Showing posts with label Kirby Larson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirby Larson. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Old Geezers Who Write

I'm starting to think that Kirby Larson and I are the same person.

It's sort of scary all the things we have in common.

We have the same husband and the same son (well, not really, but close....she knows what I mean....)

But, anyway....

I was thinking about inviting her to join my Old Geezers Who Write Club.

But then, maybe she would prefer to be in the Authors Who Will Stay Young and Beautiful and Rich and Skinny Forever Club.

Because, well, she might not be an Old Geezer (like me).

But Old Geezers Who Write sometimes have something in common: arthritis in their thumbs!!!

I have arthritis in my thumb.

And then I found out that Kirby has arthritis in her thumb.

And THEN, she went and recommended....

The Yoropen!!!

And it is so wonderful....

....which is the reason I was thinking she should join my club - and maybe even be President.

And since she found out about the Yoropen from Susan Patron, maybe Susan would want to be in the Old Geezers Who Write Club, too. (But then, maybe she would rather be an Author Who Will Stay Young and Beautiful and Rich and Skinny Forever.)

But, anyway, thank you, Kirby and Susan.

P.S. I also know ANOTHER Old Geezer Who Writes and Also Has Arthritis in Her Thumb (you know who you are, GS) so this club is getting bigger (and G.S., you should totally get this pen!)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mutual Admiration Society

I imagine most of y'all are too young to remember a song called "Mutual Admiration Society."

Alas, I am not.

I used to sing it a lot as a child.

And now I always feel like singing it when I see the name Kirby Larson.

We definitely have a Mutual Admiration Society going on.

I mean, how can I not adore a gal who writes books like Hattie Big Sky and says things like THIS. (You have to click on the podcast. You should certainly listen to the whole thing, but if you've got mashed potatoes on the stove that need to be tended to, you can jump to 7 minutes and 13 seconds, when the good stuff really starts.)

Oh, Kirby, Kirby....if I could send you money, champagne, roundtrip tickets to Europe, or my only son, I would. Instead, I send you a mere hug.)