Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Landfill Decomposition Rates

Recycled Plastic Bottles on Landfill

Landfill Decomposition Rates
Newspaper: 2 to 4 weeks or longer

Milk Carton: 5 years

Cigarette Butt: up to 5 years. & leaches toxins into the ground

Aluminum Can: 80 to 200 years

Plastic Milk Jugs: 500 years

Plastic Bags: hundreds of years

Plastic Drinking Bottles: hundreds of years

Glass Bottles: tens of thousands of years

Styrofoam: no sign of ever breaking down

(Figures from

What do you think ?

Recycling Code & SymboL

Plastic is recyclable and often viewed as the more environmentally acceptable material whether it really is or not. Most plastic products come with a code on the bottom, this code determines if and how this product can be recycled. Before being recycled the plastic is sorted by a Plastic Identification Code and number; there are 7 classifications for plastic. These classifications are used world wide along with the arrowed triangle.

1. When you see a number 1 inside the recycling symbol, you are holding Polyethylene Terephthalate also known as polyester, likely a soft drink or water bottle or some sort of salad dressing or peanut butter container. Suspected cancer causing properties. Acetaldehyde was found to migrate into water. Does not clean well, do not reuse bottles. #1 is recyclable. 

2. Number 2 is High Density Polyethylene, your milk jugs, juice bottles, and shampoo bottles, for example. Little research about these. No ebidence to toxicity, endocrine disruption or estrogen mimics. Migration occurs with high temps and especially with fats or oils. HDPE generally exhibits the least migration. There is evidence of migration into food products, even dry foods. #2 is recyclable.

3. Number 3 is Vinyl or PVC. This is in window cleaners, detergent containers, and clear food packaging. Some but not all phthalates found in PVC may be considered harmful to fetuses and young infants in any concentration PVC's are suitable, if at all, only for older children. May have BPA. #3 is rarely recycled.

4. Number 4 is Low Density Polythylene, found in squeezable bottles, bread and frozen food packaging, carpet, and dry-cleaning bags. Few scholarly studies. No evidence of leaching. #4 is sometimes recycled.

5. Number 5 is Polypropylene.  Items include yogurt and syrup containers, straws and medicine containers. Stabilizers used in polypropylene are biologically active (potentially affecting nerve transmission ) and tend to leach from the plastic. #5 is sometimes recycled.

6. Number 6 is Polystyrene. This would be your disposable plates, cups, egg cartons, and cd cases. Is a mutagen, (carcinogenic or cancer causing effects) neurotoxic, cytogenetic (chromosomal and lymphatic abnormalities) #6 is recycled.

7. Number 7 is Miscellaneous. Included in this category are large, 3-5 gallon bottles used for water or gas, ipod and computer cases, DVD’s and sunglasses. Polycarbonate (Lexan) is used extensively in food-contact utensils, including baby bottles, sports water bottles, food containers and tableware. Its basic monomer is Bisphenol A (BPA), originally synthesized in the 1930's as an estrogen for pharmacological use. Some like PLA have no BPA and are considered safe. #7 is not usually recycled.

Tips for Recycling

Precycling is the step before recycling. This is the process of making a conscious choice to purchase or use products and services which will have a less harmful effect on the Environment.

Know what is recycled in your community. Some items may have special collections and recycling locations (oil & antifreeze at gas stations; plastic bags at grocery stores; six-pack rings and house batteries at schools; grass and leaves at garden centers; etc....).

If the product is packaged in material that is NOT recycled in your community, it becomes GARBAGE and is wasted!

Buy products that use less packaging. Product packaging accounts for about 33% of all household garbage. If we refuse to buy products that are over packaged, the manufacturers will by force to change their packaging to be more environmentally responsive.

Close the loop " Buy Recycled". Choose to buy products that are made from recycled material. Its only recycling if you buy recycled products.

Buy recyclable products. Choose products that are made of or packaged in recyclable material. Paper bags, cardboard boxes, glass bottles, aluminum and tin cans, and some plastics are easily recycled.

Avoid reliance on the word "degradable". A degrade product must be exposed to the element to breakdown. In a land fill these items do not breakdown because they are protected by tons of debris and dirt.

Avoid disposable and one-time use products. These are a waste of resources and energy to produce. In most cases their are reusable alternatives.

Buy in bulk or concentrated forms when ever possible. This usually saves money and reduces the amount of waste that is thrown away.

If you are not happy about the packaging you see, speak up. Let manufactures and store managers know that you are not happy with the way a product is packaged.

Courtesy of LINK
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How to Recycle