Wednesday, March 29, 2017


There are songs that are just too beautiful not to share.  I played this in both my classes tonight during final relaxation.  More than one student asked who was the artist.  Eva Cassidy.  


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

It's Been Awhile

I've been doing better with moods and anxiety.  I've tried hard to not get wound up in thoughts and worries about things, events or people I have no control over.  It's taken a LOT of self talk, deep breathing and exercise to get me there.

Then...BAM!..I have a day like today.

Totally threw me for a loop.  I felt like I was derailing in slow motion...powerless to stop the downward spiral.  I can't tell you what started the whole thing, but a conversation I was having didn't help matters.

I had to walk away.  I had to breathe and let go...but it wasn't working.   I actually sat in my space and teared up.  I threw on some oils, which did help for a least until I could get to the gym.

Nick  (trainer) saw it immediately.  He's seen it before.  He didn't give me time to think.....all I did was sweat.   It always does.  Until I'm alone with my thoughts again.

I just took a hot bath...and I'll hit the bed in a few minutes.   I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

To Do Lists

I always have grandiose ideas of everything I'm going to get accomplished on the weekends.  Then reality sets in. 

I took Friday off from work - but quickly realized that this was a day that was not conducive to productivity.  Gym time, a reflexology appointment, lunch with sisters and a nail appointment took up the entire day.   That's alright....I deserve days like that.  

Saturday saw two yoga classes, then major league house cleaning and laundry.   I have been a bit neglectful of the house due to other obligations.   I knew I had to get on top of it this weekend as the next two weekends I won't have time due to being out of town. 

It was kind of fun though - because as I was cleaning, the annual Running of the Green participants literally went by my house.  Talk about entertaining!    Hundreds attend each year and it's quite the event.    I picked Blaine up from work at 5:00 pm and the first thing he said is, "Can we stop down at the Elks and see Auntie Peggy?"    No problem Blaine!.   It was packed, but it was fun.  I saw quite a few people that I know.  And Blaine knows everybody.  lol   He had a burger and a couple of beers...talked with some friends, then came to find me to go home.   I was actually quite surprised as I thought he'd want to stay longer.   He said he was tired and wanted to go home and relax.   But...he already put me on notice.  Next year WE are doing the Run.   Uh huh....Ok Blaine. 

Today I met my best friend at Anytime Fitness at 930 for some cardio.  I came home and did another load of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, took the 4Runner to get gas, scored a major sale at JC Penny's (I'm incredibly sad that this store will be closing in June!), and just finished some bookwork. 

I should tackle the remnants of the farmhouse, which is stored in the garage.  But I just don't have it in me.  I'm now relaxing....updating my blog and truly watching a bit of television.   Nothing strenuous today. 

So, my To Do lists are going to have to wait for a few more weeks.  And that's alright.  

Oh...and blog stalkers....,my medical tests came back fine. :)



Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday Night

Here it is, 9:53 pm on a Tuesday night.  I just finished a hot soak in the tub.  Quiet time for reflect on the day and it's happenings.

In a nutshell....not much.  lol

Woke up uber early and just wasn't feeling the day at all.  It made me dream of being independently  wealthy and not having to be anywhere or do anything except what I really wanted to do.  No worries, no obligations, no stress.   Then I got to thinking....well shit...that isn't going to happen no sense dreaming about it.  

Then I got to thinking about dreams.  A good friend once told me, "Never stop might get lucky someday."

Which got me thinking about luck.  Are we really lucky?  Or is the Universe at play and it gives us what we really need at just the right time.

Which lead me to thinking about timing...or, specifically...bad timing.  Bad luck?  Bad Timing?  Or, there again...the Universe has it's hand and gives us what we need (or not).

I know...all this as I'm showering.  (Virgo mind at work, people!).  

So I got dressed, pour myself a cup of ambition, loaded my arms with the multitude of bags needed to get me through the day (gym bag, lunch bag, purse) and headed out to work.  

My favorite song is Don't Stop Believing by Journey.  

Guess as long as I can Dream....and Believe....maybe the Universe will smile on me.  :)

Until's time for bed so I  can get up and think about something else while I get ready for work.  

Night Night.


Sunday, March 12, 2017


It's a necessary evil in life and or seems like it's all I've been doing lately.

Today was Blaine's day off.  I went to his apartment at 10ish and visited with him over a cup of coffee and some breakfast Pizza.  We discussed our plan of attack and set out to tackle it. 

I'm SO proud of him!  He's been working hard to keep up with dishes and garbage.   He is taking pride in his apart now, which I hoped he would.  I keep stressing to him that the more he does on his own, the less it cuts on to "Our" time.   Today it took us only 1 hour to clean.  Positive reinforcement = progress!

We celebrated with lunch and a beer ..then I came home to do my own house.  I did a load of laundry and prepped three meals for the week.   It feels good to be a bit on top of things.

Tonight, I'm all about relaxing.  I'm fried....physically,  emotionally and mentally.   I'm enjoying some of the simpler things ...then headed to bed. Early.  (And no! I am NOT old!).

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


The last few years, March has been a big Change month for me.  The Changes have been significant ones in my life. 

In 2015, T decided to buy his mother's house, which led to a year long renovation process.

In 2016, I started the whole process of packing up and starting to move items in to town every weekend.

Now, in 2017, I've been doing the final purging of unwanted items from the farmhouse and, this last weekend, power cleaned it to get ready for sale.

I had set aside the first three weekends to clean. But my dear, wonderful friend Donna offered to help.  We power cleaned Saturday and did six rooms...everything but the kitchen.

I took Blaine to work at 11:30 on Sunday then headed to the farm.  I cleaned from 12 until 630pm.  As I had the music playing, windows  open, I was very nostalgic.  T lived there since 1968; I moved there in1989. A lot of memories in that old house. 

The final walk through each room, standing on the deck and hearing the country sounds and seeing the view for the last time was difficult. But driving away was worse.  I wept.  The emotions, the finality ...hit me hard. 

I loved living in the country.

But that chapter is coming to a close.

March....a month of change.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Here I am, home, sick - again.  I had a procedure done at the hospital yesterday that required anesthesia.   The procedure turned out ok, I think (still waiting for test results).  I felt like crap yesterday (headache and nauseous); today isn't going any better.   My headache is leaning towards the migraine status.  When the nurse called to check up on me from yesterday's procedure, I asked her if this is a reaction to the anesthesia.  She said that in all likelihood, it was.   Her recommendation was to hydrate, get plenty of  rest and take Tylenol (or Imitrix if it turns to Migraine)  as needed .  I'm already on it. 
Today is about lots of naps, watching Netflix (Heartland), drinking my weight in water and taking it easy. 
In truth, I'm not complaining; I  needed to downshift.

And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...