Tuesday, March 28, 2017

It's Been Awhile

I've been doing better with moods and anxiety.  I've tried hard to not get wound up in thoughts and worries about things, events or people I have no control over.  It's taken a LOT of self talk, deep breathing and exercise to get me there.

Then...BAM!..I have a day like today.

Totally threw me for a loop.  I felt like I was derailing in slow motion...powerless to stop the downward spiral.  I can't tell you what started the whole thing, but a conversation I was having didn't help matters.

I had to walk away.  I had to breathe and let go...but it wasn't working.   I actually sat in my space and teared up.  I threw on some oils, which did help for a bit...at least until I could get to the gym.

Nick  (trainer) saw it immediately.  He's seen it before.  He didn't give me time to think.....all I did was sweat.   It helped...it always does.  Until I'm alone with my thoughts again.

I just took a hot bath...and I'll hit the bed in a few minutes.   I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Well Sherry, I don't know what put you down (and don't need to know because it's private) but all I can say is hopefully your "tomorrows" will indeed be better, much better. Time eventually does heal things (in most cases). Just remember: usually those who hurt us are the ones with the problem (not ourselves) but it is how we receive their attitude and then process it internally that is usually the real cause of our deepest hurt. The old saying "water off a duck's back" actually does have meaning. We can never please everyone in this life. Don't even try. All we can do is strive to "please" ourselves internally, no matter what the situation. Just looking at the big picture and not sweating the small stuff - right? Hang in there blog lady. Keep smiling.

And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...