Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Healing Help from the Thunder God

This was written for someone who has been feeling very disconnected spiritually and is no longer finding comfort in nature, since a recent operation. It is something you can adapt for yourself though, to help with feelings of resentment, anger & bitterness etc

K had her thyroid removed a few months back, and though she has recovered well physically, she has been feeling like something is missing, that she isn't 'whole' anymore. I've been giving distant Reiki & she has been working through things so that it's not such a burning issue all the time.

Every time I connect with K for healing, I see Thor with a bolt of lightening... I'm sure the lightening is  important, a key to her healing, but so far I haven't been able to understand the message. It's about direct action, cutting through the crap, getting to the heart of the matter.... but I was still missing where to aim at. Until this morning when I had a very real experience of this visualisation...

See yourself walking across a barren hillside, the skiy is damp, grey & miserable …  keep walking…walking away from everything behind you…. Away from home, family, friends, work… anyone & anything you’re involved with… keep walking, climbing upwards… as the landscape gets emptier & the wind gets wilder… you have to bend forward against the wind as it whips around you… keep going until you get to a high point where there is nothing else in sight apart from cold open moors… no trees, just hard scrubby, stony ground….  stop and turn slowly round… a full circle, seeing nothing but bleak emptiness… just cold greyness…  all alone with the wind whipping around … straight through you….  watch the sky darken as rain starts to lash down… you’re as miserable as you can be as the rain turns to sleet & hail… stinging against your face & pounding into the stony barren ground….
[spend some time feeling this & pause at each following part to 
really feel & sense what is going on] 

Straighten your body …. Pull yourself up till you’re standing tall…. Plant your feet firmly & feel them growing down into the ground…. Hold your arms out low to your sides, palms up…. As your roots take a firmer grip into the earth…. Feel them stretching down & down to the warmth of the core… The wind & hail are still whipping around you but you can feel the warmth & energy slowly creeping up your roots into your feet… pumped by Gaia’s heartbeat… filling your feet… ankles… up to your legs…. and every part of your body...

Feel the molten earth energy steadily surging upwards, and as it slowly moves up your body throw back your head to the skies & raise your arms, raising the energy around you… let it fill your body & mind … as you stand with your arms outstretched the wind increases & thunder clouds boil overhead…

The cold & numbness leave your body but as the wind increases tempo you feel the warmth within you swirling round, rumbling inside you, also increasing… molten, volcanic energy surging around your body… it needs feeding…. Start throwing all those angry feelings into the volcano within you… anger, resentment, fear, bitterness…. Every emotion you have felt surrounding your operation… before, during & after…

For this next bit, it’s important that you use feelings that YOU have/had/feel… not words I’m putting into your mind… I’m just going through things that came to me, but they’re not necessarily yours, so throw them out & draw on your feelings…

The worries & pain… the acceptance… the fears & tears, the pragmatic well it has to be’s… name them as you throw them in… every symptom… the thought of cancer… the relief it wasn’t… the anger it wasn’t & there was no need to lose a part of you… the feelings of loss, grief for what isn’t there… the bitterness… the defective gland, the thought you could have corrected it, should have been able to, the anger it didn’t do it’s job… the frustration of not ‘getting over it’… the frustration at the surgeon not understanding… of other people… certain people not understanding

Keep throwing things in til you can’t think of any more… stand there in the wind & rain with thunder rumbling around you as the volcano consumes your hurts… the clouds are almost as black as night now & a storm is raging… cast around for more hurts… the feelings connected to your family…anyone... past or present…. anger, resentment, sadness… all of it… throw them into the volcano… scream, shout, swear, curse…. All of them, throw anything… everything in… feel it raging as you you feed it, demanding more… it wants more… more hurt, more pain, more anger, more bitterness…. Always more… you drag things up desperately feeding the boiling furnace…

You start to feel desperate as you clutch at more & more petty things to throw in… where’s Thor, why isn’t he helping…. Where’s Frigg, what use is she being… the thunder is getting louder… lightening is slashing through the skies… all around you…. Getting closer…. You’re on your knees now … exhausted, pitiful, wounded, cold, sniveling, pathetic…

[I think you really have to act this bit out & feel the emotion running through you]
If you are uncomfortable with the idea of Thor & Frigg, they can be replaced by who or whatever is appropriate for you... or maybe you'd prefer to use the elements alone...

