Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bahamas Shenanigans

Just returned from a long weekend in the Bahamas, visiting my fabulous friend Mike. He did such a great job playing host, because from what I do remember, I had the best time ever. Everything else is kind of a blur. This I also blame on Mike, who fed me alcohol like it was his job. That said, here are some highlights from an awesome weekend:

~The welcome drink lasted from 3pm Thursday night until sometime Friday morning. Like I said, fuzzy.

~I climbed over a railing and below a deck to retrieve my fallen purse. Twice. Even though it hadn't fallen that far down. But I remember I had a fun time climbing that railing!

~Got some pre-Sydney ocean training in, all 500m of it. But hey, that's better than nothin'!

~The beach. The sand. The warm clear blue water. Drool.

~Swimming with an actual swimmer and talking shop. Fishies!

~Hot weather. I nearly melted when I got off the plane in Nassau and it was glorious!

~Humidity. It curled my hair so I didn't have to!

~Not having to wear real shoes. Or even shoes at all if I wanted.

~The food: conch fritters, conch salad, lots of conch. Conch fritters at fish fry.

~Talking about anything and everything that popped in my head, no censoring needed. ~Drinking Kaliks and Anejo & gingers.

~The best cold cheese stick I've ever had - perfect hangover food!

~Waking up to the sound of the waves.

~Meeting new people and bonding with Mike. And now I need a vacation to recover from my vacation! Two thumbs up (that left one is behind the delicious Miami Vice daiquiri Mike ordered for me) for Mike and the Bahamas! Thanks for the best time this girl's had in a while. You know my door is always open and the couch/floor/available sleep space is always yours.