Life can be such a challenge, and other days it seems to go off without a hitch. Why is that? Are there days that have better karma than others? Is it MY karma?
I try to be in a sunny disposition 99.9% of the time, I really do. But even when it's bright and sunny in my world, someone always manages to rain on my parade. Must be their karma and not mine! ~L~
Today was good day though, seriously. I kicked it hard on some work projects that I've been pondering on (notice I didn't say "procrastinating"). I had the stereo-radio turned up a little and the songs floating through the airwaves were jammin! I couldn't have picked the play list better. Anyone who knows me, knows that my taste in music is eclectic, to say the least. Much to my heart's delight, they played U2's "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", Eagles, "Hotel California," Blondie's "Heart of Glass," Bon Jovi's "Raise Your Hands", Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Pride and Joy," Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold", right in to Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl," Roxette's "The Look", and Lenny Kravitz' "Bring It On". Good tunes! It was hard to keep from jumping up and start to dance!
I want to give a shout out to two of my nieces - Lisa Marie and Wendi Julaine.
Lisa emailed me today to say that she had read my blogs over lunch and was particularly touched by the blog entries of my parents. I love talking about my parents and have many, many stories that I can relate. They would be touching and memorable to family members, but perhaps not so much to the average blog stalker. However, I am going to make it a point to relay one or two anecdotes of my parents from time to time. In doing so, perhaps you will all get a better understanding of my wicked sense of humor and from whom I inherited it.
My beautiful niece, Wendi, is leaving in a couple of weeks for greener pastures called Washington state. She had originally intended to leave last spring, but due to the flooding and condition of her parents home, decided to postpone her departure. I'm excited for her! She's a bright, intelligent, hard working young woman. I know that she'll do well. As I told her recently in an email, I will miss her greatly. I didn't see her all that often, but it was just the idea that she was around and I could see her that comforted me. I do not have children of my own, but if my heart is aching with the thought of her moving away, I can't imagine what her parents are feeling. So Wendi girl, know that you are loved beyond words.
I took the night off from the gym. (Sorry Levi!) I came home early and made stuffed peppers for supper and started loading a new virus program on to my computer - which is taking forever. (HS Internet can NOT get here fast enough)! I'm on a pretty good streak with working out and I don't want to lose any momentum, but every once in a while the body needs a break! I plan on hitting the gym hard this weekend though.
The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. ~Chinese Proverb
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sometimes it is quite remarkable how things work out - luck, coincidence or divine intervention? You tell me.
Waking up this morning, I realized that I had two appointments scheduled for 4:00pm. After some coffee and a little bit of procrastination, I decided to get ready for the day. As it happened, the phone rang at 8:00am (she usually always calls my cell phone or office phone, but today opted for my home phone) and it was Brooke calling to say she had a cancellation at 3:00 and would I be interested. Yes! Kewl beans! I went to my 3:00pm appointment with her and it ran a little over. I called my 4:00 appointment (by this time it as 4:15pm) and said, "I'm running late! I can either cancel or do a 1/2 hour, which ever you want." She said, "no problem, you're my last appointment for the day, come on over." Wayyyyyyy cool!
In May, my path was crossed with quite a nice, dynamic individual who expressed interest in my yoga classes. Through several conversations, he indicated that he would mention my name to a coach at the college who may be interested in bringing yoga to the campus. Cool!
This same individual brought me the business card of said coach approximately one month ago and said, "he seems interested." Double cool.
This morning I had a meeting with said coach and bringing yoga to the faculty/students of the college seems like a possibility. While visiting with the coach on the way out of the wellness center, he stopped to pick up an id that way laying on a counter. As he was laying it down, a young man walked over and picked it up as the coach and I were walking out the door.
Fast forward to my training appointment with Levi this afternoon (which by the way, kicked my butt! I was whooped when I left). Anywho, as I'm walking in the door, he introduces me to a new trainer that will be shadowing us today. OK! TWO trainers - how great is that??! As I was working out, I discovered that Mark - the new trainer - was the young man in the wellness center retrieving his id this morning.
Hmmmm....very interesting!
Luck, coincidence, or divine intervention??
Waking up this morning, I realized that I had two appointments scheduled for 4:00pm. After some coffee and a little bit of procrastination, I decided to get ready for the day. As it happened, the phone rang at 8:00am (she usually always calls my cell phone or office phone, but today opted for my home phone) and it was Brooke calling to say she had a cancellation at 3:00 and would I be interested. Yes! Kewl beans! I went to my 3:00pm appointment with her and it ran a little over. I called my 4:00 appointment (by this time it as 4:15pm) and said, "I'm running late! I can either cancel or do a 1/2 hour, which ever you want." She said, "no problem, you're my last appointment for the day, come on over." Wayyyyyyy cool!
