Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

carmel apple cider time

the last couple days
ive had the mornings off.
and where have i been and what have i been doing?
ive been at barnes and nobles
editing my pants off.
sipping carmel apple cider, my fav.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ladies man

me: so christian, who do you sit next to at lunch?
c: i sit next to alexis.
me: oh fun. how come you dont sit next to your guy friends?
c: because alexis is as sweet as a pumkin.
c: but i cant ever tell her that because then
she'll have a huge crush on me.
me: i love you christian.
then my heart melted.

Friday, September 17, 2010

some like it brown

a whim , a trip to the beauty supply store and a late night...

i love it!
oh and im wearing sunglasses because
i am soooooo stinkin tired
i have the WORST bags under my eyes.
they dont call it beauty sleep for nothin.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

new cards!

long time no blog for reals.
ive been so busy living
and trying not to be overwhelmed by life.
but thats summer for you right?
i got my new cards the other day
and i must say i like them a lot more
than my old ones.
my sister did my little logo.
i love it :)
and of coarse it looks better in real life.

ive been running like a mad woman
and yay for new running shoes!!
no more sore knees!!
im ready for coopers run
its not to late to sign up...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i smell cookies

i guess this is what happens when you steal
your bosses cookie.
{last summer}
and he wont let it go.
i find things like this on my desk.
i like cookies
so sue me.

and this is why i have crossed over to the dark side
and got a gym membership.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i need new glasses

i really do.
christian snapped mine in half.
while cruisin the net at work looking for some
awesome frames
i found this campaign ad.
love it.
out of my price range though.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


mom the offer is still there...
you can come out and help me...
you can even stay as long as youd like...

images from we heart it

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what to do. what to do.

im at a crossroads.
go back to school for what im super passionate about
or something that is job security...
both are very important
especially when im not just supporting myself.

what do you think?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

dont get pinched

green is my favorite color

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

fast food nation

so right now we are without a kitchen sink
and walls.
i still have the fridge in tact
but thats about it.
im not complaining
i couldnt be more happy
or excited about it!
its just that we are going
to be on take out status for a while.
and will be having picnics
in the living room.
{ill probably need to get the carpets cleaned after the kitchen is done}
im not to excited about the idea
of eating out.
but luckily there are some yummy healthy
take out places around.
my favorite is jasons deli.
its so good, i love it.
they use mostly organic ingredients
like their kids pizza
and mac n cheese is organic.
and my kids looooooooove their
fruit cups and steamed veggies.
i would order out there every night
while we are remodeling
if i could afford it.
where are some other good
semi healthy places to eat?
not mcdonalds or wendys or taco bell.

*im having a giveaway this friday!!*

Sunday, February 14, 2010

sweet sweet romance

this is how i spent my valentines...

i borrowed christians safety goggles
and toolbags.

got a little aggression out
i could have done that all day long!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


im planning on taking my little turkey
to disneyland for his birthday.
i cant wait!
did you hear about
give a day get a disney day?
im all set up with mine.
its gonna help me afford it
and itll be fun to do a little service
with christian.

Monday, February 8, 2010

im soooooo over vampires *warning viewer descretion advised*

i think the new hot thing in town is zombies.
thank goodness cause i done hate
edward, bella, and jacob.
i know i have offended many with that comment.

redboxed zombieland saturday night,
then when i went to bed
i opened my book
and thought it was super funny
that im reading a book about zombies as well.
had a little overload of gore and guts.
im random.
i know.
{why is woody harrelson so rad?}

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

time for tea?

while the kids were with their dad
over the weekend i went to ikea
with my sisters.
and going to ikea without kids is the BEST!
you can take your sweet time
and look at everything.
i got darby a new tea set and table
then set it up with some cake bites
the day they were coming home.
and yes had to take a billion pictures.
both darby and christian were so excited.
and we have had a tea party
just about every night.