Showing posts with label house portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house portraits. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2007

House Portrait

The weather has been bad for artists this past week , I really want to capture some spring scenes before the flowers goes away, but no luck this week .

I am posting an example of a house portrait of a Victorian house , it was done from an old family picture with an updated look, the grand daughter wanted to have the house done for childhood memories. and this is why I enjoy doing house portraits , because it brings joy to people.
Email me for more details
House portrait watercolor 16x20 Sold

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The old brick house in pastel

Late with my post , too many storms last night to be on the computer. Here is another example of a house portrait done in pastel ,if you are thinking of a house portrait email me for more details, H.Portraits in watercolor start at $275.00
Brick house 16x20 pastel $ 500.00

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The blue door

With Spring here and summer around the corner , your garden looks beautiful and you want to keep the memory of your house and it's beauty or surprised your wife or husband . I specialised on house Portraits , don't be afraid to call me for more details or email me
16x20 Oil painting of a summer cottage with a blue door.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Antique red Colonial
Hurray! we had a beautiful Spring day. I was in the yard cleaning and planting pansies, I kept a few back to do a painting ,but did not finish. I will post them tomorrow. what I am posting today is a painting I have done of a abandoned antique house in town ,this house has a lot of history, and I am sure one day soon it will be gone . I am very attached to the old structures in town .
16x20 oil on canvas $600.00 with a gold frame perfect color for the decor of today.
email if interested,

Friday, March 02, 2007

Bucks Harbor cottage

I am working on a painting for someone , so I had to concentrate on that first , my daily came second , but I always have a painting to post from my summer collection. This painting was done on Location in one of these quint fishing village in Maine , I remember working on this painting for two days with the smell of rotten fish the fisherman use for bates. I didn't mind because I was out painting in the fresh air , by the way that is Plein air translation!
this is a 11x14 acrylic on board $275.00

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Home from School

I had no time to paint today! art meeting in the morning, visits with old friends , a few critiques of new paintings ,planning of summer shows . It is always a good meeting but come back to late to start a painting . As artist we do need to interact with others in the same field.
This is a painting from my fall collection , the scene is a few streets over from my house .
oil on linen 11x14 buy now $275.00 a bargain at this price for an original!
all my paintings are originals and copyrighted, not to be reproduced.

Friday, February 16, 2007

New England farm house

My favorite subjects to be Architecture, I am always looking for interesting houses .
I am lucky to live in this area, I am surrounded with the most intriguing homes , I will never run out of the oldies.
This is a larger painting today, from my gallery
16x20 oil on canvas framed with a gold frame
this could be yours.
Email me if you are interested?
Buy now $1200.00

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stawberry Banke Historic district

What a beautiful morning with the fresh snow, As I was walking this morning early with my friend and the dogs ,I kept looking at the sun peeking through the woods and the beautiful shadows on the fresh snow , my friend said what are you looking at ? oh just shadows , my brain was thinking painting! It was only about 7 degrees while we were walking.
I continued my series of Portsmouth
this is a 8x8 oil painted on canvas
Email if interested

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

the Blue Victorian

Molly is doing a little bit better, she is resting very cozy on her bed while we are having one of our big snow storm of the year.I managed to finish the painting I started yesterday being my favorite subjects to do, Houses!of course, I love to paint many things ,but that seems to be me , sometimes I fight it ,but always go back to paint them ,ever since I was a little girl .
I love all the different colors in this one.
this is an 8x8 painted on stretched canvas.
email me if interested

Monday, February 12, 2007

The old Colonials of the 1700

The days are getting longer, I think Spring is near, let's this storm pass and renew the beauty of Winter just for a few more weeks.
I wonder if the houses who are built today will last as long as the old Colonials in the back roads of Portsmouth, I don't think so...
This is to continue my series of these beautiful homes.
Oil on canvas 6x6
Buy now $ 100.00