In May, my path was crossed with quite a nice, dynamic individual who expressed interest in my yoga classes. Through several conversations, he indicated that he would mention my name to a coach at the college who may be interested in bringing yoga to the campus. Cool!
This same individual brought me the business card of said coach approximately one month ago and said, "he seems interested." Double cool.
This morning I had a meeting with said coach and bringing yoga to the faculty/students of the college seems like a possibility. While visiting with the coach on the way out of the wellness center, he stopped to pick up an id that way laying on a counter. As he was laying it down, a young man walked over and picked it up as the coach and I were walking out the door.
Fast forward to my training appointment with Levi this afternoon (which by the way, kicked my butt! I was whooped when I left). Anywho, as I'm walking in the door, he introduces me to a new trainer that will be shadowing us today. OK! TWO trainers - how great is that??! As I was working out, I discovered that Mark - the new trainer - was the young man in the wellness center retrieving his id this morning.
Hmmmm....very interesting!
Luck, coincidence, or divine intervention??
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Oh joy!!
Root canal scheduled for 8:30 am tomorrow morning. What a lovely way to start the day! (sighs). Not only the pain associated with the tooth, but the bill also!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tears in my eyes...
I don't and cannot divulge a whole lot of information about where I work or what goes on inside these walls, but this tore my heart open.
My heart aches for the grandparents of an inmate in the facility. The mail cleark just brought me a letter from a grandparent who is responding -for the last time -to her grandson's wishes that they "be gone from his life" because he has found a new religion while in prison. A religion that unites him in brotherhood with his fellow brothers (inmates) and discourages contact with family who shun this "new found religion."
The grandmother is very gracious and spells out the differences between being a Christian (love, faith, peace), and his being a member of this brotherhood (hate, violence, and fear) and goes on to say that, although they are "dead to him," they will continue to pray for him and love him.
Sad, very sad.....and just a little glimpse of what goes on in the dark world that I work in.
It all comes down to a smile..
I was thinking that rainy days and Mondays always get me down. But today, my day radiated with sunshine all by the flash of a smile by a co-worker and a little good natured joking around. Thank goodness of friends and co-workers.
I'm happy to report that I survived my crazy weekend! The night-time wiffle ball tournament was an absolute blast! People were pretty easy going and there to have a good time- which I'm sure everyone did. I left around midnight so that I could head home and be bright eyed for my free community class on Saturday.
Ten people arrived for the class and it was wonderful to spend the morning doing yoga with them. Some of the beautiful faces were new to me, while others were wonderful souls that I've known before. We didn't do alot of strenuous movement, but enough to get our blood flowing and set the tone for the rest of our weekend. It was fabulous and I thank everyone who attended for sharing their time with me!
I'm hoping that everyone has a great Monday. If not, try putting on a smile and joking around with someone. You'll raise their spirits and also yours in the process.
Friday, September 18, 2009
It's going to be a rough 24 hours!
Although it is Friday, this one is having a bit of anxiety over all of the things on my plate over the next 24 hours!
Somehow, and I don't know how this happened, I was talked in to participating in a "dusk to dawn" whiffle ball tournament! A co-worker (and one of the townspeople where this event is being held) sweet talked me in to coming down to play on one of the "teams" from our facility. I agreed reluctantly by saying, "OK, but I have to be home by 12pm - I have a yoga event to prepare for." He seemed happy with that! He informed me that he wasn't out to win - but to drink beer- and we could very well be done by 10pm! LOL
He and his wife are having a little cookout before hand in appreciation to the people who helped them move furniture during the "flood." I won't be able to attend that as I have a training session with Levi tonight and I know he's gonna put me through my paces. Wednesday night he had me doing some different things that really targeted my core; getting out of bed on Thursday was a challenge, let me tell you! But that is alright, I'm challenging myself and I can see major league results in endurance and strength.
I already informed my brother that I may - or may not - camp out on his deck tonight (in a lawn chair) if I get 1) too tired to drive home OR 2) a little "happy" with the bubbly (not that I plan on getting inebriated, mind you....but one needs alternative plans just in case.). Hubs just laughed at me and said "do what you got to do." He's so use to me coming up with these hair brain things that it doesn't phase him anymore - or at least if it does, he isn't saying anything. ~L~
Tomorrow is another huge day. My free community yoga event is on deck and I need to have all of my ducks in a row for that one. I will be running around today during lunch to pick items up in preparation for the event (as I won't have time to do it after work). I do not know what to expect tomorrow. It could be 1 person or 50 (which is optimistic - but hey! I'm a glass 1/2 full type of gal). :-)
So, the whirlwind begins and my crazy life -as I know it -continues!
