Thursday, February 06, 2003

The Hillbilly in Brooklyn (henceforth known as the Brooklyn Hillbilly) brought up an interesting topic -- what will West Virginia put on its quarter? Vermont chose maple trees; Mississippi the magnolia. Since none of our state symbols (cardinal, rhododendron, black bear, etc.) are especially unique to WV, we fear the state will have to come up with something else. The Brooklyn Hillbilly feels strongly that it should not be the image from the state seal. I suggested the state seal could be modified, in light of the state's financial woes, to replace June 20, 1863 engraved on the rock with "RENT THIS SPACE" or "YOUR AD HERE."

Other ideas for the quarter:
* the Wal-Mart smiley face
* large white-tail deer, gutted and hanging from stately sugar maple (the state tree)
* Brook trout version of the "Jesus fish"
* silhouette of Robert C. Byrd

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