You look up… Thor is just standing… looking… not saying anything…. Frigg is sitting to one side of you looking really sad… you get mad now… at them… at yourself…. You’re begging, pleading for help… screaming at them to do something… Thor asks “what do you want”…. You say ‘”me… I want me back”“what? I can’t hear you”You shout “Me.. I want [your name] back”Stand up & shout it again… louder… and again... louder Thor raises his hand & throws… lightening and thunder explode simultaneously around you… through you…. The volcano erupts… all you see is flash of brightness…. Then silence… stillness… Just stand there a while before you open your eyes to see clouds receding…. Breathe deeply the scent of rain after a storm & feel a shaft of sunlight break through & hit your back… feel the warmth spreading through you as you look around… You’re still on the same wide-open hillside, but you notice sparkles of quartz in the stones… and little patches of tiny flowers growing here n there… and just over there… can you see it… a little sapling… it’s not very tall but it’s standing straight & proud, raindrops hanging off it’s little branches glistening in the sun…. maybe it’s a rowan or hawthorn, maybe a pine or birch, they often survive on a wild hillside… maybe it’s some other type that has managed to take root, but you’ll recognize it… gently draw back the roots that anchored you in one spot and wander over to have a closer look… Whatever tree it is, it’s a symbol of new growth… of resilience… strength. It’s the tree that will help you re-connect…

I'd be really interested to here how effective this is for any one that tries it. Or if you would like help in adapting this to your own needs you are welcome to contact me. Please leave a comment or email healing.whispers at

Tuesday 15 March 2011

A Blanket of Comfort for Japan

May we join together in our thoughts... sending healing, love & calm across the ethers...

May those threads of energy twist together, forming ever stronger strands... weaving together with the thoughts of others across the world and beyond...
forming a healing blanket... infused with love & calm & hope...
Let us spread that blanket over japan & the ocean where the effects of the earthquake are felt....
A blanket of comfort & calm... gently soothing the Earth... absorbing the anguish & pain... gently transmuting them into loving, peaceful energy... a blanket of calm gently soothing & settling the tremors... feel the earth's heart beating steadily once more... calmed by the blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm... gently settling the ocean... absorbing the anger & fear... transmuting them into loving peaceful energy... quelling the tidal reactions.... feel the ocean breathing easy once more, soothed by the blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm.... settling over the nuclear reactors.... gathering in the radiation... absorbing it into the strands.... gently soothing & transmuting.... settling unstable energy... converting it to loving, positive energy.... feel that power reigning in... calmed under a blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm... surrounding the people... absorbing their shock & grief, their fears & uncertainties.... comforting & healing... scattered emotions & physical pain... all being absorbed... and transmuted through the strands of our blanket... into loving positive energy... see them renewed with love & hope & strength... comforted under a blanket of love...
See the blanket growing.... boosted by every thought... every energy transference... see it extending out around the world... tucking it in around everyone affected... around creatures of land & sea & air... a blanket that never wears thin... a blanket that renews & heals & grows...
settling itself over the world.... calming & loving... comforting & healing... people in every walk of life... gently reassuring & encouraging... helping more & more people to breathe easy & feel their connection....

...& feel free to share this...

