Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Anti-Goverment Wacko

According to the recent report from the Department of Homeland Security, veterans, particularly those returning from combat tours in Iraq or Afghanistan, represent the some of the most attractive recruits to right-wing extremists. As if vilifying veterans wasn't enough, the report suggests that both federal and state law enforcement target people who sport bumper stickers supporting third-party candidates such as Bob Barr and Ron Paul.

Based on my veteran status (though not of OIF or OEF) and my belief in the text of the Constitution and its Amendments, I am possibly a "person of interest" to the DHS. Lovely.

Apparently, the policies of President Obama and the legislation getting forced down the throat of ordinary Americans has little to do with the perceived "increased threat" to the Homeland.

What's next? A bilateral exercise with the Civilian National Security Force (proposed by Senator Obama during the '08 Presidential campaign) and the Iranian Religious Police? Perhaps the President does in fact have a way to bring the Iranians to the negotiation table...

On a brighter note
, hats off to Texas governor Rick Perry for endorsing a State Resolution affirming the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. By the way, no implementing legislation is needed for the 10th Amendment. Constitutional law scholars - gird thy loins, the war is coming, the battlefield will be the Federal Courts and Legislatures.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Decisive CT Operation Barely Reported by Press - Surprise?

CT operations occur all over the world. In the States, we only hear about a select few. In Sri Lanka, Tamil Tiger operations have been bloody, brutal, and frequent over the last ten years. Recently, the Sri Lankan government took decisive action to defeat the Tigers, but still no headlines. Perhaps an oversight? Maybe a more sinister agenda is afoot? What would you have done if you were the President of Sri Lanka?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Break in the Action

Today, Israel's Defense Ministry announced it would halt offensive operations in Gaza to permit humanitarian aid to get through. Even though the operational pause will only last for three hours, and the IDF reserved the right to defend itself if Hamas attacked, one must wonder why the humanitarian crisis needs to be avoided in the first place?

Hamas created this situation by launching over 8000, yes EIGHT THOUSAND, rockets at Israel's southern cities, over the past eight years. Hamas is the freely elected government who chose to purchase weapons, rocket parts, tunnel materials and engineering expertise, as opposed to, additional power plants, waste removal services, recycling centers, school improvements, hospitals, and other infrastructure items. Where are the social services Hamas was (in)famous for prior to its election? Why is the West Bank acting as if the action in Gaza is in another country?

The short answer is Hamas is reaping the harvest of its terrorist actions. This is the end state of non-state terrorist actors, such as Hamas (and possibly Hezbollah), when they have finally pushed too far. Unlike the United States in 2003-04 in Iraq, Israel has thoroughly planned its operation into Gaza. Overwhelming force has been deployed to the Gaza Strip. Israel's mission shall not end until it has degraded Hamas' ability to launch rockets. As Israel's Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, has said, the operation may go on for an extended period of time.

Currently, the world watches what happens when governments get fed up with terrorist actions. Turkey took similar action against the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) last year. Russia launched operations into Chechnya. The United States operates in both Iraq and Afghanistan to counter terrorists. India has a newfound interest in extending its operations. Israel is no different and has every right to pursue Hamas into every hole, school closet, hospital operating room, and mosque where they attempt to hide.

p.s. Where are Hamas' supposed leaders? Oh that's right, they don't even live in their own region, they hide in Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah controlled Lebanon.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Support Sarkozy

The riots in France continue for a third day. The dangerous new element of these riots is the use of shotguns. Apparently, these riots began as a result of a car accident involving "minority teens" and French police. Allegedly, the police did not stop to assist the "minority teens". The police argue they stayed at the scene until EMS arrived. Who are we to believe?

Should we, as educated, critical thinking, internationally aware citizens subscribe to:
  1. The idea that the French police would engage in hit-and-run tactics?
  2. The idea that "disenfranchised immigrants" would react violently to a car accident in which they had absolutely no direct involvement?
  3. Or, perhaps the idea that the latent, terrorist sympathies burst forth on the most slim of provocations?
Charlie, over at Op-For, raises some excellent points about the history and use of the term "urban guerrillas". I respond:

The French are in a tough position. The MSM is not going to name these upstarts appropriately. So, let's call them what they are - aspiring Muslim terrorists. They are not urban guerrillas, disenfranchised youths, out-of-work slackers, or persons upset over spilled milk. As our 42nd President might have said, "they're f**k*n terrorists, stupid."

I do believe Sarkozy is the right man to lead France into the next decade. He was the interior minister during the 2005 riots and rightly labeled the rioters "scum". He's already shown his mettle in facing down, and breaking, the powerful French transportation union. He will take this battle to the immigrant-terrorists in their neighborhoods. Plus, Sarkozy pledged to keep French forces in Afghanistan for as long as the U.S. is there.

The key issue for the United States is not to let the same thing happen here. The Los Angeles police recently scrapped a Muslim neighborhood mapping plan. But, were they on the right track?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

History Repeats

Currently, I'm watching Why We Fight World War II - A Prelude to War & the Nazis Strike, a 1940s era American propaganda movie, as part of the Marine Corps' Command & Staff Seminar. The movie was produced by both the Department of the Army and Hollywood (my how times have changed). The movie's main point? Simple - one way of life must survive, the USA's (and other freedom loving nations) or the Axis'.

What has struck me most are the parallels between how the Nazis, Italian fascists, and the Japanese operated then and how Islamic political and terrorist organizations are operating today. Throughout the movie, the Axis powers are shown to be advocating their way of life is not only the one, true way, but also, the way in which the whole world will eventually live under their rule. Unfortunately, the similarities between the occurrences of under 70 years ago are alive and well today.

For example, Italian women were honored and rewarded for giving birth to many sons. In comparison, the families of Palestinian suicide bombers are given state aid and numerous amounts of donations.

A second example is the political propaganda of the Axis powers. Each of those government's leaders made speech after speech about how the individual should put their trust in the state. The individual should give up thinking and criticizing the government and allow the state to think for them. Today, we see the same type of speeches in Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. This type of subjugation of the individual to the state is fascism, plain and simple.

The third example is no less shocking. The Japanese plan for its conquest was set out in the Tanaka Plan. The Tanaka Plan had several phases: 1) Conquest of Manchuria and then China; 2) Conquest of Southeast Asia; 3) Conquest of America's Pacific Islands; and 4) the Western United States. The efficacy of this plan is subject to extensive debate. However, the Japanese did execute a fair portion of it in an effort to assert their imperialistic goals.

Similarly, the stated goal of Al-Qaeda is to re-establish the caliphate of the 7th Century. They are not alone in this goal. In fact, a centerpiece of Muslim proselytizing is to convert the unbelievers to The Way.

The shocking thing is how little the free world is paying attention to the similarities between the Axis methods to those of today's Islamic terrorists. The ideology is similar - world domination. The methods are similar - subjugation of the individual to the state, or in this case, the religion. And, they both will use military action to achieve their goals. The minor difference is the Axis powers had the regular military at their disposal. The Islamists have successfully co-opted the general populace.

Wake up!!! Take notice of what is going on around us. Wake Up!!