Showing posts with label Maine Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maine Woods. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2017

Sunset in July!

 Sunset in July
4x5 pastel ©2017
Nita Leger Casey
Maine,The way life should be!
And this is where I have been for the last two weeks, enjoying a beautiful sunset at night , such a beauty ! I have been low key and relaxing by the pond!
this is a small pastel and available ,email me if you are interested , great to add to any collection.  

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunrise on Gilman pond

Watercolor 5x7
I just came back from a wonderful week in Maine ,continued to do my 30 day sketching challenge ,and also painted a few pond view at different times of the day , here is one about 5:30 in the morning I went outside with my pad and palette ,still dark but managed to catch this beautiful Sunrise. if you are interested  email me 

Friday, September 25, 2009

Gabe's fields pastel 5x7 , Nita Leger Casey
Painted today plein air with lots of wind, a beautiful September fall day,these fields are on the way to the cabin ,I must say they are the most beautiful fields at any season ,they have been my paintings for many years ,I never see them the same way twice,I could paint them forever!
this is a lovely pastel for anyone ,this is painted on a hard board ,framed very easily. email me if you are interested $100.00

Thursday, September 24, 2009

" Maine pond" pastel 6x9 copyrighted 2009, Nita Leger Casey
Spending a few days at the cabin while the colors of fall are so beautiful , here is a view from our front deck, I think fall has come early this year at least a week , I love painting this season ,the most beautiful one in New England ,I painted two today one in oil and this pastel , I still think pastels are perfect for these colors , pastel is a medium that stays so fresh and bright, the drown back with them they have to be framed under glass, the positive is they are permanent .if you are interested in this painting Email me

Friday, December 05, 2008

" The path in winter"
6x8 pastel on Wallis paper
copyrighted 2008

Thanksgiving week end was spent in Maine at our cabin , snow had already come to the woods of Maine, my favorite path was covered with fresh snow, the same place where I painted the birch trees on location in the fall , this time I took a photo and worked from that scene. When the sun comes on fresh snow , it's just about magical , I do love living in New England just for that reason, every season has such of beauty , it's a wonderful place for an artists.
this would make a wonderful present for someone or just for yourself , Become a collector!
$ 100.00 + $ 8.00 shipping ,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Leaning tree,copyrighted 2008 Back home and tired from the long drive home , here is a painting done from the Kayak yesterday,
oil on board . 5x5 email me if interested

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Father rock,copyrighted 2008
As you see ,I am still playing with rocks, my Cairns are fun to paint, as much as to hunt for the rocks to build them. the weather was great today ,plenty of walks with Clancy also, and fun talks with friends by the camp fire.
this is a 5x5 oil on board, Email if interested

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

At dusk by the stream

all designs are copyrighted,Please do not copy
Oil painting 5x7 ,if interested email me

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Maine sky 2
A sky can be the most beautiful abstract painting we get from God almost every morning and every night , you never see the same design twice ,the colors can be so beautiful and so unreal you wonder how it happens , I am fascinated with them at times , when I am painting at the farm in the summers in Maine with all my friends we go totally crazy taking pictures of the most beautiful sky over the hills of the farm or over the bay.
I am longing for my summer trips to Maine .
all paintings are copyrighted , please do not copy

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Red boat on stream

Today they are announcing some snow for tomorrow , the winter is really around the corner !
I have been working on a large Pen & ink , today I finished it and I am pleased with it , I will posted later on the week ,
This is an oil of a scene where I have gone in my kayak many times .
oil 6x12 on canvas
all my work is original and copyrighted.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Woodland path
Posting between commercials as the game is on , Go RED SOX !
This is a path that goes to the mountain where the bears live , last year I was about 30 feet from one, he came down while I was painting at our picnic table , my husband was talking to me when he said to me BEAR.. , I didn't panic ! I grabbed my camera from the table and walked to get a better shot , he actually posed for me , he was a teenager ,I guess! but big enough, about a month later one of my neighbor bragged about getting his bear, I was a bit sad because he really was a cute one, I might paint him one day from the photo I took.
Maine woods series
The Woodland path , 8x8 wrapped canvas, $100.00 + Shipping email if interested
All my work is original and copyrighted

Friday, October 26, 2007

Maine woodland 2 The long shadows in the forest when the sun is going down are always nice to see , and this is my woodland #2
8x8 oil on canvas on wrap around the stretchers , no need to frame , it would make a great pair with the previous post . email me sold

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Maine Woodland In Maine in our woods ,this is what I captured as the sun was about to go over the mountain, the next few days I will post some woodland scenes, the leaves are falling fast ,about another week and it will be all gone and the woods will have a different look before the snow will set in .
this is a 8x8 canvas wrapped all around ,no frame needed. Perfect gift of an original painting.

$125.00 email me if interested,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A walk in the woods
The weather has changed with a bit of needed rain , the only trouble , I will be exhibiting at the outdoor show this week end in Hollis , NH. 90 artists will be participating for the second Annual Hollis Fine Art Festival Oct 13&14, I do hope it will clear up for this wonderful event , Hollis is the next town over from where i live , Steve Previte is the organiser of the event. If you are in New England visiting our beautiful colorful landscape ,visit our show .

My favorite time is to walk in the woods with my dog , and this is our walking path in the woods of Maine, painted on location,this past week end.
This is a miniature acrylic on paper 2,5x3,5 framed in a gold frame $75.00

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blueberry fields This is fall in Maine where the wild blueberry fields turn red , the landscape looks like a Persian rug , a beautiful sight to see.this is a 8x10 oil on canvas $150.00.
email me if interested

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A walk in the woods

My time is limited ,today i took the relatives for a tour of the area , but i always have a backup to fall back .
so here is a painting I did before ,oil painting of a familiar scene in the woods of Maine.
18x24 oil on canvas .
Email me if interested