Showing posts with label Moscow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moscow. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2007

Better Ballet

Last night we went to see "Swan Lake" ballet, and it was so much better than "the Nutcracker".

Photo: Mike, Nadia, rock star Imane, Mark, Hesook, and Jakob in the nose-bleed balcony at the ballet

I guess from color guard I'm a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things that are supposed to be done in complete unison, and the Nutcracker really wasn't. Swan Lake however, was ridiculous - everything was perfect. I was looking for mistakes! And the guys can jump so high, its amazing, they make it look so easy! Makes me wonder what their feet look like at the end of the night after dancing in toe shoes all night.

We had a really great time, aside from having our knees jammed up against the wall in front of us as we were craning to see the whole stage, since we were on the far right side of the balcony. We went out to a really nice Chinese restaurant afterwards, and before you say, "Chinese?! But you're in Russia!" I have an answer for that. (1) I was told that Chinese food is really good here, and it was; (2) We eat Russian food every day here at the Academy for breakfast and lunch; (3) we were pretty much all in the mood for something that was not pizza. So Chinese was nice, and then we went home, the girls came up to my flat for a drink, which is becoming a bit of a nightly ritual

Photo: Nadia, Mike, and Imane up at my flat for a drink one night.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Rainy Moscow

Its been raining on and off here in Moscow for the past week, and the puddles here don't drain because they are close to the water table, so they just keep getting bigger. Now the puddles are to the point where you can't jump over them, and so you have to tiptoe through them very delicately. And you have to watch out for cars on the street, not because you'll get hit, which you most definitely will, but because if you're anywhere near the street you'll get drenched. So, lesson number 78: bring an umbrella and carry it always.

Then, as a result of so much standing water, you have these lovely vicious mosquitoes that come out around 7, so that you must find shelter or will most certainly be deprived of your blood within a little while, or at the very least you'll walk around scratching yourself like a crack addict/crazy person for the next few days. I've also rubbed about 10 holes in my feet with my shoes, which I had thought were pretty comfortable. But when you walk quickly for long periods of time, a paper bag would start to rub you the wrong way, and I have managed to accomplish this several times. Thank god for bandaids and sneakers.

This is where it pays to read all that miscellaneous info in the guidebooks, because I knew this stuff before I came and am well equipped, now that I have my suitcase. So, be warned of these things in summer if you ever venture over here.

Photo: Nadia, Mike and Jakob on the dreaded Moscow Metro

Getting around by myself has been fine here, even though I was told not to go anywhere by myself, I've kind of had to, and haven't had any problems. Just put on my "metro face" and walked fast! And I still have all my money.

Photo: Nadia, C, and Marijana at the ballet

Since we're students, we can get the cheap seats for only about $6! And I've learned enough Russian at this point that I think I can manage saying "four student tickets please".  Last night I went with 3 of my girlfriends, the ones that rescued me from being stinky and unshowered when my suitcase was MIA, to see The Nutcracker ballet. Verrry interesting. The first act was very kidsy, with a lot of hokey dancing around with presents and simple dances. Not the best stuff, and everyone seemed to agree about this. However the second act was a lot better, I guess they saved their better dancers because they were really good, doing all kinds of crazy jumps consecutively and turns. So there was a definite improvement between the two acts.

But overall it was nice, and we went out for drinks and small plates afterward at this nice Italian restaurant. Now, don't get on me for not going to a Russian restaurant, its hard to find places here just based on addresses, so you kind of have to know where you're going! And there aren't necessarily real Russian restaurants everywhere either. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm in Moscow and I'm alive...

...but there's not much else to report.

I have no suitcase, it got lost by the airline and hasn't been delivered yet. I spent two hours at the lost luggage desk, trying to get a form to fill out in English, and fighting with all the other irate Russians who had missing luggage, before I finally got the paperwork done and stamped. Still not convinced that I did everything I needed to.

I had to wash my jeans in the sink with dish soap last night! I am mooching shower stuff off these great girls I met in the program. At least we get lunch and breakfast here at the academy. 

Basically everything that could go wrong, has. But I'm still alive. The one bright spot - I was put in first class on the flight from DC to Heathrow, because I was traveling alone. But, on the flight from Heathrow to Moscow, when the plane touched down on the runway, all the passengers erupted in applause and cheers....makes me nervous when a normal plane landing is cause for celebration! Moscow is interesting, marketing people go over the top with their ads, giant billboards, and absolutely ridiculously huge building-covering signs, they must be paid really well.  Photo: my posh bathroom where I wash my jeans!