in need of a home , email me if you are interested .

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Lubec boat, copyrighted 2009 , Nita Leger Casey
miniature 3,5x2,5
Arrived yesterday under a beautiful sun, it took all day to drive here taking the coast road,stopping a few times along the way ,the best was to stop in Rockland and visit the Farnsworth museum, our yearly stop to see the show , always a treat to see new Andrew Wyeth paintings .
just went in town today to see what changed from last year,and just painted this mini as a warm up.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Deer Isle fishing boats 2, copyrighted , Nita Leger Casey
watercolor 5x7 matted to 8x10
Hope everyone had a good fourth of July , we did with family and friends , parade in the morning cook out in the afternoon and fireworks at night, a typical American small town celebrations ,it was great , living on Main street we had front row seats .
this watercolor was painted on location last summer , needs to find a home .email me if you are interested .

Friday, July 03, 2009

Deer Isle fishing shacks , NB, copyrighted by Nita Leger Casey
5x7 watercolor
Thinking of more fishing boats , I love going to these little fishing ports in the summer ,they are good subjects for my plein air painting , they are fun to be there ,see all the fisherman going to get that fresh catch . Email me if you are interested in this one .

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Fishing on Campobello , copyrighted by Nita Leger Casey
Watercolor 11x14

I was just painting by the ocean in Maine last week, it made me think of some of my previous painting of boats who are looking for a home , would make an excellent present for someone .
this was done on location in Campobello Island in NB in past summers , witch I go there every summers in August, can't wait to go there . email me if you are interested .

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Harbor Town lighthouse sketch,copyrighted 2009by Nita Leger Casey
watercolor 5x7
Well ,I surprised my kids over the week end and came to visit them in Hilton Head Island, what a treat to see my grand children's face when I arrived , priceless! Saturday their wonderful friends took all of us for a boat ride around the island , it was a perfect day ,we were on the water for 5 hours. this is a quick sketch of Harbor town .

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fishing boat reflection , copyrighted , Nita Leger Casey
16x20 watercolor
Reflection to be the challenge for March , it will be interesting to see all the different reflections on DailyPainters today , this is a busy time for me trying to get my taxes done , getting ready for a couple of exhibits, one pastel show ,one group show , cleaning the gallery ,I would like to take all the paintings down and paint the walls a different color , a big job ahead of me !
I also want to do a book ,and I am having a hard time finding the time to do it all . Oh well, that's life !
this painting is a larger watercolor a special today at $200.00 , it would make a nice present for a fisherman . email me if you are interested

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Leonardville,DeerIsland NB,copyrighted,2008
A watercolor from our trip yesterday to Deer Isle .NB . Small fishing villages all over the Island ,what a treat !
the weather was not the greatest but we still painted and had a great day!
Watercolor,6x8 email me if interested,

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sketch from Portsmouth harbor,copyrighted 2008
I was gallery sitting with a friend at the New Hampshire art association summer show at Prescott park , it was the first day of the show ,lots of tourists came by , it was a pleasant day meeting all the tourists from different States ,and I also took the time to sketch this scene from the gallery entrance.
watercolor sketch 8x10

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bluffton's oyster fishing boats
This was a quick alla prima sketch of the oyster boats in the May river in Bluffton , a cute old historic town between Savannah and Hilton Head . Today I also visited the town of Beauford , another nice old Historic town with beautiful homes ,art galleries and a great marina ,visited the Art Association ,with local artists showing the area at it's best.
Hank, good luck on your show and Thanks for the tour.
5x5 oil on watercolor paper, email me if interested

Monday, January 07, 2008

Fishing boats in Seabrook ,NH
I was on the coast road yesterday in Seabrook, NH when I came across these fishing boats , I just loved the colors of the boats and this winter day by the ocean , so this became my daily today,painted between a commission I am working on ,so it was a full day of work!
6x8 oil on Linen canvas $125.00 . email me if interested
all my work is original and copyrighted

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Red boat on stream

Today they are announcing some snow for tomorrow , the winter is really around the corner !
I have been working on a large Pen & ink , today I finished it and I am pleased with it , I will posted later on the week ,
This is an oil of a scene where I have gone in my kayak many times .
oil 6x12 on canvas
all my work is original and copyrighted.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Campobello fishing boat
This was painted last week on a nice sunny morning on the Island of Campobello, NB ,Canada
pastel on board 5x7 , email if interested