Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Support Sarkozy

The riots in France continue for a third day. The dangerous new element of these riots is the use of shotguns. Apparently, these riots began as a result of a car accident involving "minority teens" and French police. Allegedly, the police did not stop to assist the "minority teens". The police argue they stayed at the scene until EMS arrived. Who are we to believe?

Should we, as educated, critical thinking, internationally aware citizens subscribe to:
  1. The idea that the French police would engage in hit-and-run tactics?
  2. The idea that "disenfranchised immigrants" would react violently to a car accident in which they had absolutely no direct involvement?
  3. Or, perhaps the idea that the latent, terrorist sympathies burst forth on the most slim of provocations?
Charlie, over at Op-For, raises some excellent points about the history and use of the term "urban guerrillas". I respond:

The French are in a tough position. The MSM is not going to name these upstarts appropriately. So, let's call them what they are - aspiring Muslim terrorists. They are not urban guerrillas, disenfranchised youths, out-of-work slackers, or persons upset over spilled milk. As our 42nd President might have said, "they're f**k*n terrorists, stupid."

I do believe Sarkozy is the right man to lead France into the next decade. He was the interior minister during the 2005 riots and rightly labeled the rioters "scum". He's already shown his mettle in facing down, and breaking, the powerful French transportation union. He will take this battle to the immigrant-terrorists in their neighborhoods. Plus, Sarkozy pledged to keep French forces in Afghanistan for as long as the U.S. is there.

The key issue for the United States is not to let the same thing happen here. The Los Angeles police recently scrapped a Muslim neighborhood mapping plan. But, were they on the right track?

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