Showing posts with label summer landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer landscape. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Big sky #2
Watercolor 5x10 (c)2011
Nita Leger Casey
Just went out about an hour ago to paint this ,the sun was going down fast with big clouds in the sky , they were there actually all day between rain showers ,I really would like to do a big sky series in pastel , this will be a nice study for it .Another project in my mind, hope I get to all of them some day .
Today I had lunch with two very good friends in Farmington, with a little fun shopping , it was a good day ! tomorrow I am thinking of going wild blueberry picking .
enjoy my paintings , they are all for sale! email me

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Morning fog on the coast,
4x5 oil on board , copyrighted 2010
Nita Leger Casey
Just remembering the nice summer in Maine , this was one of our typical morning there , before the fog would lift , I love that kind of morning!
Fall is starting fast a lot of leaves are falling already after this extreme hot and dry summer , I wonder if the fall will be as beautiful it should be , we will see in a few weeks , my brush and paint will be ready!
This painting is available , email me if you are interested, reasonable price!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"Five o'clock shadow" miniature oil on board
copyrighted 2009 , Nita Leger Casey
I went looking at the spot our group has projected to paint tomorrow for our artists Breakfast club paint out and quickly painted a miniature, it's a conservation land in our town of Pepperell, we are fortunate to have a few spots like this, where it is protected for the natural habitat, Pepperell is a pretty New England town with rolling hills ,meadows and ponds and lots of forest. hope the weather will stays as nice as today, and have a good plein air day with friends .

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Post card along the way, copyrighted 2009 Nita Leger Casey
4x6 original watercolor post card
While in Maine last week , I painted lots of post cards , they are a perfect sketches of scenes I wanted to do in a larger scale , a good way to work out your design or strategy of a painting, and fun to do!
I had to go to the dentist today , something I do not like to do, when the dentist looks in your mouth , he always finds things you do not want to know, like oh! you have bone lost, let's do a full set of X rays , all I can think , what is this going to cost me ? but he is a very nice dentist and knows I only go when I really have to.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pond shore, miniature , copyrighted 2009 , by Nita Leger Casey
2,5x3,5 acrylic
Just another miniature, when I am in Maine ,this is what I see from my kayak , lots of big rocks on the shore and sometimes, just a little sun picking between threes , it is my favorite place to be when we are at the cabin , but next week ,I will be by the seashore on the rocky coast of Maine, these small miniatures I turn into beautiful cards , with a certificate of authenticity , they are one of a kind , and can be framed , an excellent way to start a collection of originals .email me if you are interested , $25.00

Monday, April 28, 2008

Full Moon over the bay Sold
The rain much needed came today, the flowers need it , but it sure made a dreary day , a great day to paint after my morning cleaning . Clancy was asleep all day a bit depressed after Bosley left yesterday , that is my son's dog , I was watching him all week, they had played so much during the week both young and full of energy ,of course they are like kids ,you have to watch them every minute , one time Bosley got a hold of a yellow tube of oil paint ,he had it all over his face and paws ,that was a job cleaning him !
oil 5x7 . it is so beautiful when the moon is over the water.
all paintings are copyrighted ,please do not copy email

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The lonely cottage
I have spent the last two days traveling from one gallery to the other , bringing new art work .
both places to be in New Hampshire , I live on the Border , so most of my Art connections are in New Hampshire, my husband came with me for the Sunday ride going to Portsmouth , all the politicians were there!. trying to convince the public who is the best.
On our way home we took the coast road , I always look for new scenes on the coast and the sun was going down when I came upon some beautiful lobster boat in the harbor , I really want to paint them.
This is another one of my lonely houses ,
The lonely cottage ,oil 16x20 . email me if you are interested

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

House portrait

Having my grand children home for the holidays , not much time to paint , I will use this time to post commission houses from the past , this was a lovely home to work on ,the owners were very pleased to take the memories with them to their next house.
Watercolor 16x20 sold
email me for info