In an interview with Lisa Yee over at HipWriterMama, Lisa said:
"I always write my endings first and then write my way toward them. It’s always the first 50 pages that cause me the most difficulty. So I overwrite and then cut, cut, cut away."
That sounds absolutely heavenly to me.
I confess that my first reaction was a jealousy so severe I longed to crush Peepy with my bare hands. (You must visit
Lisa's blog to understand that.)
But, fortunately, that feeling was short-lived and I moved on to feeling the love of Lisa for showing me the possibility of a new and heavenly writing process.
Having just come out the other end of a torturous tunnel of hair-tearing, tandrem-inducing, blindly-barreling-through first draft with no vision of the end in sight until the last lap, well, I've decided that from now on, I'm going to write like Lisa Yee.
I'm going to write the ending first.
There, that was easy.
Now, excuse me while I dial up Lisa and find out how the heck she does that....
"Peepy? Oh, hi...Barbara O'Connor here. Is Lisa there?"