Showing posts with label My Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Birthday. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2016

New To My Book Closet

It's that time of the week again. Time to show you what bookish goodies made their way into my home and book closet (to be saved from the evil book eating cat monster named Aria). This is inspired by the various "mailbox" posts out there (eg. In My Mailbox by The Story Siren, and Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Reviews).

I have had lots of amazing goodies make their way into my mailbox this week.

First up is my birthday gift from my lovely friend Christy (aka The Reader Bee). She sent me something that is so ME. I love it so much I may need to get a matching one for my couch.

This Peter Pan pillow is designed by the equally lovely Evie Seo. Be sure to check out her Society6 shop where this was purchased. I need a mug, and a set of the carry all pouches with this design. It's seriously my favourite. Thank you again, Christy! So much!

Next are two review copies that made their way into my mailbox. I may have squealed when the new Morgan Matson arrived. I cannot wait to dive into this one and fall in love with these new characters.

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West (goodreads)
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson (goodreads)

PS I Like You just looks super cute and fun! Thanks to Simon and Schuster and Scholastic for these pretties! I cannot wait to review them.

My lovely #otspsecretsister (aka Tink) sent me a fantastic birthday package! It's basically a birthday in a box and I love it so much! I cannot wait to try the cake. I am saving it for a special occasion (perhaps the Outlander season 2 premiere here in Canada tomorrow!).

It's super fun, and I want to say thank you to 'Tink' again! It brightened my day! It was incredibly thoughtful of you and it made this birthday extra special.

Lastly, a book I ordered came! I have been dying to read this one. It sounds like Cruel Intentions meets Gossip Girl and I am SO IN! I am hoping to fit it in my very packed schedule soon!

Paper Princess by Erin Watt (goodreads)

What bookish items made their way into your mailbox this week?

Happy Weekend and Happy Reading!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weekly Obsessions

The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.


Sarah J Maas to write Catwoman YA novel (goodreads) announced that a group of authors will be writing YA novels about some of our fave DC Comics characters. The one I am most excited for is Sarah J Maas' take on Catwoman. I've always loved Catwoman and cannot wait to see what spin Sarah will put on her character.

Side note - all these YA adaptions for comic book characters has made me REALLY want a Joke/Harley Quinn YA novel. Please.

cover of Glitter by Aprilynne Pike (goodreads)

This cover is immediately eye catching and reminds me of Marie Antoinette.

This novel is pitched as Breaking Bad meets Marie Antoinette so I am, obviously, hooked. I cannot wait to get my hands on it, and this cover is just the pretty wrapping on an already amazing sounding book.

Finding Fraser by K.C. Dyer (goodreads)

This book is already released but when I stumble across it (thanks, Em)  I knew I would read it. I love books that incorporate pop culture into them. This is the story of a woman who goes to Scotland in search of her own Jamie Fraser (yup, as in Outlander's Jamie Fraser). It sounds like it is going to be hilarious, and kind of  a romantic comedy. If you're a fan of Outlander you probably don't want to miss it. Look for a review sometime this summer!


The Path

I have now watched the first episode of this show and it's amazing. The last few minutes of the pilot are chill inducing. Hugh Dancy is perfect for this role, and I am so happy to have Aaron Paul back on my TV screen. I cannot wait to see how dark and twisty this show gets. If you haven't watched it yet make sure you do!


My Birthday

My birthday is tomorrow but I have already celebrated with my family and some of my friends. My cake was amazing and I love it so much (it was also delicious).

My actual birthday will be spent with The Walking Dead finale and wine. I am nervous and excited because Negan is making his entrance and I have been told this means bad things for Rick and the gang.

What are you obsessed with this week?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Weekly Obsessions

The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.

Here are my obsessions this week:


The Bane Chronicles: What Really Happened in Peru cover

Those of you who know me are probably well aware that I love Cassandra Clare's two series. I especially love a certain warlock. I was ecstatic when I heard that she was going to be releasing some e-novellas staring Magnus, and that they would be released in 'hard copy' format once all the e-novellas have been released. The cover of the first one has been released and I LOVE IT!

Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett

Read the Goodreads synopsis of this novel and tell me you don't want to read it. Romeo and Juliet meets Children of the Corn?! It is officially one of my 'must reads' of 2014. I am looking forward to more information coming out about this one soon.


City of Bones Trailer # 2

There is so much I could say about this trailer. Robert Sheehan is PERFECT as Simon. This trailer shows exactly what I wanted to see from him. I was happy with the little I saw of Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Valentine.

Oh and that BRIEF glimpse of Magnus? NOT ENOUGH! Godfrey Gao certainly looks the part - I want to see him act. Overall it seems like they've done a pretty great job with turning these books into a movie. August needs to hurry up and get here so I can go see it.


My birthday cake

My birthday 'party' was last weekend. I just had some cake and watched Once Upon A Time.

Every year I get a cake made and this year I decided it was going to be Peter Pan decorated! I thought it was awesome, and Peter Pan's story has long been one of my favourites.

So what are you obsessed with this week?

Friday, March 30, 2012

My Weekly Obsessions!

The awesome Kelly at KellyVision started posting a weekly post highlighting whatever she happened to be obsessed with that week. I LOVE this idea, so much in fact that I will be doing it myself every Saturday.

Here are my obsessions this week:


trailer for Insurgent by Veronica Roth

This looks amazing. I am so pining for this book, I can't wait until May 1! The trailer gives the perfect vibe and I am looking forward to the next chapter in Tris and Four's story.

Book Expo America YA Buzz Panel

The panel for this year's YA Buzz panel was announced. I am super excited for this part of BEA because last year one of the books selected was The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer which I ended up LOVING. I am looking forward to hearing what the publishers have to say about the selections this year.

The books selected are

What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang
Crewel by Gennifer Albin
Colin Fischer by Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz
Skylark by Meagan Spooner
Skinny by Donna Cooner

I am already very excited about What's Left of Me. Looking forward to learning more about each of these books.


Titanic 3D release

I already have tickets to go see this. I, like every other girl in the world, adored Leonardo DiCaprio when Titanic and Romeo and Juliet came out. He was crazy beautiful in both of these movies. I am thrilled to be able to go see it again. With the 100 year anniversary of this tragic event upon us, it's nice to be able to experience it again. Also, Kate Winslet is stunning in this movie!


Once Upon A Time - Sebastian Stan returns

If you watched Once Upon A Time last Sunday you would have seen the fantastic Sebastian Stan portray the Mad Hatter wonderfully. I was thrilled to find out that we will see him again in Storybrooke and SOON!


My birthday party

I have a birthday coming up soon. April 3 to be exact. However, I will be having a small party tonight to celebrate. I am having cake that will be decorated with the cover for Bethany Griffin's MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH. I am super excited to see how it turns out! Pictures to come in a blog post soon!

Weekly Obsessions will be going away for the next 2 weeks. Mainly because I am hosting an awesome Angel event that will be kicking off Monday, so expect my obsessions to be back towards the end of April.

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