Showing posts with label My Path. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Path. Show all posts

Monday 4 May 2009

Where did I Start?

I truly believe that everyone has the ability to heal… I think it’s something that we have ‘forgotten’. It’s there within our psyche, but for many it is laying there, dormant, unrecognised- just waiting for the conditions to be right in order to flourish.

Luckily, throughout time, there have always been people with that gift… a natural ability to help people heal. Depending on the society in which they have lived that gift may have been encouraged or quashed, respected or feared, used or abused… but it has always been there, a spark of light, an inspiration that has eventually given rise to a world-wide increase in people actively seeking a healing path.

For me, that path gradually opened up… there was no particular event or book that set me on my way. I can’t say that I’ve always been interested or had ability, but equally I can’t say that I had no interest or inkling. Looking back, I can remember situations or conversations that show maybe I did ‘know’, but not consciously & I certainly did not pursue it. Having said that I have always been able to “will-away” pain, and I know many people can, even though they would not consider ‘healing’ in any form or fashion.

Sometimes when someone was ill or in pain, I’d automatically put my hands or rub where it hurt, & often they felt better…. But this was an unconscious action- when I consciously thought about it or offered to see if I could help, nothing happened! It was that instinctive action, like a mother soothing a baby or rubbing better some knock or scrape to her child.

I met a Reiki Master in the course of my business & ‘knew’ it was something I was going to do. It didn’t happen straight away & with a different Master, but as often seems to happen with me, the opportunity presented itself & I took it.

Receiving that first attunement to Reiki was like receiving permission to heal. As much as learning about a technique, it gave me that key to access a latent ability. Like I said at the beginning of this post, I think everyone has that ability; it is just a matter of finding the right key. For me it was Reiki, for others it may be as simple as giving themselves permission.

It is all about intention, & I think this applies to many of us in many areas of our lives… Setting an intention, being clear about what we want to achieve, and then giving ourselves permission to realise it are important aspects, whether it is something physical, mental or emotional.