Showing posts with label chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicken. Show all posts

Monday, March 05, 2012

Pierre two

miniature acrylic ,(c) 2012
Nita Leger Casey
I have talked about Pierre before, He was the first rooster I raised  from a chick , I never get tired of painting him ,so Pierre lives on in my  work, I have painted him in every style and medium .
I am working on a commission right now for someone who wants a large painting ,so for the lack of time I have been painting these miniatures .

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pride boy!

miniature 2.5x3.5 acrylic on board ,(c) 2012 sold
Nita Leger Casey
Couple years ago I was painting at a farm in Maine who had a lot of chickens ,I took pictures of them and forgot about them until I was looking for something else and here he was a proud big rooster, having chickens I  am found  of them , a lot of people don't like roosters, but I must give them credit they watch their girls, will find food for them and call them never eat before they do ,watch the sky for predators, get them in the coop on time , my little rooster is busy all day ! of course he gets some perks with that! this one is for a client, but if you want one very similar as a miniature ,let me know

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Victoria,copyrighted 2008
This is Victoria in her younger days . Today I adopted two more chickens from an elderly man who was going into a nursing home ,my daughter in law adopted a couple also , they are two Rhode Island red , they are not with the other ones yet , I am waiting for dark to put them in, hopefully the other ones will accept them , they will have to go trough the rules of the old ones , the rooster George will be happy !
5x7 acrylic painting on canvas board, email if interested.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cat at the door, copyrighted 2007

Christmas lunch today, for the Breakfast Club, we are a group of artists who meet every Wednesday to share art adventures, dilemmas, successes ,critique, just about anything to do with art, we have been doing it for almost 20 years .We come from all around the Nashua ,NH area , I myself live in Massachusetts only 10 miles from Nashua we meet at Borders book store every week at 10 AM , any local artist is welcome.
I am posting some of my cards a la carte designs , this is the back door of one of my neighbor's house, when this kitty was waiting at the door one day on my morning walk I couldn't resist to make this painting. This is an original watercolor 8x10 email me if you are interested

Monday, December 03, 2007

Pierre on railing , copyrighted 2007
I worked on Pierre today and brought back lots of memory of him , he would go on every decoration I would put in around the yard , he loved to model , I think he knew I would come with the camera to snap a shot ., if the door was open he would come right in like he owned the place , I will post a photo , so you can see him in my studio.
this is an original watercolor 7x10 , and it is for sale , $99.00
I have printed greeting cards , and are available on my
other blog

this painting is original and copyrighted.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Jake , copyrighted 2007
Our first snow is coming down , winter is here for sure, today my chickens had their last day walking the yard , they will definitely be cooped up for a few days. I winterised the coop so they will be fine!
This is Red part of the band of Brothers I watched him as a brand new little chick a few hours old , they all have matured into beautiful birds , not mean yet! next year will be another story.
5x7 watercolor , email me if you are interested in a rooster portrait of your own birds.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Henry ,copyrighted 2007

One more big guy , this one is from Maine where I go paint every summer . Every rooster that i paint ,I have a connection with them ,this one lived in this beautiful farm with about 25 hens , a beautiful bird he was! until a fox came during the night in the coop , poor Henry took a real beating from this fox ,but managed to save many of the hens and save himself , his owner really respected him after this ordeal , a Rooster will fight to no end to save his girls!
7x10 watercolor, email

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This was my first rooster ,I raised him from a two days old chick , not knowing he was going to be a rooster , it was supposed to be four hens, he was the cutest little thing .It was a great summer to see them matured into there own , I would paint on my picnic table and they would walk all over my paintings, they would come in the studio with the cat and the dog . By fall he had matured to a beautiful rooster and he knew it! We used to have little fights together but I still loved him as a pet. In his third winter he caught the flu and I couldn't save him , it was sad to see him go. OK , by now if you read this ,you must think I am crazy ! but i do love all animals.
watercolor 6x8 email me if interested

Monday, November 26, 2007

The red Baron #3

Many roosters have been painted, in the past and I have held back my wanting to paint them because so many people do them , but right now I am surrounded by them , I have three chickens myself, of one being a rooster George , and my next door neighbors has four hens and one rooster , this summer two of the hens had baby chicks , 7 roosters and three hens , all look like this one, they walk in my yard all day by my window, along with mine , they are adorable , not fighting yet!
but my neighbor says, some of them have to go soon , I better hurry up and paint them , so this is the week to paint my little friends,this one is the top dog of the bunch ,he is called the red baron .
8x10 watercolor for more info email me

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rooster #2

Yesterday we attended the most beautiful wedding at the Boston Cathedral I posted few days ago, it was my wedding present to the bride and groom, all the guests signed on the mat arround the pen & ink, it makes a nice memento for them.
Here is my # 2 rooster, another rooster from my Maine travels
8x10 watercolor, $ 100.00 , email me if interested
all my work is original and copyrigted

Friday, November 23, 2007

Tide sold Just came back from the pond , where we had a wonderful thanksgiving dinner with the family.
The weather was a bit wintry , but was very nice today but cold. The last few days I have been working on a series of roosters in watercolor, I love these guys even with the attitude they have , my own rooster George is a character, right now he is keeping my dog Clancy in line most days.
I will post him in a few days .The one I posted today Tide was at the farm in Maine where I paint in the summer.
6x8 watercolor