Friday 11 June 2010

For the Oil Outpouring

Are you helping or adding to it?.... please resist the urge to judge & utter recriminations, there is time for that later & plenty will do it anyway. If you feel horror, panic or distress, please consciously try to turn it around into hope, focus & strength... send positive thoughts to those actively working in the area... to those working for a solution, to those rescuing wildlife, to those directly affected so far, to the creatures, the plants, the water, etc etc......
Intention works...
 it has been shown time & again both in the scientific world & the spiritual. Visualise the wound closing, healing... the flow of oil from it being plugged... clear, healthy waters returning. Send energy to stem the flow & see it happening as often as you can throughout the day.... every time you boil the kettle...wash up... go to the loo... wait in a queue... once you have the picture in your mind it gets easier to recall the more you try.... associate it with the simple things you do. Actively help.

Here’s a vizualisation/meditation... you can expand on it or you can use parts of it at any time... spend as much time as you need on each part...
 ...set your scene... gather whatever tools or symbols you need to aid your focus & direct energy... perhaps a bowl of water with a floating candle would be appropriate here... crystals, stones... earth energy is vital.... connect to the Earth in whatever way you choose, either literally or through visualization... 
See yourself in a place where you connect to the Earth... sitting against a tree, whose roots go deep into the Earth... on a boulder that reaches far into the ground... on a mountain, in a forest, it doesn’t matter, wherever you connect... connect... feel yourself becoming one with the Earth.... feel her steady resolve... feel the heartbeat...
Be part of it...
Take yourself to the source of the out-pouring... feel yourself rising through the earth on the ocean floor... Be there... see the turbulence where the oil meets the ocean... don’t panic, just observe... watch, feel... until you are fully present.... until you are fully part of it... 
Arc of light...
Feel the energy of the earth building in you... moving through you...  building... expanding... when you can contain it no longer, when you are tingling with energy, shoot out a beam of light (i’m seeing gold, but use whatever colour you choose)... straight out, up through the turbulence of the out-pouring.... see it arc above you... a streak of golden brilliance.... see it expand outwards... forming a canopy of light high above you... golden light extending in a brilliant dome that reaches out & down... around... as far as you can see... gradually extending down until it meets the ocean floor in all directions.... See the light forming a dome over the open wound on the sea-bed... holding the turbulence within....
Hold it there a while.... letting the energy, the heart-beat, pulse through you... through the oil & water... around the sides of the dome of light... hold the turbulence within... breathe calm into the waters until the turbulence settles... breathe calm... breathe....until the oil knows it is contained... 
Close the dome....
Then gradually draw the dome of light closer.... see it coming closer... down & in.... easing the oil back into the earth.... gently... slowly... contract the dome of light... keep it going... down & down until you are back within the earth... back into safety... and the golden light is sealing the gash in the earth’s crust....
Heal the wound...
Visualize the wound above you healing.... light & earth melding... closing the gap.... see it closing.... see it healing...until you are sealed safely in the Womb of the Earth... relax... you are safe in the arms of the earth.... rest a while.... breathe.... relax & breathe until you feel it is done.... then slowly come back to the place you started.... feel the warmth of the sun & a gentle breeze... hear water trickling somewhere nearby.... & know that all is well.....
Please share this... let us use the web to spread a web of love & hope... encourage as many as possible to actively help with energy & intention... and add to the energy of others around the world to repair the tears in the web of life... 

Thursday 18 March 2010

Water Healing Ceremony...

 Dr Masuro Emoto has experimented widely on the effect of projected thoughts on water crystals. The effects are stunning and can be seen his website here or just search you tube for amazing videos....

"To Those Whose Body Is Mainly Composed Of WATER:

I am Masaru Emoto, a missionary of water and an author of "Message from Water" and "The Hidden Messages in Water".
Recently, many forums and conferences have been organized with water as its main theme. Yet, most of them are focusing only the physical aspect of water.
However, in addition to the physical body, we have the mind (and spirit).
We have learned from water itself, through "Message from Water", that water is not only essential to our body but also it has an intimate relationship to our mind.
In other words, water is the mirror to reflect our mind.
As a matter of fact, we believe that the abnormal weather conditions such as floods and droughts and natural disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes are caused by the pollution of water on Earth, which in turn is ultimately brought by the distortion and disharmony in our mind, thoughts and emotions.
Other serious problems in politics, economy, education, medicine and so on are also concerned with the mind of our collective consciousness, and therefore it can be said that water is ultimately involved in all of those problems.

