Showing posts with label pine trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pine trees. Show all posts

Monday, January 06, 2014

Sunset on Main Street

watercolor 6x8
©2014 Nita Leger Casey
While I was making supper I looked out the window and saw this beautiful Sunset ,I  had to stop everything I was doing and grabbed my watercolor, I had to be quick! you know  a sunset does not last long, to even go faster I took an artistic licence to take the house out that was in my way.On the left it's an apple tree where many deer come to get the old apples .
this watercolor is available  email me

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Pine on the point

9x12 pastel ©2013
Nita Leger Casey
Still posting paintings from my recent trip at Pemaquid Point in Maine.This was done on a beautiful sunny day in Plein air! when the pines grows by the ocean they do take a funny shape and grow under or over a rock in a amazing way ! you couldn't plant that if you tried ,but nature has a way to do magical tricks! this past week i was not able to paint much with family duties and more to come this week so it is a good thing I had painted  some backup.
this painting is available,  $225.00  email me

Monday, December 05, 2011

New England gazebo

Watercolor 5x5 copyrighted 2011
by Nita Leger Casey
Thinking Christmas yet? New England has beautiful gazebos, right now the only thing missing is the snow, I am sure it will come soon enough.
This is an older watercolor who would like to find a home for the holidays!
email me ,reasonable price!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Morning fog on the coast,
4x5 oil on board , copyrighted 2010
Nita Leger Casey
Just remembering the nice summer in Maine , this was one of our typical morning there , before the fog would lift , I love that kind of morning!
Fall is starting fast a lot of leaves are falling already after this extreme hot and dry summer , I wonder if the fall will be as beautiful it should be , we will see in a few weeks , my brush and paint will be ready!
This painting is available , email me if you are interested, reasonable price!

Monday, December 22, 2008

"Christmas tree with birds "
watercolor 8x10, copyrighted
We are counting the days to Christmas , not so much myself but all the little ones who waits for Santa . I myself, am not ready ,I still have to finish some presents and do some baking .
My backyard looked like this this morning , what a treat to wake up to this natural beauty! Email me if you are interested in this watercolor.
The little birds in this painting are special .

Friday, December 05, 2008

" The path in winter"
6x8 pastel on Wallis paper
copyrighted 2008

Thanksgiving week end was spent in Maine at our cabin , snow had already come to the woods of Maine, my favorite path was covered with fresh snow, the same place where I painted the birch trees on location in the fall , this time I took a photo and worked from that scene. When the sun comes on fresh snow , it's just about magical , I do love living in New England just for that reason, every season has such of beauty , it's a wonderful place for an artists.
this would make a wonderful present for someone or just for yourself , Become a collector!
$ 100.00 + $ 8.00 shipping ,

Friday, November 21, 2008

6x6 oil on canvas
copyrighted 2008
The last two days, I have been involve in openings of two different shows , lots of nice art and lots of food ! it is also nice to see old friends , and discuss our next work of art or the next strategy on marketing . Between commissions and socializing , not much time is left, and the days are getting so short , winter has arrived in New England .
This painting is simple , just a relaxing scene , it can be framed or put on a small easel, would make a great present. email me if you are interested

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pemaquid point, copyrighted 2008
It has taking me two days to get back on track after my trip to the coast , somehow when you go away have a great time ,you pay later with tons of work waiting for you ,mind you when I go away I am working at my paintings , but most people don't see it that way , specially my family , my work is too much fun!
pastel, 8x11 mated ,email me if you are interested , it's a lovely painting of the Maine coast , anyone who has been there would appreciated .

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tide Mill bay framed

I want to think about summer right now , and not about another storm coming ,this is a beautiful scene in Maine where i spend my plein air painting days .This is a 3x5 framed to a 5x7 framed acrylic. $125.00 email

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On the coast of Maine
This is a miniature painting alla prima study for a larger one , that is about the short time I have to work these days with my busy life . I painted a pastel on location Plein air last summer, and always wanted to do an oil . May I tell you it is snowing again! I am not painting another snow scene no matter what . Next week I will be at a different location with new landscape .
miniature oil 2,5x3,5 on paper email if interested

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winter sunset

This is what it looks like everywhere in New England right now , cold and icy but beautiful sunrise and sunset. I do want spring to come soon, as much as I love winter , I am done with it!
But always fun to paint a snow scene .
this is an oil on canvas 8x16 , $200.00 email me if interested

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cat at the door, copyrighted 2007

Christmas lunch today, for the Breakfast Club, we are a group of artists who meet every Wednesday to share art adventures, dilemmas, successes ,critique, just about anything to do with art, we have been doing it for almost 20 years .We come from all around the Nashua ,NH area , I myself live in Massachusetts only 10 miles from Nashua we meet at Borders book store every week at 10 AM , any local artist is welcome.
I am posting some of my cards a la carte designs , this is the back door of one of my neighbor's house, when this kitty was waiting at the door one day on my morning walk I couldn't resist to make this painting. This is an original watercolor 8x10 email me if you are interested

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Winter night, sold
The last two days have been busy ,
Yesterday I went to Manchester with my friend Sue , we attended the pastel of New Hampshire meeting , a great group of professional artist ,only two years of age ,but have accomplished a lot as a group on a short time. Today we went to Boston to attend the Veteran's day celebrations .
it was a nice sunny day,a great day for a parade.
This is a miniature for the holidays coming , original little painting , oil on watercolor paper
3,5x2,5 ready for a miniature frame.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Maine fields Today I took my relatives to the coast of Maine, and NH so many familiar spots I love to paint , the day was beautiful ! so I settle for a day of photo taking and plan a few paintings in the process while showing them this beautiful area of New England.
Here is another painting from my collection that I would love to find a home for
18x24 oil on canvas. $1200.00 framed with a beautiful gold frame .

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Low tide in Maine
In a few days I will be going to my two weeks retreat in Maine , I can't wait to be there and paint with all my friends.
this is a 3x5 oil on board framed with a gold frame , $100.00
email if interested

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Maine sky #4

I went back to my last sky to make a set of four. I worked on it while at the gallery today, I will be spending some time there everyday while being the artist in residence.
This is a pastel of Maine sky #4 , $ 100.00. email me
All my work is original and copyrighted.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sky scape #3

My yard is taking over my life , I am sure I am not the only one , it's this time of year ! The mulch the planting, trimming ,cutting ,flowers boxes. Living on Main Street I have a duty to keep the place on top shape , every bone in my body is hurting right now! Oh well that's life.
I have continued my little series of sky scape , they are actually fun to do.
5x7 with a nice acid free white matt ,would look great in a 8x10 frame . $100.00 email me if interested