Friday, September 25, 2009


Sometimes it is quite remarkable how things work out - luck, coincidence or divine intervention? You tell me.

Waking up this morning, I realized that I had two appointments scheduled for 4:00pm. After some coffee and a little bit of procrastination, I decided to get ready for the day. As it happened, the phone rang at 8:00am (she usually always calls my cell phone or office phone, but today opted for my home phone) and it was Brooke calling to say she had a cancellation at 3:00 and would I be interested. Yes! Kewl beans! I went to my 3:00pm appointment with her and it ran a little over. I called my 4:00 appointment (by this time it as 4:15pm) and said, "I'm running late! I can either cancel or do a 1/2 hour, which ever you want." She said, "no problem, you're my last appointment for the day, come on over." Wayyyyyyy cool!

In May, my path was crossed with quite a nice, dynamic individual who expressed interest in my yoga classes. Through several conversations, he indicated that he would mention my name to a coach at the college who may be interested in bringing yoga to the campus. Cool!

This same individual brought me the business card of said coach approximately one month ago and said, "he seems interested." Double cool.

This morning I had a meeting with said coach and bringing yoga to the faculty/students of the college seems like a possibility. While visiting with the coach on the way out of the wellness center, he stopped to pick up an id that way laying on a counter. As he was laying it down, a young man walked over and picked it up as the coach and I were walking out the door.

Fast forward to my training appointment with Levi this afternoon (which by the way, kicked my butt! I was whooped when I left). Anywho, as I'm walking in the door, he introduces me to a new trainer that will be shadowing us today. OK! TWO trainers - how great is that??! As I was working out, I discovered that Mark - the new trainer - was the young man in the wellness center retrieving his id this morning.

Hmmmm....very interesting!

Luck, coincidence, or divine intervention??

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