I'm hoping I can unwind on Sunday afternoon and catch up with friends and relax.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I LOVE food!!!
Yes, I love food, especially when I don't have to cook it.
The facility is hosting an employee appreciation day today and we were treated to cheeseburgers, chips, and brownies. Although I did the whole cheeseburger thing, my true love was the brownies and chips. I a weakness for sweet, salty and crunchy - and that weakness was tested today! Man were they good!!
Good thing I'm going to train with Levi tonight!!
Have a good day everyone!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Well, my day was shot to hell by 8:30 this morning. On top of that, I spilled coffee on my white slacks.
(Definitely going in to my yoga breath today).
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
September 09, 2009
Another cheater post - this was posted on my yoga blog moments ago. ~S~
The Celebrations have started - yours truly has a birthday today! I've crept a little closer to 50 than I care to admit. Though the calendar says differently, I feel as if I'm in my 20's! Young at heart! ~S~
My celebrations actually started last night, with a beautiful spirit presenting me with a darling water canister and magnet designed by Curly Girl Designs. She and her daughter picked them out for me! Very thoughtful and VERY much appreciated. After a wonderful evening of yoga with my classes, I went home to find that hubs had started dinner. Now THAT was a surprise, and a welcome one at that. ~S~
Today however, is the actual day of my birth. Though I am unsure of the exact time, my sister says it was "in the morning".
So, today at 09:09 am - I jumped up out of my chair, ran around like a crazy woman and proudly proclaimed - "It's my birthday at 09:09 on 09/09/09!" (Much to the delight to my co-workers)! I sure hope there wasn't a camera around! I was on the phone at the time with a close friend and co-worker who called to remind me it was 09:09am! She had actually started my day by calling to sing to me at 7:00am! How thoughtful is that?!
I've heard from 3 of my 5 siblings today, gorged myself on a delicious cherry coffee cake baked by thoughtful co-workers, and received numerous birthday greetings from staff throughout the facility, and a dinner date invitation from my hubster.
Life, on this birthday, is good....
Monday, September 7, 2009
A lack of words today...
I know! How CAN that be possible?! I've been told that I can fill up silence rather nicely - but not today. I have nothing to comment on. Well, I probably do if I sit here long enough; something usually pops in to this brain of mine at one time or another.
I could write about my weekend. Nah! Nothing spectacular happened to write about. Boring, mundane,and quite frankly, typical of my life. NOTHING exciting ever happens to me! No parties, no lottery winnings, no drama, just life on the ranch. NOT that I want drama of course. Sometimes it is just fine to be boring, when you think of the alternatives. Come to think of it, maybe I'll just not whine about being boring! ~L~
So, here I am again on a search for a blog topic.
I could write about organizing my cd collection by genre, artist, and title. (ok, so I'm just a little anal about having order to my music!) ~L~
I have alot of music and tend to forget what I have. I was talking to a friend the other night about the group Tragically Hip and had forgotten that I actually have two of their cd's. I pulled Fully Completely out and rediscovered the song Wheat Kings. Good stuff! Now, if someone could just tell me why in heavens name I purchased the cd of All Saints, I'd be a happy camper! ~L~
Movies! Ahhhhh, that's a topic and I can discuss. I watched The Bodyguard this afternoon. You know, the one with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. Awesome movie but bittersweet. They didn't end up together - in love, but alone. (sighs). The Secret Life of Bees is a movie that I highly recommend. I didn't think I'd enjoy it, but it was well written and the power-house lineup of actresses (Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keyes, and Dakota Fanning) was top-notch. I heard the movie All About Steve is funny and entertaining, so I'll probably just have to go to that when it hits town...IF it hits town.
Food! A subject I know and love! Well - I'm on this diet (snorts, yeahhhhhh right!) I am sooooo in love with chocolate chip muffins it's not even funny! Ohhhhhh, and you know what else is good?? Put peanut butter on it! OMG,can you say orgasmic??! (Well, not really, but hey - it's pretty darn close!)
Fingernail polish! I have this color called "Color Me Passion" - it has become my new favorite. It's not a wine, nor is it pink, but a gentle blend of plum and rose I'd say. I want to know who thinks up the names to the polish? OPI has some fabulous colors and the names they give them is outrageous! Seriously, they have one called, "What is this color again?" In my next life, I want to name the fingernail polish!
Aromatherapy! Have you smelled Gain laundry detergent lately? Om My Gosh! I could just sit and breathe in that fabulous scent all day. And now they make a fabric softner too! How cool is that?! Kind of makes doing laundry pleasant (Looks around to see who typed that!)
Well, it appears that I've now filled the silence and I'm rambling. I'll take my leave of this blog, hoping that everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend spent relaxing, enjoying family, or reconnecting with friends.
