Thursday, February 13, 2003

The Hillbilly Sophisticate revealed
The Talking Dog has described me as a West Highland White Terrier. Well, perhaps I'm not quite that perky, but thanks -- I'm certainly in the West Highlands.

The Talking Dog brings up a good point. I suppose I am a little mysterious with ye old blog. So, here's the deal -- I'm:
--precariously close to turning 30 (people years, not dog years)
--a life-long resident of WV
--a registered Democrat, but, well, you'd have to live in rural WV to understand why (where I grew up, if you're not registered as a Democrat, then you pretty much don't get to vote in the primaries). When I change my voter registration to my current "city" of residence, I plan to register as an Independent (screw the primaries).

Some more fun facts about the Hillbilly Sophisticate:
Countries visited--Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Mexico (if you count Tijuana), Canada, Italy, and Liechtenstein (long enough to buy postcards)

Why "Hillbilly Sophisticate"?
When I was, shall we say, larger, there was a store in the mall that really irritated the hell out of me: The Petite Sophisticate. Every time I passed that store I had the inexplicable urge to spit. Perhaps it was the script lettering of their oh-so-sophisticated sign. No, I think it was just the idea that PETITE people needed their own bloody store, so they could go be petite AND sophisticated amongst their own kind. I should add that the mall had no store at all (at that time) selling only size 14 and above sizes (this, you see, was the real source of my rage). Petite people, on the other hand, had their own sophisticated little store (little, hee hee).

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