Showing posts with label cold spring farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold spring farm. Show all posts

Thursday, October 01, 2009

"Sun going down the mountain" pastel 8x10, copyrighted 2009
Nita Leger Casey
I painted this scene last week in Maine while at the pond , at dusk before the sun goes down , it hits the mountain like paint brush , I sat there at the edge of the pond with my pastels trying to capture the scene , it was fun to do and had to be quick , if I had taken a photo I wouldn't of capture the same feeling , nothing beats painting plein air ! of course we can always do it, but i sure enjoy my times in Maine when I can . Today I spent the entire day framing for a local show this Saturday at Seasons at Calmore Antique and art show in Dunstable Massachusetts , This is my 5th year doing it , if you are in the area stop by.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cold Spring farm, pastel 6x8 , Nita Leger Casey
This farm is on my Maine walk at the cabin , it is just a beautiful picturesque farm at the foothill of Gilman mountain and on the edge of the pond , black Angus cows usually graze the fields, Clancy and I love to go there . This pastel is matted $ 100.00, Email me

Thursday, April 23, 2009

New England farmhouse , copyrighted by Nita Leger Casey
11x14 pastel matted and framed with a gold frame 16x20

I started a painting today and did not get to finish it , so I am posting a framed painting from my gallery , really would like to find a home for it . I painted this one on location , the farm is in Maine the sunlight was great that day! email me if you are interested

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A reflection of the farm ,copyrighted 2008
I just change my computer ,I am not doing well with the change of Vista , so different then my old one ,I am spending so much time trying to get my files , photos etc..
I am still working on my fall scenes , soon it will be over, my yard is covered with leaves,Lots of work ahead to get rid of them .
I just love this farm and have painted many times at different seasons .
5x7 pastel matted to 8x10 , email me if you are interested

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cold Spring fields,copyrighted 2008
I am getting ready for a painting demonstration at the Chelmsford art society tomorrow night, I had to get all my material ready, I will paint a landscape with fall colors, and talk about daily painters, so busy day tomorrow!
pastel 5x7 email me

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Le petit village
Remodeling is still going on , just finished the demolision , the kitchen is all apart sitting on the deck right now ready to go in a dampster, what a job! but while doing all this work ,my mind is on my next painting ,so for now I am posting some of my watercolors .

A small village in the Sologne region,
Watercolor 5x7 email me

Friday, January 04, 2008

New England farmhouse,
Pastel painting done on location last Spring of a typical New England farmhouse. I loved the purple flowers and the nice light on this scene .
16x20 pastel mated and framed with a gold frame $625.00
email me

Friday, November 23, 2007

Tide sold Just came back from the pond , where we had a wonderful thanksgiving dinner with the family.
The weather was a bit wintry , but was very nice today but cold. The last few days I have been working on a series of roosters in watercolor, I love these guys even with the attitude they have , my own rooster George is a character, right now he is keeping my dog Clancy in line most days.
I will post him in a few days .The one I posted today Tide was at the farm in Maine where I paint in the summer.
6x8 watercolor

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cold Spring farm This farm is very familiar to me in all seasons , this week end it was at it's peak of colors .
painted in a very impressionistic style of a New England farm.
16x20 oil on canvas $800.00