I could write about my weekend. Nah! Nothing spectacular happened to write about. Boring, mundane,and quite frankly, typical of my life. NOTHING exciting ever happens to me! No parties, no lottery winnings, no drama, just life on the ranch. NOT that I want drama of course. Sometimes it is just fine to be boring, when you think of the alternatives. Come to think of it, maybe I'll just not whine about being boring! ~L~
So, here I am again on a search for a blog topic.
I could write about organizing my cd collection by genre, artist, and title. (ok, so I'm just a little anal about having order to my music!) ~L~
I have alot of music and tend to forget what I have. I was talking to a friend the other night about the group Tragically Hip and had forgotten that I actually have two of their cd's. I pulled Fully Completely out and rediscovered the song Wheat Kings. Good stuff! Now, if someone could just tell me why in heavens name I purchased the cd of All Saints, I'd be a happy camper! ~L~
Movies! Ahhhhh, that's a topic and I can discuss. I watched The Bodyguard this afternoon. You know, the one with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. Awesome movie but bittersweet. They didn't end up together - in love, but alone. (sighs). The Secret Life of Bees is a movie that I highly recommend. I didn't think I'd enjoy it, but it was well written and the power-house lineup of actresses (Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keyes, and Dakota Fanning) was top-notch. I heard the movie All About Steve is funny and entertaining, so I'll probably just have to go to that when it hits town...IF it hits town.
Food! A subject I know and love! Well - I'm on this diet (snorts, yeahhhhhh right!) I am sooooo in love with chocolate chip muffins it's not even funny! Ohhhhhh, and you know what else is good?? Put peanut butter on it! OMG,can you say orgasmic??! (Well, not really, but hey - it's pretty darn close!)
Fingernail polish! I have this color called "Color Me Passion" - it has become my new favorite. It's not a wine, nor is it pink, but a gentle blend of plum and rose I'd say. I want to know who thinks up the names to the polish? OPI has some fabulous colors and the names they give them is outrageous! Seriously, they have one called, "What is this color again?" In my next life, I want to name the fingernail polish!
Aromatherapy! Have you smelled Gain laundry detergent lately? Om My Gosh! I could just sit and breathe in that fabulous scent all day. And now they make a fabric softner too! How cool is that?! Kind of makes doing laundry pleasant (Looks around to see who typed that!)
Well, it appears that I've now filled the silence and I'm rambling. I'll take my leave of this blog, hoping that everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend spent relaxing, enjoying family, or reconnecting with friends.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Let the Fun Begin!
I'm cheating, I just posted this on my yoga blog..... thought I'd kill two birds with one post! ~LOL~
Good morning everyone! I don't know about all of you, but I'm supper pumped that 1) it is Friday 2) it's JEANS Friday 3) it's the start to the long weekend 4) it's going to be gorgeous weather! Rock on! ~L~
Ok, I just finished eating 1/2 of a peanut butter chocolate pastry and I'm on a little bit of a sugar rush - but gosh darnit, I'm just so excited I can hardly contain myself ~LOL~
Seriously, I hope everyone is as excited about the weekend as I am at this moment.
I don't have tons of plans for this weekend other than to hit the gym every day (we'll see if I follow through on that), do yoga every morning (I know I won't have a problem with this one), do a little "light" housework, catch up on posting on the blogs, bookwork/advertising projects, and find time in there to watch a movie or read a book, and catch up with friends. No plans whatsoever! ~L~
Fall is definitely in the air these days. The trees are turning beautiful colors, the nights turn cool as soon as the sun goes down (great sleeping weather if the windows are open) and harvesting of crops is getting in to full pace now even although it is later this year than normal.
For those of you who do not know it, fall is my absolute favorite time of year!!! I could live with this weather all year long actually. One of my ultimate goals is to visit the New England states during the height of the fall colour season. I think it would be spectacular. They have bus tours going every year and one of these years I'll be on one of them. Even though they are technically "Senior Citizen" tours, I think I'd have loads of fun. Seniors are a riot! And, I figure I could earn some spending money by carrying their luggage for them and dispensing medications! ~chuckles~
Anywho - you all have a great day and Labor Day holiday weekend!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Well this sucks!!!
I have an abscessed tooth, and it doesn't feel pleasant at all.
I have a pretty high pain tolerance and can withstand quite a bit, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. I'm also extremely nervous that the long holiday weekend is coming up. I'm NOT going to go the weekend without pain meds.
C''s hard enough to find a dentist (no offense Dr. JJ) on a normal weekend, let alone a holiday weekend.
Antibiotics don't seem to be kicking in either, so I'm thinking I'll need a stronger dosage or a different antibiotic altogether.
I'm not even going to go in to the expense of an abscessed tooth - that makes it all the more painful.
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