Don't you think that we can take a step toward the solution of these water-related problems by considering the aspect of water which is connected with our mind, thoughts and emotions?
For this purpose, we have decided to hold "Water & Peace" Global Forum 2010 at Lake Biwa, Mother Lake in Japan, on March 20 to 22 (March 22 is the World Water Day declared by the United Nations)."

Our main water ceremony will be at 18:25 to 19:10
on March 22 (World Water Day) in Japan Standard Time.
You can use the following site to convert it to your local time.

Perhaps you would like to add your healing thoughts to the ceremony (10.25am uk time). If the time is inconvenient, you can always do your bit earlier, setting your intention that they arrive at the required time, or that they join with the people taking part at Lake Biwa. If you havn't tried projecting healing over time or distance why not give it a go? It's all about intention & 'knowing' that the energy will go where you ask, when you ask. Just relax & try it... feel it working... feel it flowing... just know....

You may choose to visualise a spiral, spinning out healing energy to where it is needed.... or pure bright light... maybe a rainbow of loving, healing energy arcing over the water.... or visualise water crystals being charged with peace & love... or sit beside water, or hold some in a vessel in your hands, concentrating on the flow of healing to all the waters of the world.... and those with knowledge of the Reiki symbols can use them... why not comment & add your ideas?

Sunday 10 May 2009

The Reiki Precepts- The Gokai

While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others & Dr Usui (who founded Reiki) recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.

The ‘Gokai’ are a set of five principles that Sensei Usui considered to be at the heart of Reiki. I have seen/heard several variations, but it is the sense of the words that is important rather than the exact translation.
Here is a translation that is pretty close to the original…

The Gokai

"The secret method of inviting blessings,
the spiritual medicine of many illnesses
(Shôfuku no hihô, Manbyo no rei yaku)

Just for today
(Kyo dake wa):
Don't get angry (Okoru na)
Don't worry (Shinpai su na)
Be grateful (Kansha shite)
Work hard (Gyo wo hage me)
Be kind to others (Hito ni shinsetsu ni)

Mornings and evenings sit in the gassho [prayer] position
and repeat these words out loud and in your heart

(Asa you gassho shite kokoro ni neji kuchi ni tonaeyo)
For the improvement of mind and body
(Shin shin kaizen)

Usui Spiritual Healing Method (Usui Reiki Ryoho)
The founder, Mikao Usui (Chossô, Usui Mikao)"

This is a page from a journal I made for a young girl after her first attunement. You can see more pages over at Spirit Whispers in the post entitled "A Reiki Journal"

These words are from earlier texts of the Meiji Emperor, and are not exclusive to Reiki- to me, they are principles for everyone to live by. Even if you don’t repeat them morning & evening, I think it is important to run the words through your mind often… preferably everyday.

The act of sitting silently in prayer or meditation daily, even for a short while can be so beneficial... calming, healing, inspiring, uplifting... I like to use the Gokai as a meditation. Make yourself comfortable and take long, slow, deep breaths.... as you breathe in say/think "Just for today..." as you breathe out say "I will not be angry..." continue through, breathe in...Just for today... breathe out... I will not worry... go through the whole thing.

Repeat a few times until really relaxed, then visualise energising white light pouring down & filling your body.... every, bone, muscle, vein... everywhere through you... feel it filling you with healing energy. Imagine it spreading out from your body into your aura.... into the room... if you want keep it going through the house, down the road... to the village, town, whole country... the world if you like.... spreading pure white healing light for the benefit of everyone it touches.

When you are ready, pull the light that is in your aura back into your body, take deep breaths until you feel 'back to normal' & give thanks.... that energy will stay with you.